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 〃Stop it; Neal;〃 Sylvie said。
 〃She didn't refuse the challenge。 It's my right。〃
 I scuttled backwards; still on the ground; not sure what to do。 The closed drapes of the picture window were at my back if I stood up。 I wasn't sure standing up was my best bet。 〃Give me the rules; quick;〃 I said。
 〃First blood;〃 Sylvie said。 〃Human form only。〃
 〃If he shapeshifts; you can shoot him;〃 Richard said。
 〃Agreed;〃 Sylvie said; others murmured their agreement。
 Peachy。 Neal leaped for me; leaving the ground pletely; hands outstretched。 I came up on one knee; grabbed his jacket; and rolled on my back; letting his amazing momentum carry us both。 I shoved both feet into his stomach and pushed with everything I had。 He flew over me in a near perfect arc。 He'd set himself up for a textbook tomoe…nage throw。
 He smashed through the window; taking the curtain with him。 I rolled to my feet and stared at the gaping window。 Broken shards of glass sprinkled onto the carpet and the yard beyond。 Neal struggled out of the curtain; blood running down his face where the glass had cut him。
 Edward was on the ground in a bat stance; gun out。 He pointed it at Neal; as he struggled free of the curtain。
 〃Don't shoot him;〃 I said。 〃I think the fight's over。〃
 Neal stood; kicking free of the clinging curtain。 〃I'll kill you。〃
 I drew the Firestar and pointed it at him。 〃I don't think so。〃
 Richard stepped up beside me。 〃She drew first blood; Neal。 The fight is over; unless you want to fight me; too。〃
 〃And me;〃 Sylvie said。 She stepped up on the other side of Richard。 The rest of the pack stepped up behind us。 Stephen crouched at my feet。
 〃She is pack now;〃 Sylvie said。 〃You fight one of us; and you fight all of us。〃
 Edward raised his eyebrows at me。 〃What is going on; Anita?〃
 〃I think I've been adopted;〃 I said。
 Neal glared at me。
 〃Do it; Neal;〃 Sylvie said。
 Neal knelt in the glass and the curtain。 The cuts were already beginning to heal on his face。 Glass wasn't silver or the claws of another monster; so he healed almost magically。
 〃You are dominant。 You are alpha。〃 The words were dragged from his throat。 〃If this window hadn't been here; you couldn't have bloodied me。〃
 〃Why do you think I moved in front of it; Neal?〃 I asked。
 His eyes squinted。 〃You planned this?〃
 I nodded and raised my gun skyward。 〃I'm not just another pretty face。〃
 Richard took my left hand; squeezing it gently。 〃That's the God's honest truth。〃
 I put up the Firestar。
 Edward shook his head; smiling; but didn't put his gun up。 He did stop pointing it at anyone。 〃You are the only person I know who leads a more interesting life than I do。〃
 Jason patted me on the back。 〃Tomorrow night we'll take you out chasing deer。〃
 〃I thought you'd chase cars;〃 I said。
 He grinned。 〃What fun is that? Cars don't bleed。〃
 I smiled; and then stopped。 His eyes were as innocent as spring skies; as joyous; and staring into them; I wasn't sure if he was kidding me or not。 I almost asked; but didn't。 I wasn't sure I wanted to know。
 Edward was five foot eight; with blond hair cut very short and close to his head。 He was blue…eyed and the epitome of WASP breeding。 He was also the most dangerous man I'd ever met; living or dead。
 He was amused as hell by the gathering of lycanthropes。 The group broke up soon after his arrival; mainly because all the business had been taken care of。 The meeting had mainly been a last…ditch effort to convince Richard to promise his morals and kill someone。 Barring that; for him to pick a lupa who would kill for him。 We'd sort of killed two birds with one stone; pun intended。 But I was very aware that I'd gotten lucky with Neal。 If he'd had a background in any martial art; if he'd known anything about fighting; I'd have been toast。
 Richard had boarded up the broken window and had a call in to a glass repair shop that was willing; for an exorbitant fee; to e out and repair the damage immediately。 I'd offered to pay for the damages since I made them。
 Edward; Richard; and I sat around the kitchen table。 Edward and I sipped coffee。 Richard drank tea。 One of his few serious faults was a total dislike of coffee。 Hard to trust a man who won't drink coffee。
 〃What have you found out?〃 I asked。
 Edward sipped his coffee and shook his head。 〃Not much。 The contract has been picked up。〃
 〃Even with the time limit?〃 I asked。
 He nodded。
 〃When is the twenty…four hours up?〃 I asked。
 〃Let's say two o'clock。 I got the offer about one o'clock last night; but we'd add an hour to be safe。〃
 〃To be safe;〃 Richard said。 I think it was sarcasm。
 〃What's wrong with you?〃 I asked。
 〃Am I the only one in this room who's worried?〃
 〃Panicking won't help; Richard。〃
 He stood up; emptying his mug in the sink and rinsing it automatically。 He turned; leaning his butt against the cabinets; arms crossed over his chest。 〃You need a clear head to plan?〃
 I nodded。 〃Yeah。〃
 He stared at us。 I watched him thinking about something serious。 He finally said; 〃I don't understand how the two of you can be calm。 I'm shocked that someone has put a contract out on Anita。 Neither of you is shocked。〃
 I looked at Edward; and he looked back at me。 We had one of those moments of perfect understanding; and I knew I couldn't explain it to Richard。 I wasn't even sure I could explain it to myself。 〃I've stayed alive this long because I don't react the way most people react。〃
 〃You've stayed alive because you're willing to do things other people aren't。〃
 I nodded。 〃That; too。〃
 His face was very serious; like a little boy asking about the facts of life。 〃Let me ask one stupid question; then I'll shut up。〃
 I shrugged。 〃Ask away。〃
 〃Anita says she doesn't enjoy killing。 That she feels nothing when she kills。〃
 I realized then that the question was going to be for Edward。 I wasn't sure how that would go over。
 〃Do you enjoy killing?〃
 Edward sat very still in his chair; drinking his coffee quietly。 His blue eyes were as neutral and unreadable as any vampire's; and in some ways just as dead。 I wondered for the first time if my eyes ever looked like that。 〃Why do you want to know?〃
 〃I agreed to kill Marcus;〃 Richard said。 〃I've never killed anyone。〃
 Edward stared up at him。 He set his coffee down carefully and met Richard's eyes。 〃Yes。〃
 〃Yes; you enjoy killing?〃 Richard asked。
 Edward nodded。
 Richard was waiting for him to explain。 You could see it in his face。
 〃He's answered your question; Richard。〃
 〃But does he enjoy the sensation of killing? Is it physical? Or is it the planning that he enjoys?〃
 Edward picked up his coffee。
 〃The question and answer session is over; Richard;〃 I said。
 A look halfway between stubbornness and frustration crossed Richard's face。 〃But 'yes;' doesn't tell me anything。〃
 〃After you kill Marcus;〃 Edward said; 〃you can ask the question again。〃
 〃And you'll answer it?〃 Richard asked。
 Edward gave the barest of nods。
 For the first time; I realized that Edward liked Richard。 Not as a friend; maybe; but he didn't think Richard was a plete waste of time。
 Richard stared into Edward's face for a long time; then shook his head。 〃Okay。〃
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