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       〃Report to me in full;〃 Verity directed me without looking at me。 I hesitated briefly; then launched into a plete retelling。 Toward the end of the struggle; my account became a bit incoherent。 I let the words die on my lips。 〃But I did manage to break his grip on me。 And all three of them died there。〃
       He did not take his eyes from the sea。 〃You should avoid physical struggles; FitzChivalry。 You always seem to get hurt in them。〃
       〃I know; my prince;〃 I admitted humbly。 〃Hod did her best with me…〃
       〃But you were not really trained to be a fighter。 You have other talents。 And those are the ones you should be putting to use to preserve yourself。 Oh; you're a petent swordsman; but you've not the brawn and weight to be a brawler。 At least; not yet。 And that is what you always seem to revert to in a fight。〃
       〃I was not offered the selection of weapons;〃 I said; a bit testily; and then added; 〃my prince。〃
       〃No。 You won't be。〃 He seemed to speak from afar。 A slight tension in the air told me that he Skilled out even as we spoke。 〃Yet I'm afraid I must send you out again。 I think you are perhaps right。 I have watched what is happening long enough。 The Forged ones are converging on Buckkeep。 I cannot fathom why; and yet perhaps knowing that is not as important as preventing them from attaining their goal。 You will again undertake the removal of this problem; Fitz。 Perhaps this time I can keep my own lady from being involved in it。 I understand that if she wishes to go riding; she now has a guard of her own?〃
       〃As you have been told; sir;〃 I told him; cursing myself for not ing to speak to him sooner of the Queen's guard。
       He turned to regard me levelly。 〃The rumor I heard was that you had authorized the creation of such a guard。 Not to steal your glory; but when such rumor reached me; I let it be supposed that I had requested it of you。 As; I suppose; I did。 Very indirectly。〃
       〃My prince;〃 I said; and had the good sense to keep quiet。
       〃Well。 If she must ride; at least she is guarded now。 Though I would greatly prefer she had no more encounters with Forged ones。 Would I could think of something to busy her;〃 he added wearily。
       〃The Queen's Garden;〃 I suggested; recalling Patience's account of it。
       Verity cocked his eye at me。
       〃The old ones; atop the tower;〃 I explained。 〃They have been unused for years。 I saw what was left of them; before Galen ordered us to dismantle them to clear space for our Skill lessons。 It must have been a charming place at one time。 Tubs of earth and greenery; statuary; climbing vines。〃
       Verity smiled to himself。 〃And basins of water; too; with pond lilies in them; and fish; and even tiny frogs。 The birds came there often in summer; to drink and to splash。 Chivalry and I used to play up there。 She had little charms hung on strings; made of glass and bright metal。 And when the wind stirred them; they would chime together; or flash like jewels in the sun。〃 I could feel myself warming with his memory of that place and time。 〃My mother kept a little hunting cat; and it would lounge on the warm stone when the sun struck it。 Hisspit; that was her name。 Spotted coat and tufted ears。 And we would tease her with string and tufts of feathers; and she would stalk us among the pots of flowers。 While we were supposed to be studying tablets on herbs。 I never properly learned them。 There was too much else to do there。 Except for thyme。 I knew every kind of thyme she had。 My mother grew a lot of thyme。 And catmint。〃 He was smiling。
       〃Kettricken would love such a place;〃 I told him。 〃She gardened much in the Mountains。〃
       〃Did she?〃 He looked surprised。 〃I would have thought her occupied with more 。。。 physical pastimes。〃
       I felt an instant of annoyance with him。 No; of something more than annoyance。 How could it be that I knew more of his wife than he did? 〃She kept gardens;〃 I said quietly。 〃Of many herbs; and knew all the uses of those that grew therein。 I have told you of them myself。〃
       〃Yes; I suppose you have。〃 He sighed。 〃You are right; Fitz。 Visit her for me; and tell her of the Queen's Garden。 It is winter now; and there is probably little she can do with it。 But e spring; it would be a wondrous thing to see it restored 。。。。〃
       〃Perhaps; you yourself; my prince;〃 I ventured; but he shook his head。
       〃I haven't the time。 But I trust it to you。 And now; downstairs。 To the maps。 I have things I wish to discuss with you。〃
       I turned immediately toward the door。 Verity followed more slowly。 I held the door for him and on the threshold he paused and looked back over his shoulder at the open window。 〃It calls me;〃 he admitted to me; calmly; simply; as if observing that he enjoyed plums。 〃It calls to me; at any moment when I am not busied。 And so I must be busy; Fitz。 And too busy。〃
       〃I see;〃 I said slowly; not at all sure that I did。
       〃No。 You don't。〃 Verity spoke with great certainty。 〃It is like a great loneliness; boy。 I can reach out and touch others。 Some; quite easily。 But no one ever reaches back。 When Chivalry was alive 。。。 I still miss him; boy。 Sometimes I am so lonely for him; it is like being the only one of something in the world。 Like the very last wolf; hunting alone。〃
       A shiver went down my spine。 〃What of King Shrewd?〃 I ventured to ask。
       He shook his head。 〃He Skills seldom now。 His strength for it has dwindled; and it taxes his body as well as his mind。〃 We went down a few more steps。 〃You and I are the only ones now to know that;〃 he added softly。 I nodded。
       We went down the stairs slowly。 〃Has the healer looked at your arm?〃 he queried。
       I shook my head。
       〃Nor Burrich。〃
       He was stating this as fact; already knowing it was true。
       I shook my head again。 The marks of Nighteyes' teeth were too plain upon my skin; although he had given those bites in play。 I could not show Burrich the marks of the Forged ones without betraying my wolf to him。
       Verity sighed。 〃Well。 Keep it clean。 I suppose you know as well as any how to keep an injury clean。 Next time you go out; remember this; and go prepared。 Always。 There may not always be one to step in and aid you。〃
       I came to a slow stop on the stairs。 Verity continued down。 I took a deep breath。 〃Verity;〃 I asked quietly。 〃How much do you know? About 。。。 this。〃
       〃Less than you do;〃 he said jovially。 〃But more than you think I do。〃
       〃You sound like the Fool;〃 I said bitterly。
       〃Yes。 Sometimes。 He is another one who has a great understanding of aloneness; and what it can drive a man to do。〃 He took a breath; and almost I thought he might say that he knew what I was; and did not condemn me for it。 Instead; he continued; 〃I believe the Fool had words with you; a few days ago。
       I followed him silently now; wondering how he knew so much about so many things。 The Skilling; of course。 We came to his study and I followed him in。 Charim; as ever; was already waiting for us。 Food was set out; and mulled wine。 Verity set upon it with a great appetite。 I sat across from him; mostly watching him eat。 I was not very hungry; but it built my appeti
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