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 〃You won't use this as an excuse to get into her pants; either;〃 Richard said。 His voice was thick and dark with more than anger。 His hand tightened on Jean…Claude's wrist。
 Jean…Claude balled his hand into a fist and bent his arm at the elbow。 Concentration and anger touched both their faces。 I could feel the trembling effort through their chests。 Their anger prickled along my skin。 It was too soon to do all this shit over again。 〃You can arm…wrestle later; boys; we've got to go see what I raised from the dead。〃
 There was a fraction of hesitation; then they both looked down at me。 Their arms were still straining against each other。 Richard's face showed the effort。 Jean…Claude's face had gone blank and curious; as if it was no effort to hold off a werewolf。 But I could feel the fine trembling through his body。 Illusion was all with Jean…Claude。 With Richard it was all nerve endings and reality。
 〃What did you say; ma petite?〃
 〃She said she raised the dead;〃 Richard said。
 〃Yep; so get off me。 You can fight later; but right now; we need to check on what I did。〃
 〃We did;〃 Jean…Claude said。 He eased away from Richard; and after a second; Richard released his hand。
 〃What we did;〃 I said。
 Richard stood; the muscles in his bare legs moving under the skin; and it was hard not to touch them; feel the movement of him。 He offered me a hand up。
 〃Give me a minute;〃 I said。
 Jean…Claude stood as if drawn to his feet by strings。 He offered me a hand; too。
 They stood glaring at each other。 Their anger played through the air like invisible sparks。 I shook my head。 I seemed to be more worse for wear than either of them; poor human that I was。 I'd have actually taken a hand up; which was rare for me。 I sighed; got my feet under me; and stood without help from either of them。
 〃Behave yourselves;〃 I said。 〃Can't you feel what's in the air? Anger works just fine to call whatever it is; so stop it。 We may have to do it again to lay to rest what we've already called from the grave。〃
 Jean…Claude looked instantly relaxed; at ease。 He gave a low bow。 〃As you like; ma petite。〃
 Richard rotated his neck; trying to loosen his shoulders。 His hands were still balled into fists; but he nodded。 〃I don't understand how what we did called zombies。〃
 〃I can act as a focus for other animators。 It's a way to bine powers and raise an older zombie or more than one or two zombies。 I don't know how to do anything else but raise the dead; so when you shoved that much power in my face 。 。 。〃 I shrugged。 〃I did what I know how to do。〃
 〃Did you raise all of Nikoloas's old cemetery?〃 Jean…Claude asked。
 〃If we're lucky;〃 I said。
 He put his head to one side; puzzled。
 Richard looked down at himself。 〃Can I get some pants on?〃
 I smiled。 〃Seems a shame;〃 I said; 〃but yeah。〃
 〃I will fetch my robe from the bathroom;〃 Jean…Claude said。
 〃Help yourself;〃 I said。
 〃No ment about how it is a shame that I am getting dressed?〃
 I shook my head。
 〃Cruel; ma petite; very cruel。〃
 I smiled and gave him a little bow。
 He returned the smile; but there was a challenge to his eyes as he walked towards the bathroom。
 Richard was sliding into his jeans。 I watched him zip them up and button them into place。 It was fun just to watch him dress。 Love makes the smallest movements fascinating。
 I walked past him; towards the door; leaving him to put a shirt on if he was going to。 The only way to ignore him was to just not look。 The same theory worked with Jean…Claude most of the time。
 I walked to the door。 My hand was reaching for the knob when Richard grabbed me from behind; lifting me off my feet; carrying me back from the door。
 My feet were literally dangling off the ground。 〃What the hell are you doing? Put me down。〃
 〃My wolves are ing;〃 he said; as if that explained everything。
 〃Put me down。〃
 He lowered me enough for my feet to touch the floor; but his arms stayed wrapped around me; as if he was afraid I'd go for the door。 His face was distant; listening。 I heard nothing。
 A howl echoed up the corridor and raised the hairs on my arms。 〃What's going on; Richard?〃
 〃Danger;〃 he almost whispered it。
 〃Is it Raina and Marcus?〃
 He was still listening to things I could not hear。 He pushed me behind him and went to the door; still shirtless; wearing nothing but his jeans。
 I ran for the bed and the weapons。 I got the Firestar out from under the pillow。 〃Don't go out there empty…handed; dammit。〃 I dragged the Uzi out from under the bed。
 A chorus of howls went up。 Richard flung the door open and raced down the hallway。 I called his name; but he was gone。
 Jean…Claude came out of the bathroom in his black; fur…lined robe。 〃What is it; ma petite?〃
 〃pany。〃 I slipped the Uzi's strap across my chest。
 The sounds of snarling wolves came distant。 Jean…Claude ran past me; the long robe flying out behind him。 He ran like a dark wind。 When I got out to the corridor; he was nowhere in sight。
 I was going to be the last one there。 Dammit。
 Running full tilt towards a fight was not the best way to stay alive。 Caution was better。 I knew that; and it didn't matter。 Nothing mattered but getting there in time。 In time to save them。 Them。 I didn't dwell on that; I ran; the Firestar gripped tightly in my right hand; the Uzi in my left。 I was running like an idiot; but at least I was armed。
 A roaring shout thundered off the walls ahead。 Don't ask me how; but I knew it was Richard。 I didn't think I could run any faster。 I was wrong。 I spilled into the open; breath ing in throat…closing gasps; not looking left or right。 If someone had had a gun; they could have blown me away。
 Richard stood in the middle of the room; a zombie held at arm's length above his head。 A wolf the size of a pony had pinned another zombie to the floor; savaging it。 Stephen stood at Richard's back in human form; but crouched and ready to fight。 Cassandra stood back from them。 She turned to me as I skidded into the room。 There was a look on her face that I couldn't quite read; and didn't have time to puzzle over。
 Jean…Claude was at the far left; away from the werewolves。 He was staring at me; too。 I couldn't read his face; but he was in no danger。 He hadn't waded into the zombies。 He knew better。 Richard didn't。
 The room had been a narrow rectangle; but the far wall had blasted outward; scattering rubble across the floor。 It looked like the zombies had crawled out from behind the wall。 A graveyard that I; at least; hadn't known was there。
 The dead stood in front of the ruins。 Their eyes shifted to me as I saw them; and I felt the weight of their gaze like a blow to my heart。
 The fear for everyone's safety was gone; washed away in a rush of anger。 〃Richard; put it down; please; it won't hurt you。 Call Jason off the other one。〃 It had to be Jason unless there was another werewolf down here。 And if it was someone else; where was Jason?
 Richard turned his head to look at me; the zombie; once a human male; still held effortlessly above his head。 〃They attacked Jason。〃
 〃They wouldn't have done anything without orders。 Jason jumped the gun。〃
 〃They didn't attack us;〃 Cassandra said。 〃They started pouring out
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