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 Richard stared into Edward's face for a long time; then shook his head。 〃Okay。〃 He sat back down。 〃No more questions。 What's the plan?〃
 I smiled at him。 〃To keep the hitter from killing me。〃
 〃That's your entire plan?〃 Richard asked。
 〃And to take out the man with the money;〃 Edward said。 〃As long as the money is out there; Anita won't be safe。〃
 〃Any ideas how to acplish this?〃 Richard asked。
 Edward nodded and up…ended his coffee mug; finishing the last of it。 He went to the counter and refilled it; like he was at home。 He sat back down。 Good ol' Edward; fortable wherever he was。
 I sat waiting; watching him quietly。 He'd tell us when he was ready and not before。 Richard was practically dancing in place。 〃What?〃 he finally asked。
 Edward smiled; I think at Richard; or maybe at that eternal music that only he could hear。 The rhythm that kept him self…contained and alive。
 〃The assassin might e here today; and we'll take precautions for that。 A herd of shapeshifters was perfect。 I'd have passed on the hit myself until they cleared out。〃
 I glanced around the quiet kitchen。 The spot between my shoulder blades was itching。 〃You think we're in danger now?〃
 〃Maybe。〃 He didn't seem too worried。 〃But I think they'll hit you tonight on your date with the Master of the City。〃
 〃How did you know I had a date tonight?〃
 Edward just smiled。 〃I know that the Master of the City is taking the Executioner to the opening of his dance club; Danse Macabre。 I know that you'll be arriving in a limo。〃
 〃I didn't even know that;〃 I said。
 He shrugged。 〃It wasn't hard to find out; Anita。〃
 〃I was going to cancel my date tonight and hide out。〃
 〃If you stay here; the assassin will almost certainly e here。〃
 I glanced at Richard。 〃Oh;〃 I said。
 〃I can take care of myself;〃 Richard said。
 〃Could you kill a human being?〃 I asked。
 He blinked at me。 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃I mean if someone came at you with a gun; could you kill them?〃
 〃I said I'd kill to protect you。〃
 〃That's not what I asked; Richard; and you know it。〃
 He stood up and paced a small circle in the kitchen。 〃If it was standard ammunition; it couldn't kill me。〃
 〃You wouldn't know whether it was silver ammo until it was too late;〃 I said。
 He hugged his arms; ran his hands through his long hair; and turned to me。 〃Once you decide to start killing; it never stops; does it?〃
 〃No;〃 I said。
 〃I don't know if I could kill a human being。〃
 〃Thanks for the honesty;〃 I said。
 〃But that means you'll take an assassin into a club crowded with people'? You'll endanger all of them to keep me safe?〃
 〃I would endanger almost anyone to keep you safe。〃
 Edward made a small sound; almost a laugh。 His face was pleasant and empty。 He sipped coffee。 〃Which is why I don't want Richard in the line of fire。 You'll be so busy worrying about him; it might make you careless。〃
 〃But all those people; you can't put them in danger;〃 Richard said。
 Edward looked at me and didn't say what he was thinking。 I was grateful for that。 〃I think Edward has a plan for that; too; Richard。〃
 〃I think they'll hit you on the way home from the club。 Why work in the middle of a crowd if they don't have to? Plant a bomb on the limo; or wait until you're alone on the drive back。〃
 〃Is that what you would do?〃 Richard asked。
 Edward looked at him for a moment; then nodded。 〃Probably。 Not the bomb; but I'd hit the limo。〃
 〃Why not the bomb?〃 Richard asked。
 I didn't ask; because I knew the answer。 Edward's eyes flicked to me。 I shrugged。
 〃Because I like to kill up close and personal。 With a bomb there's no personal risk。〃
 Richard stared at him; studying his face。 He finally said; 〃Thank you for answering the question。〃
 Edward acknowledged him with a nod。 Richard was gaining brownie points from both of us。 But I knew that Richard had illusions。 If Edward seemed to like him; Richard would assume Edward wouldn't kill him。 I knew better。 If the situation called for it; Edward could pull the trigger on anyone。
 〃Let's say you're right;〃 I said。 〃I go on the date and let the hitter make his move。 Then what?〃
 〃We take him out。〃
 〃Wait a minute;〃 Richard said。 〃You're betting that the two of you are better than a professional assassin。 That you'll get to him before he gets to Anita。〃
 We both nodded。
 〃What if you're not better?〃
 Edward looked at him like he'd said the sun wouldn't rise tomorrow。
 〃Edward will be better;〃 I said。
 〃You'd bet your life on that?〃 Richard asked。
 〃I am betting my life on that;〃 I said。
 Richard looked a touch pale。 He nodded。 〃I guess you are。 What can I do to help?〃
 〃You heard Edward;〃 I said。 〃You stay here。〃
 Richard shook his head。 〃I heard; but surely in a crowd of people even Superman will need a few more eyes and ears。 The pack can help watch your back。〃
 〃It doesn't bother you to endanger them?〃
 〃You said you'd risk almost anyone to keep me safe;〃 Richard said。 〃I feel the same way。〃
 〃If they want to volunteer; that's one thing; but I don't want them ordered into it。 People aren't good bodyguards if they resent doing it。〃
 Richard laughed。 〃Very practical。 For a second there; I thought you were really worried about my wolves。〃
 〃Practical will keep me alive; Richard; sentimentality won't。〃
 〃If we had some extra watchers; it'd free me up a little;〃 Edward said。
 I looked at him。 〃You'd trust monsters to watch my back?〃
 He smiled; and it wasn't pleasant。 〃Monsters make excellent cannon fodder。〃
 〃They aren't cannon fodder;〃 Richard said。
 〃Everyone's cannon fodder;〃 Edward said; 〃eventually。〃
 〃If I really thought we were endangering innocent bystanders; I wouldn't go to the club。 You know that; Richard。〃
 He stared at me for a second; then nodded。 〃I know that。〃
 Edward made a small sound low in his throat。 〃Innocent bystanders。〃 He shook his head; smiling。 〃Let's get dressed;〃 Edward said。 〃I bought some new toys for you to use tonight。〃
 I looked at him。 〃Dangerous toys?〃 I asked。
 〃Is there any other kind?〃 We grinned at each other。
 〃You two are enjoying this;〃 Richard said。 It was almost accusatory。
 〃If we didn't enjoy it; we'd both do something else;〃 Edward said。
 〃Anita doesn't kill people for money; and you do。〃
 I watched the humor drain from Edward's eyes like the sun sinking behind clouds; leaving them pitiless and empty。 〃Think what you like; loverboy; but Anita could have chosen another line of work; one that wouldn't put her in harm's way。 But she didn't。 There's a reason for that。〃
 〃She's not like you。〃
 Edward looked at me with empty eyes。 〃Closer than she used to be。〃 His voice was soft; almost neutral; but it made me shiver。
 I met his eyes; and for the first time in a long time; wondered what I'd given up to be able to pull the trigger。 The same thing Edward had given up inside himself to be able to kill so easily? I looked up at Richard and wondered if he could do it。 If; when the fur flew; he could really kill anyone。 Some people couldn't。 No shame in that。 But if Richard backed out; he was dead。 Not tonight or tomorrow; but eventually; because Marcus would see to it。 Richard had beaten Marcus twice and refused the kill。 I 
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