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n he walked over to me。
 〃What is it?〃 he whispered。 He leaned in close enough that I could smell the mints on his breath。 Nearly every vampire I knew used breath mints。
 I still had the Seecamp naked in my hand。 I figured I could afford to get up close and personal with the new dead; so I leaned in and whispered back; 〃Is she an actress?〃
 He glanced back at the little tableau。 〃Just a volunteer from the audience。〃
 〃She wasn't a volunteer;〃 I said。 There had been a half dozen people that would have volunteered; but the vampire had chosen the one who was afraid。 That extra little bit of sadism…they just couldn't resist it。
 〃Tell Jean…Claude that if he doesn't stop this; I will。〃
 He blinked at me。
 〃Just do it;〃 I said。
 He walked around the edge of the dance floor; vanishing into the darkness。 I could sort of follow him; more an impression of movement than anything else。 I couldn't see Jean…Claude at all。
 Damian passed his hand above the woman's face; and when his hand came away; she blinked; awake at last。 Her hands flew to her blouse; eyes frantic。 〃What's happening?〃 Her voice carried; thin with fear。
 Damian tried to take her in his arms; but she drew away; and all he caught was a wrist。 She strained against him; and he held her easily。 〃Let me go; let me go; please!〃 She reached out to someone in the crowd。 〃Help me!〃
 The crowd had gone very quiet; quiet enough that I could hear the voice of her supposed friend; 〃Enjoy it。 It's just part of the show。〃
 Damian jerked her around to face him; hard enough that there would be bruises。 As soon as her eyes met his; her face went blank。 She sagged to her knees; still held by one wrist。
 He raised her to her feet; gently now。 He clasped her against him and drew her hair to one side; exposing a long line of neck。 He turned in a slow circle as if they were dancing; showing her bare flesh to all。
 Willie leaned forward; tongue dancing over his lower lip as if he could taste her skin already。 Willie was my friend; but it was good to remember that he was also a monster。
 The vampire waiter was ing back。 I could see him moving towards me。
 Damian curled his lips; exposing fangs。 He thrust his neck back giving everyone a view。 I saw his neck muscles tense and we were out of time。
 Willie looked up as if realizing the shit was hitting a different fan; but there was no time。
 I shouted; 〃Don't do it; Damian。〃 I pointed the gun at his back; about where the heart would be。 When a vamp gets around five hundred; one shot to the chest; silver bullets or not; doesn't always guarantee a kill。 But we would by God find out if he bit her。
 Willie raised his hand toward me。
 〃Don't; Willie。〃 I meant it。 Just because nobody else was allowed to kill him; didn't mean I couldn't。
 Willie sank back into his chair。
 Damian relaxed enough to turn his head and look at me。 He turned so that the girl was in front of him like a shield。 Her hair was still back on one side; her neck still exposed。 He stared at me; running one finger down her naked flesh。 Daring me。
 A dim spotlight shone on me; and the illumination built as I walked very carefully to the two steps that led down to the dance floor。 Vaulting the railing might have looked better; but it made it damn hard to hold a target。 I could probably have made the head shot from the railing; but with an unfamiliar gun; it was too risky。 I didn't want to accidentally shoot the woman in the head。 Killing the hostage is always frowned upon。
 The vampire waiters and waitresses didn't know what to do。 If I'd been some schmuck off the street; they might have tried to jump me; but I was their master's beloved; which made things a little sticky。 I kept a sort of peripheral eye on them。 〃You guys back up and give me some room…right now。〃
 They all glanced at each other。
 〃You don't want to crowd me; boys and girls; so move it!〃 They moved。
 When I was close enough to feel confident that I could make the shot; I stopped。 〃Let her go; Damian。〃
 〃She will not be harmed; Anita。 Just a little fun。〃
 〃She's unwilling。 That's against the law; even for entertainment purposes; so let her go; or I'll blow your fucking head off。〃
 〃Would you really shoot me in front of all these witnesses?〃
 〃You bet;〃 I said。 〃Besides; you're over five hundred years old。 I don't think one shot to the head will kill you; not permanently at least。 But it'll hurt like hell and may leave scars。 You wouldn't want to spoil that beautiful face; now would you?〃 I was getting tired of holding one arm out。 It wasn't that the gun was heavy; but it was hard to hold a one…handed pose for long without starting to waver。 I didn't want to waver。
 He stared at me for a space of heartbeats。 He very carefully; very slowly licked the side of the woman's neck; strange green eyes staring at me the whole time。 It was a dare。 If he thought I was bluffing; he'd picked the wrong girl。
 I let my breath out until my body was quiet; and I could hear my pulse in my ears。 I sighted down my arm; down the gun; and 。 。 。 he was gone。 He'd moved so suddenly it startled me。 I moved my finger off the trigger and pointed the gun skyward; waiting for my heart to stop pounding。
 He was standing just at the edge of the light; leaving the woman empty…faced; waiting。 Damian stared at me。
 〃Are you going to interrupt our entertainment every night?〃 he asked。
 〃I don't like it;〃 I said; 〃but pick a volunteer; and I have no quarrel with you。〃
 〃A volunteer;〃 he said; turning in a circle to view the audience。 They all stared at him。 He licked his lips; and hands went up。
 I shook my head and put the gun up。 I took the woman's hand。 〃Release her; Damian;〃 I said。
 He glanced back at her and did it。 Her eyes flew open wide; searching frantically like someone awakened from a nightmare to find it real。 I patted her hand。
 〃It's all right。 You're safe now。〃
 〃What's happening? What's happening?〃 She caught sight of Damian and started sobbing hysterically。
 Jean…Claude appeared on the edge of the light。 〃You have nothing to fear from us; fair lady。〃 He glided towards us。
 She started screaming。
 〃He won't hurt you;〃 I said。 〃I promise。 What's your name?〃
 She kept screaming。 She was taller than me; but I touched her face; putting a hand on either side; forcing her to look at me。 〃What's your name?〃
 〃Karen;〃 she whispered; 〃my name's Karen。〃
 〃We're going to walk off this dance floor; Karen; and no one will hurt you。 You have my word。〃
 She nodded over and over; breath ing so fast I was afraid she was going to pass out。
 Cassandra walked into the light; but stayed back。 〃Can I help〃
 Jean…Claude had not moved since Karen started screaming。 He just looked at me; and I still couldn't read his expression。
 〃Yeah;〃 I said; 〃I could use some help。〃
 Karen shied away from her。 〃She's not a vampire;〃 I said。
 She let Cassandra take her other arm; and we led her off the dance floor away from the light。 Jean…Claude stepped onto center stage; and his voice followed us into the darkness。 〃Did you enjoy our little melodrama?〃 There was a puzzled silence。 His voice was like fur wrapping the crowd in the dark; breathing in their fear; giving them back desir
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