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 〃They wouldn't have done anything without orders。 Jason jumped the gun。〃
 〃They didn't attack us;〃 Cassandra said。 〃They started pouring out of the wall。 Jason changed and attacked them。〃
 The giant wolf had opened the zombie's stomach and was tearing at intestines。 I'd had enough。 〃Grab the wolf;〃 I said。 The zombie under him locked its arms around the wolf's forequarters。 The wolf sank teeth into the corpse's throat and tore it out in a spurt of dark fluid and flesh。
 The rest of the zombies; somewhere between sixty and eighty; surged toward the wolf。 〃Let him up; Jason; or I'll show you what it's like to be attacked by zombies。〃
 Richard bent his elbow and tossed the zombie away from him。 The body tumbled through the air and landed in the mass of waiting zombies。 They fell like bowling pins; except that these bowling pins got to their feet; though one lost an arm in the process。
 Richard crouched by his wolves。 〃You're attacking us?〃 He sounded outraged。
 〃Pull your wolf off my zombie and it stops here。〃
 〃You think you can take us?〃 Cassandra said。
 〃With this many dead; I know I can;〃 I said。
 Stephen's face crumpled; almost like he'd cry。 〃You'd hurt us。〃
 Shit; I'd forgotten。 I was their lupa now。 I'd threatened to kill Raina if she hurt Stephen again; and here I was about to feed him to zombies。 There was a logic gap somewhere。
 〃If I'm supposed to protect you all; then you have to obey me; right? So Jason gets the fuck off my zombie or I beat the hell out of him。 Isn't that pack protocol?〃
 Richard turned to me。 There was a look on his face I'd never seen before: anger and arrogance; or something close to it。 〃I don't think Jason really expected you to demand his obedience。 I don't think any of us did。〃
 〃Then you don't know me very well;〃 I said。
 〃Mes amies; if we kill each other; won't Marcus be pleased。〃
 We all turned to Jean…Claude。 I said; 〃Stop。〃 All the zombies stopped at once like a freeze frame。 One tumbled to the floor; caught in midshuffle; rather than take that last partial step。 Zombies were terribly literal。
 The giant wolf tore another piece out of the zombie。 The dead man made a small involuntary cry。 〃Drag Jason off of it now; or we are going to do this dance。 Fuck Marcus。 I'll worry about it later。〃
 〃Off of him; Jason; now;〃 Richard said。
 The wolf reared back; tearing at the zombie's arm。 Bone cracked。 The wolf worried the arm like a terrier with a bone。 Blood and thicker fluids flew in a spray。
 Richard grabbed the wolf by the scruff of the neck; jerking it off its feet。 He grabbed the front of its furry throat and turned it to face him。 The muscles in his arms corded with the effort。 The wolf's claws scrambled in the air while it strangled。 The massive claws raked Richard's bare skin。 Blood flowed in thin crimson lines。
 He threw the wolf across the room into the waiting dead。 〃Never disobey me again; Jason; never!〃 His voice was lost in a growling that turned into a howl。 He threw back his head and bayed。 The sound rose from his human throat。 Cassandra and Stephen echoed him。 Their howls filled the room with a strange; ringing song。
 I realized then that Richard might avoid killing Marcus; but he'd never control the lukoi without brutality。 He was already casual about it。 Almost as casual as Jean…Claude。 Bad sign or good sign? I wasn't sure。
 Jason scrambled out of the dead。 He turned pale green wolf eyes to me; as if waiting for something。 〃Don't look at me;〃 I said; 〃I'm pissed with you; too。〃
 Jason stalked towards me on paws bigger across than my hands。 The fur at his neck rose in a prickling brush。 His lips curled back from his teeth in a silent growl。
 I pointed the Firestar at him。 〃Don't do it; Jason。〃
 He kept ing; each step so stiff and full of tension that it looked robotic。 He gathered his body; legs squirming into position for a leap。 I wasn't going to let him finish the movement。 If he'd been in human form; I'd have aimed to wound; but in wolf form; I wasn't taking any chances。 One scratch and I'd be alpha female for real。
 I sighted down the barrel and felt that quietness fill me。 I felt nothing while I stared down the gun at him。 Nothing but a cool; white emptiness。
 〃Stop it; both of you!〃 Richard growled。 He walked towards us。 I kept my eyes on the wolf but had a peripheral sense of Richard moving closer。
 He kept ing; easing himself between Jason and me。 I had to aim the gun skyward to keep from pointing it at his chest。 He stared at me; his face thoughtful。 〃You won't need the gun。〃 He knocked the great wolf to the floor with his fist。 The wolf lay stunned。 Only the rise and fall of its chest showed it was still alive。
 When he turned back to me; his eyes were amber; and no longer human。 〃You are my lupa; Anita; but I am still Ulfric。 I won't let you do to me what Raina has done to Marcus。 I lead this pack。〃 There was a hardness to his voice that was new。 I'd discovered his male ego at last。
 Jean…Claude laughed; a high; delighted sound that made me shiver。 Richard hugged his bare arms as if he felt it; too。
 〃Don't you realize by now; Richard; that ma petite is either your equal or your master? She knows no other way to be。〃 He came to stand by us。 He looked amused as hell。
 〃I want her to be my equal;〃 Richard said。
 〃But not within the pack;〃 Jean…Claude said。
 Richard shook his head。 〃No; I mean 。 。 。 No; Anita is my equal。〃
 〃Then what are you bitching about?〃 I said。
 He glared at me with his alien eyes。 〃I am Ulfric; not you。〃
 〃Lead; and I'll follow; Richard。〃 I stepped close to him; almost touching。 〃But lead; Richard; really lead; or get out of the way。〃
 〃As amusing as this is;〃 Jean…Claude said; 〃and believe me; ma petite; Richard; it is amusing。 We do not have time for this particular argument; not if Richard stands any hope of not being forced to kill tonight。〃
 We both glared at him; and he gave that graceful shrug that meant everything and nothing。 〃We must call the magic again; but this time; Richard needs to try and pull some of it into himself。 He needs to do something that would impress his pack。 This;〃 he motioned to the zombies; 〃though impressive; looks too much like Anita's work。〃
 〃You've got a suggestion; I take it。〃
 〃Perhaps;〃 he said。 His eyes turned very serious then; the humor dying away until his face was lovely and blank。 〃But first; I think I have a question or two for you; myself; ma petite。 I think it is not only Richard that you are emasculating today。〃
 〃What are you talking about?〃 I asked。
 He cocked his head to one side。 〃Perhaps you honestly do not know?〃 He sounded surprised。 〃There is a small hallway to the right。 Look inside it。〃
 I could see the archway at the top of the hall; but the zombies filled the space; hiding the rest from view。 〃Move forward;〃 I said。 The zombies moved like a single organism; their dead eyes watching my face as if I were all that mattered。 To them; I was。
 The zombies moved like a shambling curtain。 I could see the smaller hallway now; and the figures waiting inside。 〃Stop;〃 I said。 The zombies stopped as if I'd hit a switch。
 Liv; the blond bouncer from Danse Macabre; stood just inside the smalle
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