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ow balanced each phrase。
       〃We do not go to hunt;〃 she repeated。 〃But to claim our casualties。 We go to lay to rest those the Red…Ships have stolen from us。 The Red…Ships have taken the hearts of the Forged ones; and left their bodies to stalk us。 Nonetheless; those we put down today are of the Six Duchies。 Our own。
       〃My soldiers; I ask of you that no arrow be loosed today; no blow struck save for a clean kill。 I know you skilled enough to do this。 We have all suffered enough。 Let each death today be as brief and merciful as we can manage; for all our sakes。 Let us clench our jaws; and remove that which infects us; with as much resolve and regret as if we severed a maimed limb from a body。 For such is what we do。 Not vengeance; my people; but surgery; to be followed by a healing。 Do as I say; now。〃
       For some few minutes she stood still and looked down at us all。 As in a dream; folk began to move。 Hunters removed feathers and ribbons; tokens and jewelry from their garments and handed them to pages。 The mood of merriment and boasting had evaporated。 She had stripped that protection away; forced all to consider truly what they were about to do。 No one relished it。 All were poised; waiting to hear what she would say next。 Kettricken kept her absolute silence and stillness; so that each eye was perforce drawn back to her。 When she saw she had the attention of all; she spoke again。
       〃Good;〃 she praised us quietly。 〃And now heed my words well。 I desire horse…drawn litters; or wagons 。。。 whatever you of the stable judge best。 Pad them well with straw。 No body of our folk will be left to feed foxes or be pecked by crows。 They will be brought back here; names noted if known; and prepared for the pyre that is the honor of those fallen in battle。 If families be known and be near; they shall be summoned to the mourning。 To those who live far; word will be sent; and the honors due those who have lost their blood kin as soldiers。〃 Tears ran unchecked; untouched down her cheeks。 They glinted in the early…winter sunlight like diamonds。 Her voice thickened as she turned to mand another group。 〃My cooks and serving folk! Set all tables in the Great Hall and prepare a funeral feast。 Set the Lesser Hall with water and herbs and clean garments that we may prepare the bodies of our folk for burning。 All others; leave your ordinary duties。 Fetch wood and build a pyre。 We shall return; to burn our dead and mourn them。〃 She gazed about; meeting every eye。 Something in her face set。 She drew the sword from her belt and pointed it aloft in an oath。 〃When we have done with our grieving; we shall make ready to avenge them! Those who have taken our folk shall know our wrath!〃 Slowly she lowered her blade; sheathed it cleanly。 Again her eyes manded us。 〃And now we ride; my folk!〃
       My flesh stood up in goose bumps。 Around me; men and women were mounting horses and a hunt was forming up。 With impeccable timing; Burrich was suddenly beside the wagon; with Softstep saddled and awaiting her rider。 I wondered where he had gotten the black…and…red harness; the colors of grief and vengeance。 I wondered if she had ordered it; or if he had simply known。 She stepped down; onto her horse's back; then settled into the saddle; and Softstep stood steady despite the novel mount。 She lifted her hand; and it held a sword。 The hunt surged forth behind her:
       〃Stop her!〃 hissed Regal behind me; and I spun to find that both he and Verity stood at my back; pletely unnoticed by the crowd。
       〃No!〃 I dared to breathe aloud。 〃Cannot you feel it? Do not spoil it。 She's given them all something back。 I don't know what it is; but they have been sore missing it for a long time。〃
       〃It is pride;〃 Verity said; his deep voice a rumble。 〃What we have all been missing; and I most of all。 There rides a Queen;〃 he continued in soft amazement。 Was there a shade of envy there as well? He turned slowly and went quietly back into the Keep。 Behind us a babble of voices arose; and folk hastened to do as she had bidden them。 I walked behind Verity; near stunned by what I had witnessed。 Regal pushed past me; to leap in front of Verity and confront him。 He was quivering with outrage。 My prince halted。
       〃How can you have allowed this to happen? Have you no control over that woman at all? She makes mockery of us! Who is she; to thus issue mands and take out an armed guard from the Keep! Who is she; to decree all this so highhandedly!〃 Regal's voice cracked in his fury。
       〃My wife;〃 Verity said mildly。 〃And your queen…in…waiting。 The one you chose。 Father assured me you would choose a woman worthy to be a Queen。 I think you picked better than you knew。〃
       〃Your wife? Your undoing; you ass! She undermines you; she cuts your throat as you sleep! She steals their hearts; she builds her own name! Cannot you see it; you dolt? You may be content to let that Mountain vixen steal the crown; but I am not!〃
       I turned aside hastily and bent to retie my shoe so I could not witness that Prince Verity struck Prince Regal。 I did hear something very like the crack of an openhanded blow to a man's face and a bitten off cry of fury。 When I looked up; Verity was standing as quietly as before; while Regal hunkered forward with a hand over his nose and mouth。 〃King…in…Waiting Verity will brook no insults to Queen…in…Waiting Kettricken。 Or even to himself。 I said my lady had reawakened pride in our soldiers。 Perhaps she has stirred mine as well。〃 Verity looked mildly surprised as he considered this。
       〃The King will hear of this!〃 Regal took his hand away from his face; looked aghast at the blood on it。 He held it up; shaking; to show Verity。 〃My father will see this blood you have shed!〃 he quavered; and choked on the blood coursing from his nose。 He leaned forward slightly and held his bloody hand away from himself so as not to spoil his clothing with a stain。
       〃What? You intend to bleed all the way to this afternoon; when our father arises? If you can manage that; e and show me as well!〃 To me: 〃Fitz! Have you nothing better to do than stand about gaping? Be off with you。 See that my lady's mands are well obeyed!〃
       Verity turned and strode off down the corridor。 I made haste to obey and to take myself out of Regal's range。 Behind us; he stamped and cursed like a child in the midst of a tantrum。 Neither of us turned back to him; but I at least hoped that no servants had marked what had transpired。
       It was a long and peculiar day about the Keep。 Verity made a visit to King Shrewd's rooms; and then kept himself to his map room。 I know not what Regal did。 All folk turned out to do the Queen's bidding; working swiftly; but almost silently; gossiping quietly among themselves as they prepared the one hall for food and the other for bodies。 One great change I marked。 Those women who had been most faithful to the Queen now found themselves attended; as if they were shadows of Kettricken。 And these nobly born women suddenly did not scruple to e themselves to the Lesser Hall; to supervise the preparing of the herb…scented water and the laying out of towels and linens。 I myself helped with the fetching of wood for the required pyre。
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