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tly watching him eat。 I was not very hungry; but it built my appetite to watch how much he enjoyed this simple; robust meal。 In this he was still a soldier; I thought。 He would take this small pleasure; this good; well…served food when he was hungry; and relish it while he could。 It gave me much satisfaction to see him with this much life and appetite to him。 I wondered how he would be next summer; when he would have to Skill for hours every day; keeping watch for Raiders off our coast; and using the tricks of his mind to set them astray while giving our own folk early warning。 I thought of Verity as he had been last summer by harvest time; worn to thinness; face lined; without the energy to eat save that he drank the stimulants that Chade put in his tea。 His life had bee the hours he spent Skilling。 e summer; his hunger for the Skilling would replace every other hunger in his life。 How would Kettricken react to that? I wondered。
       After we had eaten; Verity went over his maps with me。 There was no longer any mistaking the pattern that emerged。
       Regardless of what obstacles; forest or river or frozen plains; the Forged ones were moving toward Buckkeep。 It made no sense to me。 The ones I had encountered seemed all but bereft of their senses。 I found it difficult to believe that any one of them would conceive of traveling overland; despite hardships; simply to e to Buckkeep。 〃And these records you've kept indicate that all of them have。 All of the Forged ones that you've identified seem to be moving toward Buckkeep。〃
       〃Yet you have difficulty seeing it as a coordinated plan?〃 Verity asked quietly。
       〃I fail to see how they could have any plan at all。 How have they contacted each other? And it doesn't seem a concerted effort。 They aren't meeting up and traveling here in bands。 It simply seems that each and every one sets out this way; and some of them fall in together。〃
       〃Like moths drawn to a candle flame;〃 Verity observed。
       〃Or flies to carrion;〃 I added sourly。
       〃The ones to fascination; the others to feed;〃 Verity mused。 〃I wish I knew which it is that draws the Forged ones to me。 Perhaps another thing entirely。〃
       〃Why do you think you must know why they e? Do; you think you are their target?〃
       〃I do not know。 But if I find out; I may understand my enemy。 I do not think it chance that all the Forged ones make their way to Buckkeep。 I think they move against me; Fitz。 Perhaps not of their own will; but it is still a move against me。 I need to understand why。〃
       〃To understand them; you must bee them。〃
       〃Oh。〃 He looked less than amused。 〃Now who sounds like the Fool?〃
       The question made me uneasy and I let it slip by me。 〃My prince; when the Fool mocked me the other day 。。。〃 I hesitated; still stung by the memory。 I had always believed the Fool to be my friend。 I tried to push the emotion aside。 〃He put ideas in my mind。 In his teasing way。 He said; if I understand his riddles aright; that I should be seeking for others who are Skilled。 Men and women from your father's generation; trained by Solicity before Galen became Skill Master。 And he seemed also to say that I should be finding out more about the Elderlings。 How are they summoned; what can they do? What are they?〃
       Verity leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers over his chest。 〃Either of those quests might be enough for a dozen men。 And yet; neither is even sufficient for one; for the answers to either question are so scarce。 To the first; yes; there should yet be Skilled ones amongst us; folk older than my father even; trained for the old wars against the Outislanders。 It would not have been mon folk knowledge as to who was trained。 Training was done privately; and even those in a coterie might know of few outside their own circle。 Still; there should have been records。 I am sure there were; at one time。 But what has bee of them; no one can say。 I imagine that they were passed from Solicity down to Galen。 But they were not found in his room or among his things after he 。。。 died。〃
       It was Verity's turn to pause。 We both knew how Galen had died; in a sense had both been there; though we had never spoken much of it。 Galen had died a traitor; in the act of trying to Skill…tap Verity's strength and drain it off and kill him。 Instead; Verity had borrowed my strength to aid him in draining Galen。 It was not a thing either of us enjoyed recalling。 But I spoke boldly; trying to keep all emotion from my voice。
       〃Do you think Regal would know where such records are?〃
       〃If he does; he has said nothing of it。〃 Verity's voice was as flat as my own; putting an end to that topic。 〃But I have had some small success in uncovering a few Skilled ones。 The names; at least。 In every case; those I have managed to discover have either already died or cannot be located now。〃
       〃Um。〃 I recalled hearing something of this from Chade some time ago。 〃How did you discover their names?〃
       〃Some my father could recall。 The members of the last coterie; who served King Bounty。 Others I knew vaguely; when I was very small。 A few others I discovered by talking to some of the very old folk in the Keep; asking them to recall what rumors they could of who might have been trained in the Skill。 Though of course I did not ask in so many words。 I did not; and still do not; wish my quest to be known。〃
       〃May I ask why?〃
       He frowned and nodded toward his maps。 〃I am not as brilliant as your father was; my boy。 Chivalry could make leaps of intuition that seemed nothing short of magical。 What I discover are patterns。 Does it seem likely to you that every Skilled one I can discover should be either dead; or unfindable? It seems to me that if I find one; and his name is known as a Skilled one; it might not be healthy for him。〃
       For a time we sat in silence。 He was letting me e to my own conclusions。 I was wise enough not to voice them aloud。 〃And Elderlings?〃 I asked at last。
       〃A different sort of riddle。 At the time they were written about; all knew what they were。 So I surmise。 It would be the same if you went to find a scroll that explained exactly what a horse was。 You would find many passing mentions of them; and a few that related directly to shoeing one; or to one stallion's bloodline。 But who amongst us would see the need to devote the labor and time to writing out exactly what a horse is?〃
       〃I see。〃
       〃So; again; it is a sifting out of detail。 I have not had the time required to devote myself to such a task。〃 For a moment he sat looking at me。 Then he opened a little stone box on his desk and took out a key。 〃There is a cabinet in my bedchamber;〃 he said slowly。 〃I have gathered there what scrolls I could find that made even a passing mention of the Elderlings。 There are also some related to the Skill。 I give you leave to pore through them。 Ask Fedwren for good paper; and keep notes of what you discover。 Look for patterns among those notes。 And bring them to me; every month or so。〃
       I took the little brass key in my hand。 It weighed strangely heavy; as if attached to the task the Fool had suggested and Verity had confirmed。 Look for pattern
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