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 Hugi made a gargling noise。 Then: 〃You are not so blind that you deny the Absolute; the beginning and end of everything?〃
 〃It is not indispensable to a liberal education。〃
 〃You admit the possibility?〃
 〃Perhaps I know it better than you; bird。 The ego; as I see it; exists at an intermediate stage between rationality and reflex existence。 Blotting it out is a retreat; though。 If you e from that Absolute … of a self…canceling All … why do you wish to go back home? Do you so despise yourself that you fear mirrors? Why not make the trip worthwhile? Develop。 Learn。 Live。 If you have been sent on a journey why do you wish to cop out and run back to your point of departure? Or did your Absolute make a mistake in sending something of your caliber? Admit that possibility and that is the end of the news。〃
 Hugi glared at me; then sprang into the air and flew off。 Going to consult his manual; perhaps。。。
 I heard a peal of thunder as I rose to my feet。 I began walking。 I had to try to keep ahead of things。
 The trail narrowed and widened a number of times before it vanished pletely; leaving me to wander across a gravelly plain。 I felt more and more depressed as I traveled; trying to keep my mental pass set in the proper direction。 I almost came to wele the sounds of the storm; for they at least gave me a rough idea as to which way was north。 Of course; things were a bit confusing in the fog; so that I could not be absolutely certain。 And they were growing louder。。。 Damn。
 。。。And I had been grieved by the loss of Star; troubled by Hugi's futilitarianism。 This was definitely not a good day。 I began to doubt that I was going to plete my journey。 If some nameless denizen of this dark place did not ambush me before too long; there was a strong possibility that I would wander here until my strength failed or the storm caught me。 I did not know whether I would be able to beat back that canceling storm another time。 I began to doubt it。
 I tried using the Jewel to disperse the fog; but its effects seemed blunted。 By my own sluggishness; perhaps。 I could clear a small area; but my rate of travel quickly bore me through it。 My sense of Shadow was dulled in this place which seemed in some way the essence of Shadow。
 Sad。 It would have been nice to go out with opera … in a big Wagnerian finale beneath strange skies; against worthy opponents … not scrabbling about in a foggy wasteland。
 I passed a familiar…seeming outcrop of stone。 Could I have been moving in a circle? There is a tendency to do that when pletely lost。 I listened for the thunder; to take my bearings again。 Perversely; all was silent。 I moved to the outcrop and seated myself on the ground; resting my back against it。 No sense to merely wandering。 I would wait a time for the thunder's signal。 I withdrew my Trumps as I sat there。 Dad had said that they would be out of mission for a time; but I had nothing better to do。
 One by one; I went through them all; trying to reach everyone; save for Brand and Caine。 Nothing。 Dad had been right。 The cards lacked the familiar coldness。 I shuffled the entire deck then and cast my fortune; there on the sand。 I got an impossible reading and put them all away again。 I leaned back and wished I had some water left。 For a long while; I listened for the storm。 There were a few growls; but they were directionless。 The Trumps made me think of my family。 They were up ahead … wherever that might be … waiting for me。 Waiting for what? I was transporting the Jewel。 To what end? At first; I had assumed that its powers might be necessary in the conflict。 If so; and if I were indeed the only one who could employ them; then we were in bad shape。 I thought of Amber then; and I was shaken with remorse and a kind of dread。 Things must not end for Amber; ever。 There had to be a way to roll back the Chaos。。。
 I threw away a small stone I had been toying with。 Once I released it; it moved very slowly。
 The Jewel。 Its slowdown effect again。。。
 I drew more energy and the stone shot away。 It seemed that I had just taken strength from the Jewel a little while ago。 While this treatment energized my body; my mind still felt fogged up。 I needed sleep … with lots of rapid eye movements。 This place might seem a lot less unusual if I were rested。
 How close was I to my destination? Was it just beyond the next mountain range; or an enormous distance farther? And what chance had I of staying ahead of that storm; no matter what the distance? And the others? Supposing the battle was already concluded and we had lost? I had visions of arriving too late; to serve only as gravedigger。。。 Bones and soliloquies; Chaos。。。
 And where was that damned black road now that I finally had a use for it? If I could locate it; I could follow it。 I had a feeling that it was somewhere off to my left。。。
 I reached out once again; parting the fogs; rolling them back。。。 Nothing。。。
 A shape? Something moving?
 It was an animal; a large dog perhaps; moving to remain within the fog。 Was it stalking me?
 The Jewel began to pulse as I moved the fog even farther back。 Exposed; the animal seemed to shrug itself。 Then it moved straight toward me。
 Chapter 8
 I stood as it came near。 I could see then that it was a jackal; a big one; its eyes fixed on my own。
 〃You are a little early;〃 I said。 〃I was only resting。〃
 It chuckled。
 〃I have e merely to regard a Prince of Amber;〃 the beast said。 〃Anything else would be a bonus。〃 It chuckled again。 So did I。
 〃Then feast your eyes。 Anything else; and you will find that I have rested sufficiently。〃
 〃Nay; nay;〃 said the jackal。 〃I am a fan of the House of Amber。 And that of Chaos。 Royal blood appeals to me; Prince of Chaos。 And conflict。〃
 〃You have awarded me an unfamiliar title。 My connection with the Courts of Chaos is mainly a matter of genealogy。〃
 〃I think of the images of Amber passing through the shadows of Chaos。 I think of the waves of Chaos washing over the images of Amber。 Yet at the heart of the order Amber represents moves a family most chaotic; just as the House of Chaos is serene and placid。 Yet you have your ties; as well as your conflicts。〃
 〃At the moment;〃 I said; 〃I am not interested in paradox hunting and terminology games。 I am trying to get to the Courts of Chaos。 Do you know the way?〃
 〃Yes;〃 said the jackal。 〃It is not far; as the carrion bird flies。 e; I will set you in the proper direction。〃
 It turned and began walking away。 I followed。
 〃Do I move too fast? You seem tired。〃
 〃No。 Keep going。 It is beyond this valley certainly; is it not?〃
 〃Yes。 There is a tunnel。〃
 I followed it; out across sand and gravel and dry; hard ground。 There was nothing growing at either hand。 As we walked; the fogs thinned and took on a greenish cast … another trick of that stippled sky; I assumed。
 After a time; I called out; 〃How much farther is it?〃
 〃Not too far now;〃 it said。 〃Do you grow tired? Do you wish to rest?〃
 It looked back as it spoke。 The greenish light gave to its ugly features an even more ghastly cast。 Still; I needed a guide; and we were heading uphill; which seemed to be proper。
 〃Is there water anywhere near about?〃 I asked。
 〃No。 We would have to backt
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