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 Greeley stood up。 〃Excuse me; Anita。 I'll be right back。〃 He even managed a friendly smile。 He was putting so much effort into the act; it was almost a shame I wasn't buying it。 Besides; if he was really being friendly; he'd have taken the cuffs off。
 Greeley tried to get Dolph to step outside; but Dolph shook his head。 〃The office is secure。 The rest of the club isn't。〃
 〃What's that supposed to mean?〃 Greeley said。
 〃It means your murder scene; plete with victim; is being flashed on national television。 You ordered that no one was to talk to the press; so they've been speculating。 Vampires run amok is the choice rumor。〃
 〃You want me to tell the media that a woman attached to a police squad is being charged with murder?〃
 〃You have three witnesses that all say Ms。 Smith pulled her gun first。 That it was selfdefense。〃
 〃That's something for the assistant district attorney to decide;〃 Greeley said。
 Funny how when he was talking to me he could make a deal。 Now that he was talking to another cop; suddenly the ADA was the only one who could make a deal。
 〃Call them;〃 Dolph said。
 〃Just like that;〃 Greeley said。 〃You want to cut her loose?〃
 〃She'll make a statement after we get her and her lawyer down to the station。〃
 Greeley made a rude sound in his throat。 〃Yeah; she's real hot for her lawyer。〃
 〃Go talk to the press; Greeley。〃
 〃And tell them what?〃
 〃That vampires aren't involved。 That it was just bad timing that the murder happened at Danse Macabre。〃
 Greeley glanced back at me。 〃I want her here when I get back; Storr。 No disappearing act。〃
 〃We'll both be here。〃
 Greeley glared at me; all his anger and frustration filling his eyes for a second。 The friendly mask was gone。 〃Make sure you are。 The brass may want you in on this; but this is a homicide case; my case。〃 He shoved a finger at Dolph; not quite touching him。 〃Don't fuck with it。〃
 Greeley pushed past him and shut the door firmly。 Silence thick enough to walk on filled the room。
 Dolph pulled a chair up in front of the desk; next to me; and sat facing me。 He clasped his big hands together and stared。 I stared back。
 〃The three women say Ms。 Smith pulled her gun first。 She ripped your purse off; so she knew where your gun was;〃 he said。
 〃I flashed it a little too much tonight。 My fault。〃
 〃I heard about you joining the show out there。 What happened?〃
 〃I had to police the show a little。 The woman didn't want to play。 It's illegal to use preternatural powers to coerce anyone into doing something they don't want to do。〃
 〃You aren't a policeman; Anita。〃
 It was the first time he'd ever reminded me of that。 Usually; Dolph treated me like one of his people。 He'd even encouraged me to simply say I was with his squad so people would assume I was a detective。
 〃You kicking me off the squad; Dolph?〃 My stomach was tight as I asked。 I valued working with the police。 I valued Dolph and Zerbrowski and the rest of the guys。 It would hurt more than I wanted to admit to lose all that。
 〃Two bodies in two days; Anita; both of them normal humans。 That's a lot of explaining at headquarters。〃
 〃If they'd been vamps or some other creepie…crawlie; everyone would look the other way; is that it?〃
 〃Picking a fight with me isn't your best bet right now; Anita。〃
 We stared at each other for a second or two。 I looked away first; and nodded。 〃Why are you here; Dolph?〃
 〃I handle the media a lot。〃
 〃But you're letting Greeley talk to the press。〃
 〃You've got to tell me what's going on; Anita。〃 His voice was quiet; but I knew by the tightness around his eyes; the way he held his shoulders; that he was angry。 I guess I couldn't blame him。
 〃What do you want to hear; Dolph?〃 I asked。
 〃The truth would be nice;〃 he said。
 〃I think I need a lawyer first。〃 I wasn't going to spill my guts just because Dolph was my friend。 He was still a cop; and I had killed someone。
 Dolph's eyes narrowed。 He turned to the uniform still leaning against the wall。 〃Rizzo; go get some coffee; black; for me。 What do you want in yours?〃
 Coffee was ing。 Things were looking up。 〃Two sugars; one cream。〃
 〃Get some for yourself; Rizzo; and take your time。〃
 Officer Rizzo pushed away from the wall where he'd been leaning。 〃You sure about this; Sergeant Storr?〃
 Dolph looked at him; just looked at him。
 Rizzo held his hands out in a sort of push away gesture。 〃I don't want Greeley riding my ass about leaving you two alone。〃
 〃Get the coffee; Officer Rizzo。 I'll take any heat that es down。〃
 Rizzo left; shaking his head; probably at the stupidity of plainclothes detectives。 When we were alone; Dolph said; 〃Turn around。〃
 I stood up and offered him my hands。 He uncuffed me; but didn't pat me down again。 He probably assumed Rizzo had done it。 I didn't tell him about the knife they missed; which would piss him off if he found it later; but hey; I couldn't let the cops confiscate all my weapons。 Besides; I didn't want to be unarmed tonight。
 I sat back down; resisting the urge to rub my wrists。 I was heap…big…vampire…slayer。 Nothing could hurt me。 Yeah; right。
 〃Talk to me; Anita。〃
 〃Off the record?〃 I asked。
 He stared at me; eyes flat and unreadable; good cop eyes。 〃I should say no。〃
 〃But;〃 I said。
 〃Off the record; tell me。〃
 I told him。 I changed only one thing: that an anonymous call had alerted me to the contract on me。 Other than that; it was the absolute truth。 I thought Dolph would be happy; but he wasn't。
 〃And you don't know why someone would put a contract out on you?〃
 〃For that kind of money; with a time limit on it; no。〃
 He stared at me; as if trying to decide how much truth I was telling him。 〃Why didn't you tell us about the anonymous phone call earlier?〃 He put a lot of stress on the word anonymous。
 I shrugged。 〃Habit; I guess。〃
 〃No; you wanted to hotdog it。 Instead of hiding out; you came here and played bait。 If the hitter had used a bomb; you could have gotten a lot of people hurt。〃
 〃But she didn't use a bomb; did she。〃
 He took a deep breath and let it out slowly。 If I hadn't known better; I'd have said he was counting to ten。
 〃You got lucky;〃 he said。
 〃I know。〃
 Dolph stared at me。 〃She nearly did you。〃
 〃If those women hadn't e in when they did; I wouldn't be talking to you now。〃
 〃You don't seem worried。〃
 〃She's dead。 I'm not。 What's to worry about?〃
 〃For that kind of money; Anita; there'll be someone else tomorrow。〃
 〃It's after midnight; and I'm still alive。 Maybe the contract will be canceled。〃
 〃Why the time limit?〃
 I shook my head。 〃If I knew that; I might know who put the hit out on me。〃
 〃And if you find out who put the money up; what will you do?〃 he asked。
 I stared at him。 Off the record or not; Dolph was still the ultimate cop。 He took his job very seriously。 〃I'll turn the name over to you。〃
 〃I wish I believed that; Anita; I really do。〃
 I gave him my best wide…eyed; innocent look。 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃Can the little girl routine; Anita。 I know you too well。〃
 〃Fine; but you and I both know that as long as the money is out there; hitters will keep ing。 I'm good; Dolph; but no one's that good。 Eventually; I'll lose。 Unless the money goe
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