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 It moved more easily this time; but I could not resist placing my foot against it as it began to swing and thrusting forward as hard as I could。 It shot through a full hundred and eighty degrees; slammed back against the rock on the other side with a great booming noise; fractured in several places; swayed; fell and struck the ground with a crash that made it shudder; breaking off more fragments when it hit。
 Grayswandir was back in my hand before it struck; and I had dropped into a crouch and stolen a quick look about the corner。
 Light。。。 There was illumination beyond。。。 From little lamps depending from hooks along the wall。。。 Beside the stairway。。。 Going down。。。 To a place of greater light and some sounds。。。 Like music。。。
 There was no one in sight。 I would have thought that the godawful din I had raised would have caught someone's attention; but the music continued。 Either the sound … somehow … had not carried; or they did not give a damn。 Either way。。。
 I rose and stepped over the threshold。 My foot struck against a metal object。 I picked it up and examined it。 A twisted bolt。 They had barred the door after themselves。 I tossed it back over my shoulder and started down the stair。
 The music … fiddles and pipes … grew louder as I advanced。 From the breaking of the light; I could see that there was some sort of hall off to my right; from the foot of the stair。 They were small steps and there were a lot of them。 I did not bother with stealth; but hurried down to the landing。
 When I turned and looked into the hall; I beheld a scene out of some drunken Irishman's dream。 In a smoky; torchlit hall; hordes of meter high people; red…faced and green clad; were dancing to the music or quaffing what appeared to be mugs of ale while stamping their feet; slapping tabletops and each other; grinning; laughing and shouting。 Huge kegs lined one wall; and a number of the revelers were queued up before the one which had been tapped。 An enormous fire blazed in a pit at the far end of the room; its smoke being sucked back through a crevice in the rock wall; above a pair of cavemouths running anywhere。 Star was tethered to a ring in the wall beside that pit; and a husky little man in a leather apron was grinding and honing some suspicious…looking instruments。
 Several faces turned in my direction; there were shouts and suddenly the music stopped。 The silence was almost plete。
 I raised my blade to an overhand; épée en garde position; pointed across the room toward Star。 All faces were turned in my direction by then。
 〃I have e for my horse;〃 I said。 〃Either you bring him to me or I e and get him。 There will be a lot more blood the second way。〃
 From off to my right; one of the men; larger and grayer than most of the others; cleared his throat。
 〃Begging your pardon;〃 he began; 〃but how did you get in here?〃
 〃You will be needing a new door;〃 I said。 〃Go and look if you care to; if it makes any difference … and it may。 I will wait。〃
 I stepped aside and put the wall to my back。
 He nodded。
 〃I will do that。〃
 And he darted by。
 I could feel my anger…born strength flowing into and back out of the Jewel。 One part of me wanted to cut and slash and stab my way across the room; another wanted a more humane settlement with people so much smaller than myself; and a third and perhaps wiser part suggested that the little guys might not be such pushovers。 So I waited to see how my door…opening feat impressed their spokesman。
 Moments later; he returned; giving me wide berth。
 〃Bring the man his horse;〃 he said。
 A sudden flurry of conversation occurred within the hall。 I lowered my blade。
 〃My apologies;〃 said the one who had given the order。 〃We desire no trouble with the like of you。 We will be foraging elsewhere。 No hard feelings; I hope?〃
 The man in the leather apron had untethered Star and started in my direction。 The revelers drew back to make way as he led my mount through the hall。
 I sighed。
 〃I will just call it a day and forgive and forget;〃 I said。
 The little man seized a flagon from a nearby table and passed it to me。 Seeing my expression; he sipped from it himself。
 〃Join us in a drink; then?〃
 〃Why not?〃 I said; and I took it and quaffed it as he did the same with the second one。
 He gave a gentle belch and grinned。
 〃'Tis a mighty small draught for a man of your size;〃 he said then。 〃Let me fetch you another; for the trail。〃
 It was a pleasant ale; and I was thirsty after my efforts。
 〃All right;〃 I said。
 He called for more as Star was delivered to me。
 〃You can wrap the reins around this hook here;〃 he said; indicating a low projection near the doorway; 〃and he will be safe out of the way。〃
 I nodded and did that as the butcher withdrew。 No one was staring at me any longer。 A pitcher of the brew arrived and the little man refilled our flagons from it。 One of the fiddlers struck up a fresh tune。 Moments later; another joined him。
 〃Sit a spell;〃 said my host; pushing a bench in my direction with his foot。 〃Keep your back to the wall as you would。 There will be no funny business。〃
 I did; and he rounded the table and seated himself across from me; the pitcher between us。 It was good to sit for a few moments; to take my mind from my journey for just a little while; to drink the dark ale and listen to a lively tune。
 〃I will not be apologizing again;〃 said my panion; 〃nor explaining either。 We both know it was no misunderstanding。 But you have got the right on your side; it is plain to see。〃 He grinned and winked。 〃So I am for calling it a day; too。 We will not starve。 We will just not feast tonight。 'Tis a lovely jewel you are wearing。 Tell me about it?〃
 〃Just a stone;〃 I said。
 The dancing resumed。 The voices grew louder。 I finished my drink and he refilled the flagon。 The fire undulated。 The night's cold went out of my bones。
 〃Cozy place you've got here;〃 I said。
 〃Oh; that it is。 Served us for time out of mind; it has。 Would you be liking the grand tour?〃
 〃Thank you; no。〃
 〃I did not think so; but 'twas my hostly duty to offer。 You are wele to join in the dancing; too; if you wish。〃
 I shook my head and laughed。 The thought of my cavorting in this place brought me images out of Swift。
 〃Thanks anyway。〃
 He produced a clay pipe and proceeded to fill it。 I cleaned my own and did the same。 Somehow all danger seemed past。 He was a genial enough little fellow; and the others seemed harmless now with their music and their stepping。
 Yet。。。 I knew the stories from another place; far; so far from here。。。 To awaken in the morning; naked; in some field; all traces of this spot vanished。。。 I knew; yet。。。
 A few drinks seemed small peril。 They were warming me now; and the keening of the pipes and the wailings of the fiddles were pleasant after the brain…numbing twistings of the hellride。 I leaned back and puffed smoke。 I watched the dancers。
 The little man was talking; talking。 Everyone else was ignoring me。 Good。 I was hearing some fantastic yarn of knights and wars and treasures。 Though I gave it less than half an ear; it lulled me; even drew a few chuckles。
 Inside; though; my nastier; wiser self was warning me: All right; Corwin; you have h
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