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ork。 He told me to take them to Verity's map room; and be sure Verity knew of them。 He asked if I had viewed the Elderling's relic。 I described it to him in detail。 And all the while the Fool perched on the hearthstones and watched us silent as an owl。 King Shrewd ate his soup and bread under the Fool's watchful eyes as I read the scroll aloud to him。 When I was finished; he sighed and leaned back in his chair。 〃So; let's see this scrollwork of yours;〃 he manded; and puzzled; I surrendered it to him。 Once more he looked it over carefully; then re…rolled it。 As he gave it back to me he said; 〃You've a graceful way with a pen; boy。 Well lettered and well done。 Take it to Verity's map room; and see that he knows of it。〃
       〃Of course; my king。〃 I faltered; confused。 I did not understand his motive in repeating himself; and was unsure if he were waiting for some other response from me。 But the Fool was rising; and I caught from him something less than a glance; not quite the lift of an eyebrow; not quite the turn of a lip; but enough to bid me to silence。 The Fool gathered up the dishes; all the while making merry talk with the King; and then both of us were dismissed together。 As we left; the King was staring into the flames。
       Out in the hall; we exchanged glances more openly。 I began to speak; but the Fool menced to whistle; and did not cease until we were halfway down the stairs。 Then he paused and caught at my sleeve; and we halted on the stairway; betwixt floors。 I sensed he had chosen this spot carefully。 None could see or hear us speak here; save that we saw them also。 Still; it was not even the Fool that spoke to me; but the rat atop the scepter。 He brought it up before my nose and squeaked in the rat's voice; 〃Ah; but you and I; we must remember whatever he forgets; Fitz; and keep it safe for him。 It costs him much to show as strong as he did tonight。 Do not be deceived about that。 What he said to you; twice; you must cherish and obey; for it means he held it twice as hard in his mind to be sure he would say it to you。〃
       I nodded and resolved to deliver the scroll that very night to Verity。 〃I do not much care for Wallace;〃 I mented to the Fool。
       〃'Tis not Wall's Ass you should have a care for; but Wall's Ears;〃 he replied solemnly。 Abruptly he balanced the tray on one long…fingered hand and lofted it high over his head; and went capering off down the stairs before me; leaving me alone to think。
       I delivered the scroll that night; and in the days that followed; I took up the tasks Verity had assigned me earlier。 I used fat sausage and smoked fish as the vehicles for my poisons; wrapped in small bundles。 These I might easily scatter as I fled; in the hopes there would be sufficient for all who pursued me。 Each morning I studied the map in Verity's map room; and then saddled Sooty and took myself and my poisons out where I thought it most likely I would be set upon by Forged ones。 Remembering my previous experiences; I carried a short sword on these riding expeditions; something that afforded both Hands and Burrich some amusement at first。 I gave it out that I was scouting for game in case Verity wished to plan a winter hunt。 Hands accepted it easily; Burrich with a tightened mouth that showed he knew I lied; and knew also that I could not tell him the truth。 He did not pry; but neither did he like it。
       Twice in ten days I was set upon by Forged ones; and twice fled easily; letting my poisoned provisions tumble from my saddlebags as I went。 They fell upon them greedily; scarcely unwrapping the meat before stuffing it into their mouths。 I returned to each site the following day; to document for Verity how many I had slain and the details of their appearances。 The second group did not match any description we had received。 We both suspected this meant there were more Forged ones than we had heard。
       I did my task; but I took no pride in it。 Dead; they were even more pitiful than alive。 Ragged; thin creatures; frostbitten and battered by their fights among themselves they were; and the savagery of the quick harsh poisons I used twisted their bodies into caricatures of men。 Frost glistened on their beards and eyebrows; and the blood from their mouths made red clumps like frozen rubies in the snow。 Seven Forged ones I killed this way; and then heaped the frozen bodies with pitchpine; and poured oil on them and set them aflame。 I cannot say what I found most distasteful; the poisoning; or the concealing of my deed。 Cub had initially begged to go with me when he understood that I was riding out each day after feeding him; but at one point; as I stood over the frozen stickmen I had slain; I heard; This is not hunting; this。 This is no pack's doing。 This is man's doing。 His presence was gone before I could rebuke him for intruding into my mind again。
       Evenings I returned to the Keep; to hot fresh food and warm fires; dry clothes and a soft bed; but the specters of those Forged ones stood between me and those forts。 I felt myself a heartless beast that I could enjoy such things after spreading death by day。 My only fort was a prickly one; that at night when I slept; I dreamed of Molly; and walked and talked with her; unhaunted by Forged ones or their frost rimed bodies。
       Came a day I rode out later than I had intended; for Verity had been in his map room and had kept me overlong in talk。 A storm was ing up; but it did not seem too severe of one。 I had not intended to go far that day。 But I found fresh sign instead of my prey; and sign of a larger group of them than I had expected。 And so I rode on; ever at the alert with my five senses; for the sixth of the Wit was no help at all in finding Forged ones。 The gathering clouds stole the light from the sky more swiftly than I had expected and the sign led me down game trails where Sooty and I found it slow going。 When I finally glanced up from my tracking; admitting that they had eluded me this day; I found myself much farther from Buckkeep than I had intended and well off any traveled road。
       The wind began to blow; a nasty cold one that foretold snow to follow。 I wrapped my cloak more tightly about myself and turned Sooty's head toward home; relying on her to pick her path and pace。 Darkness fell before we'd gone far; and snow with it。 Had I not traversed this area so frequently of late; I would surely have been lost。 But we pressed on; going always; it seemed; into the teeth of the wind。 The cold soaked right through me; and I began to shiver。 I feared the shivering might actually be the beginnings of trembling and a fit such as I had not suffered for a long time。
       I was grateful when the winds finally tore a rent in the cloud cover; and moonlight and starlight leaked through to gray our way。 We made a better pace then; despite the fresh snow that Sooty waded through。 We broke out of a thin birch forest; onto a hillside that lightning had burned off a few years ago。 The wind was stronger here with nothing to oppose it; and I gathered my cloak and turned up the collar again。 I knew that once I crested the hill; I would see the lights of Buckkeep; and that another hill away and a vale would find a well…used road to tak
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