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most apologetically; 〃I am having one of those mornings; Fitz; when all that fills my head is what might have been and what could have been。 I should never have allowed him to abdicate。 I'd wager he'd be alive today; if he had not。〃
       There seemed little reply I could make。 to such a statement。 She sighed again; and drew on the hearthstones with the ash coated poker。 〃I am a woman of longings today; Fitz。 While everyone else yesterday was stirred to amazement at what Kettricken did; it awakened in me the deepest discontent with myself。 Had I been in her position; I would have hidden away in my chamber。 Just as I do now。 But your grandmother would not have。 Now there was a Queen。 Like Kettricken in some ways。 Constance was a woman who spurred others to action。 Other women especially。 When she was queen; over half our guard was female。 Did you know that? Ask Hod about her sometime。 I understand that Hod came with her when Constance came here to be Shrewd's queen。〃 Patience fell silent。 For a few moments she was so quiet I thought she was finished speaking。 Then she added softly; 〃She liked me; Queen Constance did。〃 She smiled almost shyly。
       〃She knew I did not care for crowds。 So; sometimes; she would summon me; and only me; to e and attend her in her garden。 And we would not even speak much; but only work quietly in the soil and the sunlight。 Some of my pleasantest memories of Buckkeep are of those times。〃 She looked up at me suddenly。 〃I was just a little girl then。 And your father was just a boy; and we had not ever really met。 My parents brought me to Buckkeep; the times they came to court; even though they knew I did not much care for all the folderol of court life。 What a woman Queen Constance was; to notice a homely; quiet little girl; and give her of her time。 But she was like that。 Buckkeep was a different place then; a much merrier court。 Times were safer; and all was more stable。 But then Constance died; and her infant daughter with her; of a birth fever。 And Shrewd remarried a few years later; and 。。。〃 She paused and sighed again suddenly。 Then her lips firmed。 She patted the hearth beside her。
       〃e and sit here。 There are things we must speak of。〃
       I did as she bid me; likewise sitting on the hearthstones。 I had never seen Patience so serious; nor so focused。 All of this; I felt; was leading up to something。 It was so different from her usual fey prattle that it almost frightened me。 Once I was seated; she motioned me closer。 I scooted forward until I was nearly in her lap。 She leaned forward and whispered; 〃Some things are best not spoken of。 But there es a time when they must be spoken of。 FitzChivalry; my dear; do not think me mean…spirited。 But I must warn you that your uncle Regal is not as well disposed toward you as you might believe。〃
       I couldn't help it。 l laughed。
       Patience was instantly indignant。 〃You must attend me!〃 she whispered more urgently。 〃Oh; I know he is gay and charming and witty。 I know what a flatterer he can be; and I have marked well how all the young women of the court flutter their fans at him; and how all the young men mimic his clothes and mannerisms。 But underneath those fine feathers there is much ambition。 And I am afraid there is suspicion there; and jealousy; also。 I have never told you this。 But he was totally opposed to my undertaking your schooling; as well as to your learning to Skill。 Sometimes I think it is as well that you failed at that; for had you succeeded; his jealousy would have known no bounds。〃 She paused; and finding that I was listening with a sober face; she went on: 〃These are unsettled times; Fitz。 Not just because of the Red…Ships that harry our shores。 It is a time when any b 。。。 born as you were should be careful。 There are those who smile fairly at you; but may be your enemy。 When your father was alive; we relied on the fact that his influence would be enough to shelter you。 But after he was 。。。 he died; I realized that as you grew you would be more and more at risk; the closer you came to manhood。 So; when I decently could; I forced myself to e back to court; to see if there truly was need。 I found there was; and I found you worthy of my help。 So I vowed to do all I could to educate and protect you。〃 She allowed herself a brief smile of satisfaction。
       〃I would say I had done fairly well by you so far。 But〃 and she leaned closeres a time when even I will not be able to protect you。 You must begin to take care of yourself。 You must recall your lessons from Hod; and review them with her often。 You must be cautious of what you eat and drink; and be wary of visiting isolated places alone。 I hate to put these fears into you; FitzChivalry。 But you are almost a man now; and must begin to think of such things。〃
       Laughable。 Almost a farce。 So I could have seen it; to have this sheltered; reclusive woman speaking to me so earnestly of the realities of the world I had survived in since I was six。
       Instead; I found tears stinging the corners of my eyes。 I had always been mystified as to why Patience had e back to Buckkeep; to live a hermit's life in the midst of a society she obviously did not care for。 Now I knew。 She had e for me; for my sake。 To protect me。
       Burrich had sheltered me。 So had Chade; and even Verity in his way。 And of course Shrewd had claimed me as his own; very early。 But all of them; in one way and another; had stood to gain by my survival。 Even Burrich would have seen it as a great loss of pride if someone had managed to murder me while I was under his protection。 Only this woman; who by all rights should have abhorred me; had e to shelter me for my sake only。 She was so often foolish and meddlesome and sometimes most annoying。 But as our eyes met I knew she had breached the final wall I had kept between us。 I greatly doubted that her presence had done anything to deter bad will toward me; if anything; her interest in me must have been a constant reminder to Regal of who had fathered me。 But it was not the deed; but the intention that moved me。 She had given up her quiet life; her orchards and gardens and woods; to e here; to a damp castle of stone on the sea cliffs; to a court full of folk she cared nothing about; to watch over her husband's bastard。
       〃Thank you;〃 I said quietly。 And meant it with all my heart。
       〃Well。〃 She turned aside from my look quickly。 〃Well。 You are wele; you know。〃
       〃I know。 But the truth was; I came here this morning thinking that perhaps someone should warn you and Lacey to be careful of yourselves。 Times are unstable here; and you might be seen as an 。。。 obstacle。〃
       Now Patience laughed aloud。 〃I! I? Funny; dowdy; foolish old Patience? Patience; who cannot keep an idea fixed in her head for more than ten minutes? Patience; all but made mad by her husband's death? My boy; I know how they talk of me。 No one perceives me as a threat to anyone。 Why; I am but another fool here at the court; a thing to be made sport of。 I am quite safe; I assure you。 But; even if I were not; I have the habits of a lifetime to protect me。 And Lacey。〃
       〃Lacey?〃 I could not keep incredulity from my voice nor a grin from my face。 I turned to exchang
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