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s; especially if you had someone else in bed with you。 Besides; I wasn't sure how Stephen would take me getting dressed to lie down beside him。 Maybe he'd be insulted。 It was too plicated for me。 I turned off the light and climbed into bed beside him。 If either of us had been much bigger; we'd have never fit。 Stephen had to roll onto his side as it was。
 He curled against my back; spooning his body against mine; one arm flung across my waist; like I was the stuffed toy。 I stiffened; but Stephen didn't seem to notice。 He buried his face into my back; and let his breath out in a sigh。 I lay there in the dark and couldn't sleep。 Two months ago after I'd nearly ended up a vampire; I'd had trouble sleeping。 Close brushes with death; I could handle。 Close brushes with being the undead; that scared me。 But I got over it。 I was sleeping just fine; thank you very much; until now。 I pushed the button on my watch that made it glow。 It was only 5:30。 I'd had about an hour's sleep。 Great。
 Stephen's breathing deepened; and his body relaxed against me a muscle at a time。 He whimpered softly in his sleep; arm convulsing around me; then the dream passed and he lay still and warm。
 I drifted off to sleep; cuddling Stephen's arm around my body。 He was almost as good as a stuffed toy; though he did have a tendency to move at the odd moment。
 Daylight spilled through the thin white drapes; and at first I thought the light had awakened me。 I woke stiff; in the same position that I'd fallen asleep in; as if I hadn't moved at all during the night。 Stephen was still curled around me; a leg over my legs along with one arm like he was trying to get as close to me as he could; even in his sleep。
 I lay there for a moment with his body wrapped around me and realized I'd never awakened with a man before。 I'd had a fiancé in college and I'd had sex with him; but I'd never spent the night。 I'd never actually slept in the same bed with a man。 It was kind of odd。 I lay in the circle of warmth of Stephen's body and wished it was Richard。
 I had a vague feeling that something had awakened me; but what? I eased out from the covers and Stephen's clinging body。 He rolled over on his other side; sighing; making small protesting noises。 I tucked the covers around him and took the Firestar out from under my pillow。
 According to my watch; it was nearly 10:30。 I'd had about five hours of sleep。 I slipped on a pair of jeans; got my toothbrush and some clean undies and socks out of the suitcase。 I folded everything in a clean polo shirt and unlocked the door。 I kept the Firestar in my hand。 I'd put it on the top of the toilet while I cleaned up。 I'd have done the same thing at home。
 Someone passed in front of the door; talking。 Two voices; one of them female。 I laid the clothes on the floor; unclicked the safety on the gun; and put my left hand on the doorknob。
 〃Was that the safety on a gun I heard?〃 a man's voice said from the other side of the door。 I recognized the voice。
 I clicked the safety back in place; put the gun down the front of my pants; and slipped the Tshirt over it。 Armed; but not visibly; I opened the door。 Jason stood there; grinning at me。 He was about my height。 His blond hair was straight and baby fine; and cut just above his shoulders。 His eyes were the innocent blue of spring skies; but the look in them wasn't innocent。 He peered around me at Stephen still curled up in the bed。
 〃Is it my turn next?〃 he asked。
 I sighed; picked up my clothes; tucked them under my arm; and closed the door behind me。 〃What are you doing here; Jason?〃
 〃You don't sound happy to see me。〃 He was wearing a fishnet T…shirt。 His jeans were faded and soft with one knee pletely out。 He was twenty and had been a college student before he'd joined the pack。 Now he was Jean…Claude's wolf; and playing bodyguard and breakfast entree to the Master Vampire of the City seemed to be his only job。
 〃Isn't it a little early in the morning for fishnet?〃
 〃Wait until you see what I'm wearing to tonight's gala opening of JeanClaude's dance club。〃
 〃I may not be able to make it;〃 I said。
 He raised his eyebrows。 〃You spend one night under Richard's roof; and you break a date with Jean…Claude。〃 He shook his head。 〃I don't think that's a good idea。〃
 〃Look; neither of them own me; okay〃
 Jason backed up; hands held up in mock surrender。 〃Hey; don't shoot the messenger。 You know it will piss Jean…Claude off; and you know he'll think you slept with Richard。〃
 〃I didn't。〃
 He glanced at the closed door。 〃I know that; and I am shocked; Anita; at your choice of bed partners。〃
 〃When you tell Jean…Claude that I slept with Stephen; you make absolutely sure he knows we just shared the bed and nothing else。 If Jean…Claude gives Stephen a hard time because of your word games; I'll be angry。 You don't want me angry; Jason。〃
 He looked at me for a heartbeat or two。 Something slid behind his eyes; his beast stirring to life; just a touch。 Jason had a small streak of what Gabriel had a big streak of。 A fascination with danger; pain; and simply being an all round pain in the ass。 Jason was tolerable; not a bad guy; all in all; Gabriel was perverted; but it was still the same personality flaw done small。 After what I'd seen last night; I wondered what Jason would have thought of the entertainment。 I was almost sure he'd have disapproved; but not a hundred percent sure; which told you something about Jason。
 〃Did you really draw a machine gun on Raina and Gabriel last night?〃
 〃Yeah; I did。〃
 A woman stepped out of Richard's bedroom with an armful of towels。 She was about five foot six; with short brown hair so curly it had to be natural。 She wore navy slacks and a short…sleeved sweater。 Open…toed sandals pleted the outfit。 She looked me up and down; sort of disapproving or maybe disappointed。 〃You must be Anita Blake。〃
 〃And you are?〃
 〃Sylvie Barker。〃 She offered a hand and I took it。 The moment I touched her skin; I knew what she was。 〃Are you with the pack?〃 I asked。
 She took her hand back and blinked at me。 〃How could you tell?〃
 〃If you're trying to pass for human; don't touch someone who knows what they're looking for。 Your power prickles down my skin。〃
 〃I won't waste time trying to pass then。〃 Her power flooded over me; pouring like a blast of heat when you open an oven door。
 〃Impressive;〃 I said; glad my voice was steady。
 She gave a small smile。 〃That's quite a pliment; ing from you。 Now; I've got to get these towels to the kitchen。〃
 〃What's happening?〃 I asked。
 Sylvie and Jason exchanged glances。 She shook her head。 〃You knew Richard was hurt?〃 She made it a question。
 My stomach clenched tight。 〃He said he'd be all right。〃
 〃He will be;〃 she said。
 I felt my skin go pale。 〃Where is he?〃
 〃Kitchen;〃 Jason said。
 I didn't run; it wasn't that far; but I wanted to。 Richard sat at the kitchen table; shirtless; his back to me。 His back was a mass of fresh claw marks。 There was a bite mark in his left shoulder where a piece of flesh was missing。
 Dr。 Lillian was blotting blood off his back with a kitchen towel。 She was a small woman in her mid…fifties with salt…and…pepper hair cut in a short; no…nonsense style。 She'd 
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