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 Amber: high and bright atop Kolvir in the middle of the day。 A black road: low and sinister through Garnath from Chaos to the south。 Me: cursing; pacing and occasionally reading in the library of the palace in Amber。 The door to that library: closed and barred。
 The mad prince of Amber seated himself at the desk; returned his attention to the opened volume。 There was a knock on the door。
 〃Go away!〃 I said。
 〃Corwin。 It's me … Random。 Open up; huh? I even brought lunch。〃
 〃Just a minute。〃
 I got to my feet again; rounded the desk; crossed the room。 Random nodded when I opened the door。 He carried a tray; which he took to a small table near the desk。
 〃Plenty of food there;〃 I said。
 〃I'm hungry; too。〃
 〃So do something about it。〃
 He did。 He carved。 He passed me some meat on a slab of bread。 He poured wine。 We seated ourselves and ate。
 〃I know you are still mad。。。〃 he said; after a time。 〃Aren't you?〃
 〃Well; maybe I am more used to it。 I don't know。 Still。。。 Yes。 It was sort of abrupt; wasn't it?〃
 I took a large swallow of wine。
 〃It is just like the old days。 Worse even。 I had actually e to like him when he was playing at being Ganelon。 Now that he is back in control he is just as peremptory as ever; he has given us a set of orders he has not bothered to explain and he has disappeared again。〃
 〃He said he would be in touch soon。〃
 〃I imagine he intended that last time; too。〃
 〃I'm not so sure。〃
 〃And he explained nothing about his other absence。 In fact; he has not really explained anything。〃
 〃He must have his reasons。〃
 〃I am beginning to wonder; Random。 Do you think his mind might finally be going?〃
 〃He was still sharp enough to fool you。〃
 〃That was a bination of low animal cunning and shapeshifting ability。〃
 〃It worked; didn't it?〃
 〃Yes。 It worked。〃
 〃Corwin; could it be that you do not want him to have a plan that might be effective; that you do not want him to be right?〃
 〃That is ridiculous。 I want this mess cleared up as much as any of us。〃
 〃Yes; but wouldn't you rather the answer came from another quarter?〃
 〃What are you getting at?〃
 〃You do not want to trust him。〃
 〃I will admit that。 I have not seen him … as himself … in a hell of a long time; and。。。〃
 He shook his head。
 〃That is not what I mean。 You are angry that he is back; aren't you? You hoped that we had seen the last of him。〃
 I looked away。
 〃There is that;〃 I finally said。 〃But not for a vacant throne; or not just for it。 It is him; Random。 Him。 That's all。〃
 〃I know;〃 he said。 〃But you have to admit he suckered Brand; which is not an easy thing to do。 He pulled a stunt I still do not understand; getting you to bring that arm back from Tir…na Nog'th; somehow getting me to pass it along to Benedict; seeing to it that Benedict was in the right place at the proper moment; so that everything worked and he got the Jewel back。 He is also still better than we are at Shadow play。 He managed it right on Kolvir when he took us to the primal Pattern。 I cannot do that。 Neither can you。 And he was able to whip Gérard。 I do not believe that he is slowing down。 I think he knows exactly what he is doing; and whether we like it or not; I think he is the only one who can deal with the present situation。〃
 〃You are trying to say that I should trust him?〃
 〃I am trying to say that you have no choice。〃
 I sighed。
 〃I guess you've put your finger on it;〃 I said。 〃No sense in my being bitter。 Still。。。〃
 〃The attack order bothers you; doesn't it?〃
 〃Yes; among other things。 If we could wait longer; Benedict could field a greater force。 Three days is not much time to get ready for something like this。 Not when we are so uncertain about the enemy。〃
 〃But we may not be。 He spoke in private with Benedict for a long while。〃
 〃And that is the other thing。 These separate orders。 This secrecy。。。 He is not trusting us any more than he has to。〃
 Random chuckled。 So did I。
 〃All right;〃 I said。 〃Maybe I would not either。 But three days to launch a war。〃 I shook my head。 〃He had better know something we don't。〃
 〃I get the impression that it is more a peremptory strike than a war。〃
 〃Only he did not bother to tell us what we are preempting。〃
 Random shrugged; poured more wine。
 〃Perhaps he will say when he gets back。 You did not get any special orders; did you?〃
 〃Just to stand and wait。 What about you?〃
 He shook his head。
 〃He said that when the time es; I will know。 At least with Julian; he told him to have his troops ready to move on a moment's notice。〃
 〃Oh? Aren't they staying in Arden?〃
 He nodded。
 〃When did he say this?〃
 〃After you left。 He trumped Julian up here to give him the message; and they rode off together。 I heard Dad say that he would ride partway back with him。〃
 〃Did they take the eastern trail over Kolvir?〃
 〃Yes。 I saw them off。〃
 〃Interesting。 What else did I miss?〃
 He shifted in his seat。
 〃The part that bothers me;〃 he said。 〃After Dad had mounted and waved a good…bye; he looked back at me and said; 'And keep an eye on Martin。' 〃
 〃That is all?〃
 〃That is all。 But he was laughing as he said it。〃
 〃Just natural suspicion at a newer; I guess。〃
 〃Then why the laugh?〃
 〃I give up。〃
 I cut a piece of cheese and ate it。
 〃Might not be a bad idea; though。 It might not be suspicion。 Maybe he feels Martin needs to be protected from something。 Or both。 Or neither。 You know how he sometimes is。〃
 Random stood。
 〃I had not thought through to the alternative。 e with me now; huh?〃 he said。 〃You have been up here all morning。〃
 〃All right。〃
 I got to my feet; buckled on Grayswandir。
 〃Where is Martin; anyway?〃
 〃I left him down on the first floor。 He was talking with Gérard。〃
 〃He is in good hands; then。 Is Gérard going to be staying here; or will he be returning to the fleet?〃
 〃I do not know。 He would not discuss his orders。〃
 We left the room。 We headed for the stairway。
 On the way down; I heard some small motion from below and I quickened my pace。
 I looked over the railing and saw a throng of guards at the entrance to the throne room; along with the massive figure of Gérard。 All of them had their backs to us。 I leaped down the final stairs。 Random was not far behind me。
 I pushed my way through。
 〃Gérard; what is happening?〃 I asked。
 〃Damned if I know;〃 he said。 〃Look for yourself。 But there is no getting in。〃
 He moved aside and I took a step forward。 Then another。 And that was it。 It was as if I were pushing against a slightly resilient; totally invisible wall。 Beyond was a sight that tied my memory and feelings into a knot。 I stiffened; as fear took hold of me by the neck; clasped my hands。 No mean trick; that。
 Martin; smiling; still held a Trump in his left hand; and Benedict … apparently recently summoned … stood before him。 A girl was nearby; on the dais; beside the throne; facing away。 Both men appeared to be speaking; but I could not hear the words。
 Finally; Benedict turned and seemed to address the girl。 After a time; she appeared to be answering him。 Martin moved off to her left。 Benedict mounted the dais as she spoke。 I could see her face then。 The exchange contin
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