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 〃No; ma petite。 Is that a problem?〃
 I did what I'd wanted to do since I first saw him。 I wrapped my fingers around him; squeezing gently。 He closed his eyes; shuddering; steadying his hands on my shoulders。 〃Not a problem;〃 I said。
 He pulled me against him suddenly; pressing our naked bodies together。 The feel of him hard and firm against my stomach was almost overwhelming。 I dug fingers into his back to keep my suddenly weak knees from giving out。
 I kissed his chest。 I rose on tiptoe and kissed his shoulders; his neck。 I ran my tongue along his skin and tasted him; rolling the scent of him; the feel of him in my mouth。 We kissed; a nearly innocent brush of lips。 I locked my hands behind his neck; arching my body against him。 He made a small sound low in his throat。
 He slid down my body; arms locked behind my back; holding me against him as he left my arms and left me standing; staring down at him。
 He licked my stomach with quick; wet flicks of his tongue。 His hands played along my buttocks; teasing。 He licked back and forth where stomach ended and lower things began。 His fingers slid between my legs。
 I gasped。 〃What are you doing?〃
 He rolled his eyes upward; mouth still pressed low on my stomach。 He raised his face just enough to speak。 〃You may have three guesses; ma petite;〃 he whispered。 He put a hand on each of my thighs and spread my legs wider。 His hand slid over me; exploring me。
 My mouth was suddenly dry。 I licked my lips and said; 〃I don't think my legs will hold。〃
 He ran his tongue down my hip。 〃When the time es; ma petite; I will hold you。〃 He kissed his way down my thigh。 His finger slid inside of me。 My breath fell outward in a sigh。
 He kissed the inside of my thighs; running his tongue; his lips along my skin。 The feel of his fingers between my legs tightened my body; and I could feel the beginnings of something large and overwhelming。
 He stood; hand still between my legs。 He bent and kissed me; long and slow。 The movement of his hand matched his mouth。 Slow and lingering; teasing along my body。 When his fingers plunged inside me; I cried out; shuddering against him。
 He left me standing in the water; alone and shivering; but not from cold。 I couldn't even think enough to ask where'd he gone。 He appeared in front of me with a condom in his hand like he'd plucked it from the air。 He traced the foil down my body。
 I touched him while he unwrapped it。 I held him in my hands and felt the velvet smoothness of him。 The skin was unbelievably soft。 He drew himself gently out of my hands with a shaking laugh。
 When he was ready; he picked me up; hands on the backs of my thighs。 He pressed himself against me without entering; rubbing himself where his hand had touched。 I whispered; 〃Please。〃 He spread my legs and eased inside of me。 Slowly; so slowly as if he were afraid he'd hurt me; but it didn't hurt。
 When he was sheathed inside me; he looked at me。 The look on his face was haunting。 Emotions flowed over his face。 Tenderness; triumph; need。 〃I have wanted this for so long; ma petite; so very long。〃 He eased in and out; slowly; almost tentatively。 I watched his face until the play of emotions was too much; too honest。 There was something like pain in his eyes; something that I didn't even e close to understanding。
 The movements of his hips were still slow; careful。 It was amazing; but I wanted more。 I brought my mouth up to his and said; 〃I won't break。〃 I pressed my mouth to his hard enough to feel the press of fangs。
 He went to his knees in the water; pressing me against the side of the tub。 His mouth fed at mine; and there was a small; sharp pain。 Sweet copper blood filled my mouth; filled his mouth; and he plunged inside of me; hard and fast。 I watched him in the mirrors。 Watched his body ing in and out of mine。 I gathered him in my arms; in my legs。 I held him to me; feeling his body plunging inside of mine。 Felt his need。
 Someone was making a high moaning sound; and it was me。 I wrapped my legs around his waist。 The muscles in my lower abdomen spasmed; tightened。
 I pressed my body against Jean…Claude as if I would climb through him; into him。 I grabbed a handful of his long hair and watched his face from inches away。 Watched his face while his body pumped into mine。 The emotions were gone。 His face was almost slack with need。 Blood spilled down the corner of my mouth; and he licked it away; his body tightening against me。
 He slowed the rhythm of his body。 I felt the effort strain through his arms and back。 He slowed。 Every time he thrust into me; it was like I could feel it into the middle of my chest。 As if he'd grown impossibly large within me。 My body spasmed around him; tightened like a hand。 He cried out; and his body lost its rhythm。 He plunged inside me faster; harder; as if he would meld our bodies together; weld us into one flesh; one body。 A wave of pleasure burst over me in a skin…tingling; body…sweeping rush。 It burst over me like a rush of cool flame; and still he was not done。 Every thrust of his body reached inside of me and caressed things that should never have been able to be touched。 It was as if his body could reach the places his voice could touch; as if it were more than his body that plunged inside of me。 The world became for a moment a shining whiteness; a melting thing。 I dug fingers into Jean…Claude's back。 Noises fell from my mouth that were too primitive for screams。 When I realized I was drawing blood on his back; I scratched my own arms。 I hadn't asked what he thought about pain。
 I cuddled around him; letting him hold the full weight of my body。 He climbed up the edge of the tub; lifting me out of the water。 He crawled on all fours to the raised area around the tub with me hanging onto him。 He lowered his body and I moved away from him。 He slid out of me and was still as hard and ready as when he had started。
 I looked at him。 〃You didn't e。〃
 〃I have not waited this long to end it so quickly。〃 He lowered himself in a sort of push…up and ran his tongue down one of the scratches on my arm。 He rolled his tongue around his lips。 〃If you did this for my benefit; I appreciate it。 If you did it to keep from damaging me; it was not necessary。 I do not mind a little pain。〃
 〃Me; either。〃
 He slid his body across mine。 〃I noticed that。〃 He kissed me slowly。 He lay beside me; then scooted until he was lying on his back and I was almost back in the tub。〃I want to watch you move; ma petite。 I want you above me。〃
 I straddled his waist and slid slowly over him。 It was deeper from this angle; sharper somehow。 His hands moved up my body; over my breasts。 He lay back underneath me。 His long; curling; black hair was almost pletely dry。 It fanned out around his face in a thick; soft wave。 This was what I wanted。 Seeing him like this。 Feeling him inside me。
 〃Move for me; Anita。〃
 I moved for him。 I rode his body。 He tightened inside me; and I gasped。 I watched us in the mirrors。 Watched my hips swaying above him。
 〃Ma petite;〃 he whispered; 〃look into my eyes。 Let it be between us as it always could have been。〃
 I stared into his dark blue eyes。 They were lovely; but they were just eyes。 I shook my head。 〃I can't。〃
 〃You must
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