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gerness that made me knock about ten years off her age。 She looked thirty; but she wasn't。 Twenty…something and full of herself。 Probably around my own age; but there was a shiny newness to her that I'd lost years ago。
 Dolph stood; offering me a hand up。 I shook my head。 〃Unless you want to carry me; I can't stand yet。〃
 〃Anita; this is Detective Reynolds;〃 he said。 He didn't sound entirely happy about it。
 Reynolds walked around the edge of the circle as I had; but she was ing for a better view of me。 She ended up on the opposite side from Dolph。 She stared down at me; smiling; eager。 I stared up at her; skin still jumping from trying to force my way past the circle。
 She leaned down and whispered; 〃You're flashing the room; dear。〃
 〃That's why the underwear matches;〃 I said。
 She looked surprised。
 There was no way for me to stretch my legs out without touching the circle again; so if I wanted to quit flashing the room; I had to stand up。 I held my hand up to Dolph。 〃Help me up; but whatever you do; don't let me fall into that thing。〃
 Detective Reynolds took my other arm without being invited; but frankly; I needed the help。 My legs felt like spaghetti。 The moment she touched me; the hair on my body stood at attention。 I jerked away from her and would have fallen into the circle if Dolph hadn't caught me。
 〃What's wrong; Anita?〃 Dolph asked。
 I leaned into him and tried to breathe slowly and evenly。 〃I can't take anymore magic right this moment。〃
 〃Get her a chair from the dining room;〃 Dolph said。 He didn't speak to anyone in particular; but a uniform left the room; probably to get the chair。
 Dolph picked me up while we waited。 Since I couldn't stand; it was hard to protest; but I felt like a damn fool。
 〃What's on your back; Anita?〃 Dolph asked。
 I'd forgotten about the knife in the spine sheath。 I was saved from having to answer by the uniform bringing one of the straight…backed chairs into the room。
 Dolph eased me into the chair。 〃Did Detective Reynolds try a spell on you?〃
 I shook my head。
 〃Someone explain what just happened。〃
 An unhealthy flush crept up Reynold's pale neck。 〃I tried to read her aura; sort of。〃
 〃Why?〃 Dolph asked。
 〃Just curious。 I've read about necromancers but never met one before。〃
 I looked up at her。 〃If you want to do any more experiments; Detective; ask first。〃
 She nodded; looking younger; more unsure of herself。 〃I am sorry。〃
 〃Reynolds;〃 Dolph said。
 She looked at him。 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃Go stand over there。〃
 She glanced at both of us and nodded。 〃Yes; sir。〃 She walked over to stand by the other cops。 She tried to be nonchalant about it; but she kept looking over at us。
 〃Since when do you have a witch on the payroll?〃 I asked。
 〃Reynolds is the first detective ever with preternatural abilities。 She got her pick of assignments。 She wanted to join our squad。〃
 I was happy to hear him call it 〃our〃 squad。 〃She said I didn't draw the circle。 Did you really think I'd done that?〃 I pointed at the body。
 He stared down at me。 〃You didn't like Robert。〃
 〃If I killed everyone I didn't like; Saint Louis would be littered with bodies;〃 I said。 〃Why else did you drag me down here? She's a witch。 She probably knows more about the spell than I do。〃
 Dolph stared down at me。 〃Explain。〃
 〃I raise the dead; but I'm not a trained witch。 Most of what I do is just;〃 I shrugged; 〃sort of natural ability。 I studied basic magic theory in college; but for only a couple of classes; so if you want feedback on a detailed spell like this one; I can't help you。〃
 〃If Reynolds hadn't been here; what would you have suggested we do?〃
 〃Find a witch to undo the spell for you。〃
 He nodded。 〃Any thoughts on who or why?〃 He jabbed his thumb behind his back at the body。
 〃Jean…Claude made Robert a vampire。 That's a strong bond。 I think the spell was to prevent him from knowing what was happening。〃
 〃Could Robert have alerted his master from this far away?〃
 I thought about that。 I wasn't sure。 〃I don't know。 Maybe。 Some master vampires are better at telepathy than others。 I'm not sure how good Jean…Claude is with other vampires。〃
 〃This setup took a while;〃 Dolph said。 〃Why kill him like this?〃
 〃Good question;〃 I said。 I had a nasty idea。 〃It's a weird way to do it; but this might be a challenge to Jean…Claude's control over his territory。〃
 〃How so?〃 Dolph had his little notebook out now; pen poised。 It was almost like old times。
 〃Robert belonged to him; and now somebody's killed him。 Could be a message。〃
 He glanced back at the body。 〃But who is the message meant for? Maybe Robert pissed someone off; and it was personal。 If it was a message for your boyfriend; why not kill him at Jean…Claude's club? That's where he worked; right?〃
 I nodded。 〃Whoever did this couldn't have pulled off something so elaborate at the club; with other vampires around。 No way。 They needed privacy。 They might have needed the spell just to keep Jean…Claude or some other vamp from riding to the rescue。〃 I thought about it。 What did I really know about Robert? Not much。 I knew him as Jean…Claude's flunkie。 Monica's boyfriend; now husband。 A soon…to…be daddy。 Everything I knew about him was through other people's perceptions of him。 He'd been killed in his own bedroom; and all I could think of was that it was a message for Jean…Claude。 I was thinking of him like a flunkie because Jean…Claude treated him that way。 Because he wasn't a master vampire; no one would want to kill him for his own sake。 Geez; I was actually thinking of Robert like a disposable modity。 We could always make more。
 〃You've thought of something;〃 Dolph said。
 〃Not really。 Maybe I've been hanging around vampires too long。 I'm beginning to think like one of them。〃
 〃Explain;〃 Dolph said。
 〃I assumed that Robert's death was connected to his master。 My first thought was that no one would kill Robert for his own sake; because he wasn't important enough to kill。 I mean; killing Robert won't make you Master of the City; so why do it?〃
 Dolph looked at me。 〃You're beginning to worry me; Anita。〃
 〃Worry; hell;〃 I said; 〃I'm beginning to scare me。〃 I tried to look at the murder scene fresh; not like a vampire。 Who would go to this much trouble to kill Robert? I didn't have the faintest idea。 〃Except for this being a challenge to Jean…Claude's authority; I have no idea why anyone would kill Robert。 I guess I don't really know that much about him。 It could be one of the hate groups; Humans First or Humans Against Vampires。 But they'd have to have some heavy magical knowhow; and either group would stone a witch as fast as stake a vampire。 They consider them both devil spawn。〃
 〃Why would the hate groups single out this vampire?〃
 〃His wife's pregnant;〃 I said。
 〃Another vampire?〃 Dolph asked。
 I shook my head。 〃Human。〃
 Dolph's eyes widened just a fraction。 It was the most surprise I'd ever seen from him。 Dolph; like most cops; doesn't ruffle easily。
 〃Pregnant? And the vampire is the father?〃
 〃Yes;〃 I said。
 He shook his head。 〃Yeah; that might earn him a starring roll on the hate group hit parade。 Tell me about vampire reproduction; Anita。〃
 〃First; I need to call Jean…Cla
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