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e pleased with it; proud of it; then?〃 need not apply; as the rent vale of Garnath and my curse might have nearer home。 Whatever I ultimately believed; I felt that I was about to enter the land of the pletely not…I。 My powers over Shadow might well be canceled beyond this point。
 I sat up straight and squinted against the glare。 I spoke a word to Star and shook the reins。 We moved ahead。
 For a moment; it was like riding into a fog。 Only it was enormously brighter; and there was absolutely no sound。 Then we were falling。
 Falling; or drifting。 After the initial shock; it was difficult to say。 At first; there was a feeling of descent … perhaps intensified by the fact that Star panicked when it began。 But there was nothing to kick against; and after a time Star ceased all movement save for shivering and heavy breathing。
 I held the reins with my right hand and clutched the Jewel with my left。 I do not know what I willed or how I reached with it; exactly; but that I wanted passage through this place of bright nothingness; to find my way once more and move on to the journey's end。
 I lost track of time。 The feeling of descent had vanished。 Was I moving; or merely hovering? No way to say。 Was the brightness really brightness; still? And that deadly silence。。。 I shuddered。 Here was even greater sensory deprivation than in the days of my blindness; in my old cell。 Here was nothing … not the sound of a scuttling rat nor the grinding of my spoon against the door; no dampness; no chill; no textures。 I continued to reach。。。
 It seemed there had been some momentary breaking of the visual field to my right; near subliminal in its brevity。 I reached out and felt nothing。
 It had been so brief a thing that I was uncertain whether it had really occurred。 It could easily have been an hallucination。
 But it seemed to happen again; this time to my left。 How long the interval between; I could not say。
 Then I heard something like a groan; directionless。 This; too; was very brief。
 Next … and for the first time; I was certain … there came a gray and white landscape like the surface of the moon。 There and gone; perhaps a second's worth; in a small area of my visual field; off to my left。 Star snorted。
 To my right appeared a forest … gray and white … tumbling; as though we passed one another at some impossible angle。 A small…screen fragment; less than two seconds' worth。
 Then pieces of a burning building beneath me。。。 Colorless。。。
 Snatches of wailing; from overhead。。。
 A ghostly mountain; a torchlit procession ascending a switchback trail up its nearest face。。。
 A woman hanging from a tree limb; taut rope about her neck; head twisted to the side; hands tied behind her back。。。
 Mountains; upside down; white; black clouds beneath。。。
 Click。 A tiny thrill of vibration; as if we had momentarily touched something solid … Star's hoof on stone; perhaps。 Then gone。。。
 Heads; rolling; dripping black gore。。。 A chuckle from nowhere。。。 A man nailed to a wall; upside down。。。
 The white light again; rolling and heaving; wavelike。。。
 Click。 Flicker。
 For one pulsebeat; we trod a trail beneath a stippled sky。 The moment it was gone; I reached for it again; through the Jewel。
 Click。 Flicker。 Click。 Rumble。
 A rocky trail; approaching a high mountain pass。。。 Still monochrome; the world。。。 At my back; a crashing like thunder。。。
 I twisted the Jewel like a focus knob as the world began to fade。 It came back again。。。 Two; three; four。。。 I counted hoofbeats; heartbeats against the growling background。。。 Seven; eight; nine。。。 The world grew brighter。 I took a deep breath and sighed heavily。 The air was cold。
 Between the thunder and its echoes; I heard the sound of rain。 None fell upon me; though。
 I glanced back。
 A great wall of rain stood perhaps a hundred meters to the rear。 I could distinguish only the dimmest of mountain outlines through it。 I clucked to Star and we moved a little faster; climbing to an almost level stretch that led between a pair of peaks like turrets。 The world ahead was still a study in black and white and gray; the sky before me divided by alternate bands of darkness and light。 We entered the pass。
 I began to tremble。 I wanted to draw rein; to rest; eat; smoke; dismount and walk around。 Yet; I was still too close to that stormscreen to so indulge myself。
 Star's hoofbeats echoed within the pass; where rock walls rose sheer on either hand beneath that zebra sky。 I hoped these mountains would break this stormfront; though I felt that they could not。 This was no ordinary storm; and I had a sick feeling that it stretched all the way back to Amber; and that I would have been trapped and lost forever within it but for the Jewel。
 As I watched that strange sky; a blizzard of pale flowers began to fall about me; brightening my way。 A pleasant odor filled the air。 The thunder at my back softened。 The rocks at my sides were shot with silver streaks。 The world was possessed of a twilight feeling to match the illumination; and as I emerged from the pass; I saw down into a valley of quirked perspective; distance impossible to gauge; filled with natural…seeming spires and minarets reflecting the moon…like light of the sky…streaks; reminiscent of a night in Tir…na Nog'th; interspersed with silvery trees; spotted with mirror…like pools; traversed by drifting wraiths; almost terraced…seeming in places; natural and rolling in others; cut by what appeared to be an extension of the line of trail I followed; rising and falling; hung over by an elegiac quality; sparked with inexplicable points of glitter and shine; devoid of any signs of habitation。
 I did not hesitate; but began my descent。 The ground about me here was chalky and pale as bone … and was that the faintest line of a black road far off to my left? I could just about make it out。
 I did not hurry now; as I could see that Star was tiring。 If the storm did not e on too quickly; I felt that we might take a rest beside one of the pools in the valley below。 I was tired and hungry myself。
 I kept a lookout on the way down; but saw no people; no animals。 The wind made a soft; sighing noise。 White flowers stirred on vines beside the trail when I reached the lower levels where regular foliage began。 Looking back; I saw that the stormfront still had not passed the mountain crest; though the clouds continued to pile behind it。
 I made my way on down into that strange place。 The flowers had long before ceased to fall about me; but a delicate perfume hung in the air。 There were no sounds other than our own and that of the constant breeze from my right。 Oddly shaped rock formations stood all about me; seeming almost sculpted in their purity of line。 The mists still drifted。 The pale grasses sparkled damply。
 As I followed the trail toward the valley's wooded center; the perspectives continued to shift about me; skewing distances; bending prospects。 In fact; I turned off the trail to the left to approach what appeared to be a nearby lake and it seemed to recede as I advanced。 When I finally came upon it; however; dismounted and dipped a finger to taste; the water was icy but sweet。
 Tired; I sprawled after drinking my fill;
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