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 Dolph looked at me。 I looked at him。 〃Philosophical differences;〃 I said finally。 Dolph didn't add anything。 I hadn't really expected him to。
 〃Okay;〃 Zerbrowski said。 He knew Dolph well enough not to pry。 Me alone; he'd have bugged the hell out of me; but not Dolph。
 〃One of the nearest neighbors is a serious right…wing vampire hater;〃 he said。 That got our attention。
 〃Explain;〃 Dolph said。
 〃Delbert Spalding and his wife Dora sat on the couch; holding hands。 She offered me iced tea。 He objected to me saying that Robert had been murdered。 Said you couldn't kill the dead。〃 Zerbrowski dug a wrinkled notebook out of his suit pocket。 He flipped some pages; tried to smooth the page down; gave up; and quoted。 〃Now that someone has destroyed that thing; the woman should abort that monster she's carrying。 I don't believe in abortion normally; but this is abomination; pure abomination。〃
 〃Humans Against Vampires; at the very least;〃 I said; 〃Maybe even Humans First。〃
 〃Maybe he just doesn't like living next door to a vampire;〃 Dolph said。
 Zerbrowski and I looked at him。
 〃Did you ask Mr。 Spalding if he belonged to either of the hate groups?〃 Dolph asked。
 〃He had HAV's newsletters scattered on his coffee table; gave me one。〃
 〃Great; 〃 I said; 〃evangelizing hatemongers。〃
 〃HAV doesn't advocate this kind of violence;〃 Dolph said。
 The way he said it made me wonder what mailing list Dolph was on。 I shook my head。 I wouldn't believe the worst of him just because he didn't like me dating the walking dead。 A few months back; I'd have felt the same way。 〃Humans First does;〃 I said。
 〃We'll find out if Mr。 Spalding is a member of Humans First;〃 Dolph said。
 〃You also need to find out if the Spaldings have any magical talent;〃 I said。
 〃How?〃 Dolph said。
 〃I could meet them; be in the same room with them。 To be sure; I might have to touch them; shake hands。〃
 〃I shook Mr。 Spalding's hand;〃 Zerbrowski said。 〃It was like shaking anybody else's hand。〃
 〃You're a great cop; Zerbrowski; but you're almost a null。 You could shake the grand high pooh…bah's hand and not get more than a twinge。 Dolph's a plete null。〃
 〃What's a null?〃 Dolph asked。
 〃A magical null。 Someone who has no magical or psychic ability。 It's what let you cross the blood circle and kept me out。〃
 〃So you're saying I have some magical ability?〃 Zerbrowski asked。
 I shook my head。 〃You're a tiny bit sensitive。 Probably one of those people who get hunches that turn out to be right。〃
 〃I get hunches;〃 Dolph said。
 〃I'll bet your hunches are based on experience; years of police work。 Zerbrowski will make a leap of logic that makes no sense; but proves to be true。 Am I wrong?〃
 They looked at each other; then at me; then both nodded。 〃Zerbrowski has his moments;〃 Dolph said。
 〃You want to e shake the Spaldings' hands?〃 Zerbrowski asked。
 〃Detective Reynolds can do it。 It's one of the reasons you brought her on board; right?〃
 They looked at each other again。 Zerbrowski grinned。 〃I'll get Reynolds and go back over。〃 He stopped at the door。 〃Katie's been after me to invite you over for dinner; meet the kids; a real domestic affair。〃 He stared at me with his brown eyes guileless behind darkrimmed glasses。 〃I was going to tell you to bring Richard; but if you're dating Count Dracula now; guess that'd be awkward。〃 He stared at me; asking without asking。
 〃I'm still seeing Richard; you pushy son of a bitch。〃
 He smiled。 〃Good。 Bring him over a week from Saturday。 Katie'll fix her famous mushroom chicken。〃
 〃If I was only dating Jean…Claude; would the invitation still include my boyfriend?〃
 〃No;〃 he said。 〃Katie's a little nervous。 I don't think she'd be up to meeting Count Dracula。〃
 〃His name's Jean…Claude。〃
 〃I know。〃 He shut the door behind him; and Dolph and I were alone with the body once more。 The night was not looking up。
 〃What are we hunting for; Anita?〃 I was actually relieved that Dolph was talking business。 I'd had enough personal chitchat to last the night。
 〃More than one murderer。〃
 I looked up at him。 〃I don't know if there's enough humans in the world to pin a vampire to the floor like that。 Even if it was other vampires or shapeshifters; it'd take more than one。 I'd say two beings with abnormal strength to hold; and a third to put in the knives。 Maybe more to hold; maybe more to do the spell。 I don't know; but at least three。〃
 〃Even if they were vampires?〃 Dolph asked。
 I nodded。 〃Unless one vamp was strong enough to have mind control over Robert。〃 I looked down at the body; careful not to touch the circle。 I forced myself to stare at what had been done to him。 〃No; once they started putting knives in him; I don't think any mind control would work。 A human; yeah; they could have done this to a human and made him smile while they did it; but not another vamp。 Did any of the neighbors see or hear anything? I mean the Spaldings may be involved; so they'd lie; but someone had to see or hear something。 He didn't go quietly。〃
 〃They say no;〃 Dolph said。 He said it like he knew some or all of them had lied。 One of the things cops learn first is that everyone lies。 Some people to hide things; some people just for the hell of it; but everyone lies。 Assume that everyone is hiding something; it saves time。
 I stared at Robert's face; his mouth half…open; slack。 There were rubbed marks at each corner of his mouth; a slight reddening。 〃Did you notice the marks by his mouth?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Dolph said。
 〃And you weren't going to mention them to me?〃
 〃You were a suspect。〃
 I shook my head。 〃You didn't really believe that。 You're just playing all the details close to your chest; like always。 I get tired of putting the pieces together when you've already done it。〃
 〃So; what do you make of the marks?〃 he asked; his voice neutral。
 〃You know damn well what I make of them。 He may have been gagged while they did this to him。 The neighbors really might not have heard anything。 But that still doesn't say how the killers got into the house。 If vampires were involved; they couldn't cross the threshold without an invitation。 Robert wouldn't have invited strange vamps into his house; so someone with them had to be known; or human; or at least not vampire。〃
 〃Could a human cross the threshold and invite vampires inside?〃
 〃Yes;〃 I said。
 Dolph was making notes; not looking at me。 〃So we're looking for a mixed group; at least one vamp; at least one not vamp; at least one witch or necromancer。〃
 〃You got that last from Reynolds;〃 I said。
 〃You disagree?〃
 〃No; but since I'm the only necromancer in town; it has to be outside talent。〃 The moment I said it; I realized that outside talent was in town now。 Dominic Dumare。
 〃John Burke couldn't do it?〃
 I thought about that。 〃John's a vaudun priest; but this isn't voodoo。 I don't know if his knowledge of the arcane stretches this far。 I also don't know if he's powerful enough to have done this; even with the knowledge。〃
 〃Are you powerful enough?〃
 I sighed。 〃I don't know; Dolph。 I'm sort of new at necromancy。 I mean; I've raised the dead for years; but not this formally。〃 I motioned at the body。 〃I've never seen a spell like this。〃
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