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s; take over mand of the stone and use it against him。 But he might have a bodyguard up there with him。 That troubled me; because dealing with it could slow me disastrously。 And if he did not。 What was to prevent him from teleporting himself away if the going got too rough? Then what could I do? I would have to start all over; hunting him again。 I wondered whether I could use the Jewel to keep him from transporting himself。 I did not know。 I resolved to try。
 It might not have been the best of plans; but it was the only one I had。 There was no longer time to plot。
 As I rode; I saw that there were others headed for that height; also。 Random; Deirdre and Fiona; mounted and acpanied by eight horsemen; had made their way through the enemy lines; with a few other troops … friends or foes; I could not tell … maybe both … riding hard behind them。 The knight clad in green seemed to be moving the fastest; gaining on them。 I did not recognize him … or her; as the case might be。 I did not doubt the objective of the vanguard; however … not with Fiona there。 She must have detected Brand's presence and be leading the others to him。 A few drops of hope fell upon my heart。 She might be able to neutralize Brand's powers; or minimize them。 I leaned forward; still bearing to my left; hurrying my horse along。 The sky kept turning。 The wind whistled about me。 A terrific clap of thunder rolled by。 I did not look back。
 I was racing them。 I did not want them to get there before me; but I feared that they would。 The distance was just too great。
 If only they would turn and see me ing; they would probably wait。 I wished there had been some way of giving them a sign of my presence earlier。 I cursed the fact that the Trumps no longer worked。
 I began shouting。 I screamed after them; but the wind blew my words away and the thunder rolled over them。
 〃Wait for me! Damn it! It's Corwin!〃
 Not even a glance in my direction。
 I passed the nearest engagements and rode along the enemy's flank out of range of missiles and arrows。 They seemed to be retreating faster now and our troops were spreading out over a larger area。 Brand must be getting ready to strike。 Part of the rotating sky was covered by a dark cloud which had not been above the field minutes before。
 I turned toward my right; behind the retreating forces; racing on toward those hills the others were already mounting。
 The sky continued to darken as I neared the foot of the hills; and I feared for my kinsmen。 They were getting too close to him。 He would have to do something。 Unless Fiona was strong enough to stop him。。。
 The horse reared and I was thrown to the ground at the blinding flash which had occurred before me。 The thunder cracked before I hit the earth。
 I lay there for several moments; dazed。 The horse had run off; was perhaps fifty meters away; before he halted and began to move about uncertainly。 I rolled onto my stomach and looked up the long slope。 The other riders were also down。 Their group had apparently been struck by the discharge。 Several were moving; more were not。 None had yet risen。 Above them; I saw the red glow of the Jewel; back beneath an underhang; brighter and steadier now; and the shadowy outline of the figure who wore it。
 I began crawling forward; upward and to my left。 I wanted to get out of line of sight with that figure before I risked rising。 It would take too long to reach him crawling; and I was going to have to skirt the others now; because his attention would be with them。
 I made my way carefully; slowly; using every bit of cover in sight; wondering whether the lightning would be striking in the same place again soon … and if not; when he would begin pulling disaster down upon our troops。 Any minute now; I judged。 A glance back showed me our forces spread over the far end of the field; with the enemy pulled back and ing this way。 Before too long; in fact; it seemed I might have them to worry about; too。
 I made it into a narrow ditch and wormed my way south for perhaps ten meters。 Out again then on the far side; to take advantage of a rise; then some rocks。
 When I raised my head to take stock of the situation; I could no longer see the glow of the Jewel。 The cleft from which it had shone was blocked by its own eastern shoulder of stone。
 I kept crawling; though; near to the lip of the great abyss itself; before I bore to my right once more。 I reached a point where it seemed safe to rise; and I did so。 I kept expecting another flash; another thunderclap … nearby or on the field … but none came。 I began to wonder。。。 Why not? I reached out; trying to sense the presence of the Jewel; but I could not。 I hurried toward the place where I had seen the glow。
 I glanced back over the abyss to be sure that no new menaces were approaching from that direction。 I drew my blade。 When I reached my goal; I stayed close to the escarpment and worked my way northward。 I dropped low when I came to its edge and peered around。
 There was no red glow。 No shadowy figure either。 The stony recess appeared to be empty。 There was nothing suspicious anywhere in the vicinity。 Could he have teleported again? And if so; why?
 I rose and passed about the rocky rise。 I continued moving in that direction。 I tried once more to feel the Jewel; and this time I made a faint contact with it … somewhere off to my right and above; it seemed。
 Silent; wary; I moved that way。 Why had he left his shelter? He had been perfectly situated for what he had been about。 Unless。。。
 I heard a scream and a curse。 Two different voices。 I began to run。
 Chapter 11
 I passed the niche and kept going。 Beyond it; there was a natural trail winding upward。 I mounted this。
 I could see no one as yet; but my sense of the Jewel's presence grew stronger as I moved。 I thought that I heard a single footfall from off to my right and I whirled in that direction; but there was no one in sight。 The Jewel did not feel that near either; so I continued。
 As I neared the top of the rise; the black drop of Chaos hanging behind; I heard voices。 I could not distinguish what was being said; but the words were agitated。
 I slowed as I neared the crest; lowered myself and peered around the side of a rock。
 Random was a small distance ahead of me and Fiona was with him; as were Lords Chantris and Feldane。 All; save Fiona; held weapons as if ready to use them; but they stood perfectly still。 They were staring toward the edge of things … a shelf of rock slightly above their level and perhaps fifteen meters distant … the place where the abyss began。
 Brand stood in that place; and he was holding Deirdre before him。 She was unhelmed; her hair blowing wild; and he had a dagger at her throat。 It appeared that he had already cut her slightly。 I dropped back。
 I heard Random say softly; 〃Is there nothing more you can do; Fi?〃
 〃I can hold him here;〃 she said; 〃and at this range; I can slow his efforts at weather control。 But that is all。 He's got some attunement with it and I do not。 He also has proximity going for him。 Anything else I might try; he can counter。〃
 Random gnawed his lower lip。
 〃Put down your weapons;〃 Brand called out。 〃Do it now; or Deirdre's dead。〃
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