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 〃Now; where is Stephen?〃 Richard asked。
 A slender black man stalked towards us; moving like a dancer in a shimmering wash of his own energy。 His hair was braided in shoulder…length cornrows with colored beads worked into them。 His features were small and neat; his skin a rich solid brown。 〃You may be able to control us one at a time; Richard; but not all at once。〃
 〃You were kicked out of your last pack for being a troublemaker; Jamil;〃 Richard said。 〃Don't make the same mistake twice。〃
 〃I won't。 Marcus will win this fight because you are a fucking bleeding heart。 You still don't get it; Richard。 We aren't the Young Republicans。〃 Jamil stopped about eight feet back。 〃We are a pack of werewolves; and we aren't human。 Unless you accept that; you are going to die。〃
 Sebastian stepped back to stand beside Jamil。 The rest of the lycanthropes moved up behind the two men。 Their bined energy flowed outward; filling the room like warm water with piranha in it。 The power bit along my skin like tiny electric shocks。 It rose in my throat until it was hard to breathe; and the hair on my head stood at attention。
 〃Will you be pissed if I kill some of them?〃 I asked。 My voice sounded squeezed and harsh。 I moved closer to Richard; but had to step back。 His power poured over me like something alive。 It was impressive; but there were twenty lycanthropes on the other side; and it wasn't that impressive。
 A scream shattered the silence; and I jumped。
 〃Anita;〃 Richard said。
 〃Go get Stephen。〃
 〃That was him screaming?〃 I asked。
 〃Go get him。〃
 I looked at the mass of lycanthropes and said; 〃You can handle this?〃
 〃I can hold them。〃
 〃You can't hold us all;〃 Jamil said。
 〃Yes;〃 Richard said; 〃I can。〃
 The scream sounded again; higher; more urgent。 The sound came from deeper in the barn where it had been divided into rooms。 There was a makeshift hallway。 I started towards it; then hesitated。 〃Will you be pissed if I kill people?〃
 〃Do what you have to do;〃 he said。 His voice had grown low; with an edge of growl to it。
 〃If she kills Raina with a gun; she still won't be your lupa;〃 Jamil said。
 I glanced at Richard's back。 I hadn't known I was being considered for the job。
 〃Go; Anita; now。〃 His voice was dying down to a growl。 He didn't have to add; hurry。 I knew that part。 He might be able to stall; but he couldn't fight them all。
 Heidi walked towards me; behind Richard's back。 He didn't turn any attention to her; as if he didn't consider her a danger at all。 She wasn't powerful; but you didn't have to be powerful or even strong to stab someone in the back; claw or knife; what did it matter? I pointed the gun at her。 She passed within inches of Richard and he did nothing。 My gun was the only thing guarding his back。 Even now; he trusted Heidi。 Right this minute; he shouldn't have trusted anyone but me。 〃Gabriel's with Raina;〃 she said。 She said his name like she was afraid of him。
 Gabriel wasn't even a member of the pack。 He was a were…leopard。 He was one of Raina's favorite actors; though。 He'd appeared in her porno flicks and even one snuff film。 I almost asked her who she feared most; Raina or Gabriel。 But it didn't matter。 I was about to confront them both。
 〃Thanks;〃 I said to Heidi。
 She nodded。
 I went for the hallway and the sound of screams。
 I entered the hallway and followed the sounds of voices to the second door on the left。 I heard at least two different male voices; soft; murmuring。 I couldn't make out the words。 The screams changed to yelling。 〃Stop; please; stop。 No!〃 It was a man; too。 Unless they were torturing more than one person tonight; it had to be Stephen。
 I took a deep breath; let it out; and reached for the door with my left hand; gun in my right。 I wished I knew the layout of the room。 Stephen yelled; 〃Please; don't!〃
 Enough。 I opened the door; shoving it against the wall so I'd know there was no one behind it。 I meant to sweep the room; but what I saw on the floor stopped me cold; like some kind of flash…frozen nightmare。 Stephen lay on his back; a white robe open; revealing his nude body。 Blood trailed down his chest in thin scarlet ribbons; though there were no apparent wounds。 Gabriel held Stephen's arms; pinned underneath his body; behind his back as if they might already be tied。 Stephen's waist…length yellow hair spilled over Gabriel's leather…clad lap。 Gabriel was naked from the waist up; a silver ring through his right nipple。 His curly black hair had spilled over his eyes; and when he looked up at me; he looked blind。
 A second man knelt on the far side of Stephen。 Curling blond hair fell to his waist。 He wore an identical white robe; fastened。 When he looked at the door; his slender; nearly pretty face was a mirror of Stephen's。 Had to be his brother。 He was holding a steel knife。 He was in midslice when I came through the door。 Fresh blood welled from Stephen's skin。
 Stephen screamed。
 There was a naked woman curled over Stephen's body。 She straddled his lower body; pinning his legs。 Her long auburn hair fell like a curtain; hiding the last indignity from sight。 Raina raised her head from Stephen's groin。 Her full lips parted in a smile。 She'd worked him to erection。 Even with his protests; his body had gone on without him。
 It took a heartbeat to see it all; a sort of slow…motion shorthand。 I sensed movement to my right and tried to turn; but it was too late。 Something furred and only half…human slammed into me。 I hit the far wall hard enough to make it shudder。 The Firestar went spinning; and I fell; stunned; to the floor。 A wolf the size of a pony loomed over me。 It opened jaws big enough to crush my face; and growled; a sound low and deep enough to stop my heart。
 I could move again; but that face was an inch from my cheek; I could feel its breath on my face。 A line of saliva fell from its mouth to glide down the edge of my mouth。 It lowered its muzzle that last inch; lips drawn back like it was going to take a nibble。 The Uzi was pinned between my back and the wall。 I went for one of the knives; and knew I'd never make it。
 Human arms curved around the wolf; tore it back; away from me。 Raina stood holding the struggling wolf like it was no effort。 Her beautiful naked body rippled with muscles that didn't show until they were used。 〃Draw no blood from her; I told you that。〃 She tossed the wolf into the other wall。 The wall cracked and buckled。 The wolf lay still; eyes rolled back into its skull。
 It gave me the time I needed。 I pulled the Uzi around on its strap。 When Raina turned back to me; I was pointing it at her。
 She stood over me; naked; perfect; slender where she was supposed to be slender; curved where she was supposed to be curved。 But since I'd seen her sculpt her body at will; I wasn't that impressed。 When you could manipulate your body like she could; who needed plastic surgery?
 〃I could have let her kill you; Anita。 You don't seem very grateful。〃
 I sat on the floor; propped against the wall; not pletely trusting that I could stand yet。 But the Uzi was pointed nice and steady。 〃Thanks a lot;〃 I said; 〃Now; back up; slowly; or I will cut you in half。〃
 Raina laughed; a low; joyous so
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