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nd frames supported parchment screens painted with delicate sprays of flowers and trees。 There was no clutter at all。 In this room; all was finished and put away; or not yet begun。 That is the only way I can describe the stillness I felt there。
       I had e in a roil of conflicting emotions。 Now I stood still and silent; my breathing steadying and my heart calming。 One corner of the chamber had been turned into an alcove walled with the parchment screens。 Here there was a rug of green wool on the floor; and low padded benches such as I had seen in the mountains。 Kettricken placed the green bayberry candle behind one of the screens。 She kindled it with a flame from the hearth。 The dancing candlelight behind the screen gave the life and warmth of a sunrise to the painted scene。 Kettricken walked around to sit on one of the low benches within the alcove。 She indicated the bench opposite hers。 〃Will you join me?〃
       I did。 The gently lit screen; the illusion of a small private room; and the sweet scent of bayberry surrounded me。 The low bench was oddly fortable。 It took me a moment to recall the purpose of my visit。 〃My queen; I thought you might like to learn some of the games of chance we play at Buckkeep。 So you could join in when the other folk are amusing themselves。〃
       〃Perhaps another time;〃 she said kindly。 〃If you and I wish to amuse ourselves; and if it would please you to teach me the game。 But for those reasons only。 I have found the old adages to be true。 One can only walk so far from one's true self before the bond either snaps; or pulls one back。 I am fortunate。 I have been pulled back。 I walk once more in trueness to myself; FitzChivalry。 That is what you sense today。〃
       〃I don't understand。〃
       She smiled。 〃You don't need to。〃
       She fell silent again。 Little Rosemary had gone to sit by the hearth。 She took up her slate and chalk as if to amuse herself。 Even that child's normal merriment seemed placid today。 I turned back to Kettricken and waited。 But she only sat looking at me; a bemused smile on her face。
       After a moment or two; I asked; 〃What are we doing?〃
       〃Nothing;〃 Kettricken said。
       I copied her silence。 After a long time she observed; 〃Our own ambitions and tasks that we set for ourselves; the framework we attempt to impose upon the world; is no more than a shadow of a tree cast across the snow。 It will change as the sun moves; be swallowed in the night; sway with the wind; and when the smooth snow vanishes; it will lie distorted upon the uneven earth。 But the tree continues to be。 Do you understand that?〃 She leaned forward slightly to look into my face。 Her eyes were kind。
       〃I think so;〃 I said uneasily。 。
       She gave me a look almost of pity。 〃You would if you stopped trying to understand it; if you gave up worrying about why this is important to me; and simply tried to see if it is an idea that has worth in your own life。 But I do not bid you to do that。 I bid no one do anything here。〃
       She sat back again; a gentle loosening that made her straight spine seem effortless and restful。 Again she did nothing。 She simply sat across from me and unfurled herself。 I felt her life brush up against me and flow around me。 It was but the faintest touching; and had I not experienced both the Skill and the Wit; I do not think I would have sensed it。 Cautiously; as softly as if I assayed a bridge made of cobweb; I overlay my senses on hers。
       She quested。 Not as I did; toward a specific beast; or to read what might be close by。 I discarded the word I had always given to my sensing。 Kettricken did not seek after anything with her Wit。 It was as she said; simply a being; but it was being a part of the whole。 She posed herself and considered all the ways the great web touched her; and was content。 It was a delicate and tenuous thing and I marveled at it。 For an instant I; too; relaxed。 I breathed out。 I opened myself; Wit wide to all。 I discarded all caution; all worry that Burrich would sense me。 I had never done anything to pare it with before。 Kettricken's reaching was as delicate as droplets of dew sliding down a strand of spiderweb。 I was like a dammed flood; suddenly released; to rush out to fill old channels to overflowing and to send fingers of water investigating the lowlands。
       Let us hunt! The Wolf; joyfully。
       In the stables; Burrich straightened from cleaning a hoof; to frown at no one。 Sooty stamped in her stall。 Molly shrugged away and shook out her hair。 Across from me; Kettricken started and looked at me as if I had spoken aloud。 A moment more I was held; seized from a thousand sides; stretched and expanded; illuminated pitilessly。 I felt it all; not just the human folk with their ings and goings; but every pigeon that fluttered in the eaves; every mouse that crept unnoticed behind the wine kegs; every speck of life; that was not and never had been a speck; but had always been a node on the web of life。 Nothing alone; nothing forsaken; nothing without meaning; nothing of no significance; and nothing of importance。 Somewhere; someone sang; and then fell silent。 A chorus filled in after that solo; other voices; distant and dim; saying; What? Beg pardon? Did you call? Are you here? Do I dream? They plucked at me; as beggars pluck at strangers' sleeves; and I suddenly felt that if I did not draw away; I could e unraveled like a piece of fabric。 I blinked my eyes; sealing myself inside myself again。 I breathed in。
       No time had passed。 A single breath; a wink of an eye。 Kettricken looked askance at me。 I appeared not to notice。 I reached up to scratch my nose。 I shifted my weight。
       I resettled myself firmly。 I let a few more minutes pass before I sighed and shrugged apologetically。 〃I do not understand the game; I am afraid;〃 I offered。
       I had succeeded in annoying her。 〃It is not a game。 You don't have to understand it; or ‘do' it。 Simply stop all else; and be。
       I made a show of making another effort。 I sat still for several moments; then fidgeted absently with my cuff until she looked at me doing it。 Then I cast my eyes down as if ashamed。 〃The candle smells very sweet;〃 I plimented her。
       Kettricken sighed and gave up on me。 〃The girl who makes them has a very keen awareness of scents。 Almost she can bring me my gardens and surround me with their fragrances。 Regal brought me one of her honeysuckle tapers; and after that I sought out her wares myself。 She is a serving girl here; and does not have the time or resources to make too many。 So I count myself fortunate when she brings them to offer to me。〃
       〃Regal;〃 I repeated。 Regal speaking to Molly。 Regal knowing her well enough to know of her candle making。 Everything inside me clenched with foreboding。 〃My queen; I think I distract you from what you wish to be doing。 That is not my desire。 May I leave you now; to return again when you wish to have pany?〃
       〃This exercise does not exclude pany; FitzChivalry。〃 She looked at me sadly。 〃Will not you try again to let go? For a moment I thought 。。。 No? Ah; then; I let you go。〃 I heard regret and loneliness in her voice。 Then she straightened herself。 She took a breath; breathed it out s
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