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mly before I could add that such was not the case with Regal。 If he had not intended her harm; neither had he kept her from ing to it。 I did not believe he had ever intended to show her 〃sport〃 in chasing a fox across snowy hills in the twilight。 He had meant to lose her。 And done so handily。
       〃I think my lord will be very wroth with me;〃 she said; woeful as a child。 As if in answer to her prediction; we rounded the shoulder of the hill and saw men on horseback bearing torches ing toward us。 We heard the horn again; more clearly; and in a few moments we were among them。 They were the forerunners of the main search party; and a girl set out at once galloping back to tell the King…in…Waiting that his queen had been found。 In the light of the torches; Verity's guards exclaimed and swore over the blood that glinted yet on Softstep's neck; but Kettricken kept her posure as she assured them that none of it was hers。 She spoke quietly of the Forged ones who had set upon her and what she had done to defend herself。 I saw admiration of her growing among the soldiers。 I heard then for the first time that the boldest attacker had dropped out of a tree upon her。 Him she had slain first。
       〃Four she done; and not a scratch upon her!〃 exulted one grizzled veteran; and then: 〃Begging your pardon; my lady queen。 No disrespect meant! 〃
       〃It might have been a different tale had not Fitz e to free my horse's head;〃 Kettricken said quietly。 Their respect for her grew as she did not glory in her triumph; but made sure I received my due as well。
       They congratulated her loudly; and spoke angrily of scouring the woods tomorrow all about Buckkeep。 〃It shames us all as soldiers; that our own queen cannot ride forth safely!〃 declared one woman。 She set her hand to the hilt of her blade and swore on it to have it blooded with Forged blood by the morrow。 Several others followed her example。 The talk grew loud; bravado and relief at the Queen's safety fueling it。 It became a triumphal procession home; until Verity arrived。 He came at a dead gallop; on a horse lathered by both distance and speed。 I knew then that the search had not been a brief one; and could only guess at how many roads Verity had traveled since he had received word his lady was missing。
       〃How could you be so foolish as to go so far astray!〃 were his first words to her。 His voice was not tender。 I saw her head lose its proud lift; and heard the muttered ments of the man closest to me。 From there nothing went well。 He did not scold her before his men; but I saw him wince as she told him plainly what had bee of her and how she had killed to defend herself。 He was not pleased to have her speak so plainly of a band of Forged ones; brave enough to attack the Queen; and scarce out of Buckkeep's shadow。 That which Verity had sought to keep quiet would be on everyone's lips tomorrow; with the added fillip that it had been the Queen herself they'd dared to attack。 Verity shot me a murderous glance; as if it were all my doing; and roughly mandeered fresh horses from two of his guard to take himself and his queen back to Buckkeep。 He whisked her away from them; carrying her back to Buckkeep at a gallop as if arriving there sooner would somehow make the breach of safety less real。 He seemed not to realize he had denied his guard the honor of bringing her safely home。
       I myself rode back slowly with them; trying not to hear the disgruntled words of the soldiers。 They did not quite criticize the King…in…Waiting; but plimented the Queen more on her spirit and thought it sad she'd not been weled back with an embrace and a kind word or two。 If any gave thought to Regal's behavior; they did not speak it aloud。
       Later that night; in the stables; after I'd seen to Sooty; I helped Burrich and Hands put Softstep and Truth; Verity's horse; to rights。 Burrich grumbled at how hard both beasts had been used。 Softstep had taken a minor scratch during the attack; and her mouth was sore; bruised from fighting for her head; but neither animal would take permanent hurt。 Burrich sent Hands off to fix a warm mash of grain for them both。 Only then did he quietly tell how Regal had e in; given his horse over for stabling; and gone up to the Keep without so much as mentioning Kettricken。 Burrich himself had been alerted by a stable boy; asking where Softstep was。 When Burrich had set about to find out; and made so bold as to ask Regal himself; Regal had replied that he had thought Kettricken had stayed on the road and e in with her attendants。 So Burrich had been the one to sound the alarm; with Regal very vague as to where he had actually left the road; and what direction the fox had led him; and presumably Kettricken。 〃He's covered his tracks well;〃 Burrich muttered to me as Hands came back with the grain。 I knew he did not refer to the fox。
       My feet were leaden as I made my way up to the Keep that night; and my heart as well。 I did not want to imagine what Kettricken was feeling; nor did I care to consider what the talk was in the guardroom。 I pulled off my clothes and fell into bed; and instantly into a sleep。 Molly was waiting for me in my dreams; and the only peace I knew。
       I was awakened a short time later; by someone pounding on my latched door。 I arose and opened it to a sleepy page; who'd been sent to fetch me to Verity's map room。 I told him I knew the way and sent him back to bed。 I dragged on my clothes hastily and raced down the stairs; wondering what disaster had befallen us now。
       Verity was waiting for me there; the hearthfire almost the only light in the room。 His hair was rumpled; and he had thrown a robe on over his nightshirt。 Plainly he had just e from his bed himself; and I braced myself for whatever news he'd received。 〃Shut the door!〃 he manded me tersely。 I did and then came to stand before him。 I could not tell if the glint in his eyes was anger or amusement as he abruptly demanded; 〃Who is Lady Red…Skirts; and why do I dream of her every night?〃
       I could not find my tongue。 Desperately I wondered just how privy to my dreams he had been。 Embarrassment dizzied me。 Had I stood naked before the whole court; I could not have felt more exposed。
       Verity turned his face aside and gave a cough that might have started as a chuckle。 〃e; boy; it is not as if I cannot understand。 I did not wish to be privy to your secret; rather you have thrust it upon me; especially so these last few nights。 And I need my sleep; not to start up in bed fevered with your 。。。 admiration for this woman。〃 He stopped speaking abruptly。 My flaming blush was warmer than any hearthfire。
       〃So;〃 he said unfortably。 Then abruptly: 〃Sit down。 I am going to teach you to guard your thoughts as well as you guard your tongue。〃 He shook his head。 〃Strange; Fitz; that you can block my Skilling so pletely from your mind at times; but spill your most private desires out like a wolf howling into the night。 I suppose it springs from what Galen did to you。 Would we could undo that。 But as we can't; I shall teach you what I can; whenever I can。〃
       I had not moved。 Suddenly neither of us could look at the other。 〃e here;〃 he repeated gruffly。 〃Sit down here with
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