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ehind the cottage; he would cower before my displeasure。
       But I noted as well the masked savagery in his eyes at those times。 He did not concede mastery to me。 Only a sort of pack seniority。 He bided his time until his decisions should be his own。 Painful as it was sometimes; it was as it needed to be。 I had rescued him with the firm intent of returning him to freedom。 A year from now; he would be but one more wolf howling in the distance at night。 I told him this repeatedly。 At first; he would demand to know when he would be taken from the smelly Keep and the confining stone walls that fenced it。 I would promise him soon; as soon as he was fed to strength again; as soon as the deepest snows of winter were past and he could fend for himself。 But as weeks passed; and the storms outside reminded him of the snugness of his bed and the good meat filled out on his bones; he asked less often。 Sometimes I forgot to remind him。
       Loneliness ate at me from inside and out。 At night I would wonder what would happen if I crept upstairs and knocked at Molly's door。 By day I held myself back from bonding to the small cub who depended so pletely on me。 There was only one other creature in the Keep who was as lonely as I was。
       〃I am sure you have other duties。 Why do you e to call on me each day?〃 Kettricken asked me in the forthright Mountain way。 It was midmorning; on a day following a night of storm。 Snow was falling in fat flakes; and despite the chill; Kettricken had ordered the window shutters opened so she might watch it。 Her sewing chamber overlooked the sea; and I thought she was fascinated by the immense and restless waters。 Her eyes were much the same color as the water that day。
       〃I had thought to help time pass more pleasantly for you; my queen…in…waiting。〃
       〃Passing time。〃 She sighed。 She cupped her chin in her hand and leaned on her elbow to stare pensively out at the falling snow。 The sea wind tangled in her pale hair。 〃It is an odd language; yours。 You speak of passing time as in the Mountains we speak of passing wind。 As if it were a thing to be gotten rid of。〃
       Her little maid Rosemary; seated at her feet; giggled into her hands。 Behind us; her two ladies tittered apprehensively; then bent their heads industriously over their needlework again。 Kettricken herself had a large embroidery frame set up; with the beginning of mountains and a waterfall in it。 I had not noticed her making much progress on it。 Her other ladies had not presented themselves today; but had sent pages with excuses as to why they could not attend her。 Headaches; mostly。 She did not seem to understand that she was being slighted by their inattention。 I did not know how to explain it to her; and on some days I wondered if I should。 Today was one of those days。
       I shifted in my chair and crossed my legs the other way。 〃I meant only that in winter; Buckkeep can bee a tedious place。 The weather keeps us within doors so much; there is little that is amusing。〃
       〃That is not the case down at the shipwrights' sheds;〃 she informed me。 Her eyes got a strangely hungry look。 〃There it is all a bustle; with every bit of daylight used in the setting of the great timbers and the bending of the planks。 Even when the day is dim or wild with storm; within the sheds shipbuilders are still hewing and shaping and planing wood。 At the metal forges; they make chains and anchors。 Some weave stout canvas for sails; and others cut and sew it。 Verity walks about there; overseeing it all。 While I sit here with fancywork; and prick my fingers and strain my eyes to knot in flowers and birds' eyes。 So that when I am finished; it can be set aside with a dozen other pretty works。〃
       〃Oh; not set aside; no; never; my lady;〃 one of her women burst in impulsively。 〃Why; your needlework is much treasured when you gift it out。 In Shoaks there is a framed bit in Lord Shemshy's private chambers; and Duke Kelvar of Rippon…〃
       Kettricken's sigh cut short the woman's pliment。 〃I would I worked at a sail instead; with a great iron needle or a wooden fid; to grace one of my husband's ships。 There would be a work that was worthy of my time; and his respect。 Instead; I am given toys to amuse me; as if I were a spoiled child that did not understand the value of time well spent。〃 She turned back to her window。 I noticed then that the smoke rising from the shipyards was as easily visible as the sea。 Perhaps I had mistaken the direction of her attention。
       〃Shall I send for tea and cakes; my lady?〃 one of her ladies inquired hopefully。 Both of them sat with their shawls pulled up over their shoulders。 Kettricken did not appear to notice the chill sea air spilling in the open window; but it could not have been pleasant for those two to sit and ply their needles in it。
       〃If you wish them;〃 Kettricken replied disinterestedly。 〃I do not hunger or thirst。 Indeed; I fear I will grow fat as a penned goose; sitting at needlework and nibbling and sipping all day。 I long to do something of significance。 Tell me true; Fitz。 If you did not feel required to call upon me; would you be sitting idly in your chambers? Or doing fancywork at a loom?〃
       〃No。 But then; I am not the Queen…in…Waiting。〃
       〃Waiting。 Ah; I understand well now that part of my title。〃 A bitterness I had never heard from her before crept into her voice。 〃But Queen? In my land; as well you know; we do not say Queen。 Were I there now; and ruling instead of my father; I would be called Sacrifice。 More; I would be Sacrifice。 To whatever was to the good of my land and my people。〃
       〃Were you there now; in the deep of winter; what would you be doing?〃 I asked; thinking only to find a more fortable area of conversation。 It was a mistake。
       She grew silent and stared out the window。 〃In the Mountains;〃 she said softly; 〃there was never time to be idle。 I was the younger of course; and most of the duties of Sacrifice fell upon my father and my older brother。 But; as Jonqui says; there is always enough work to go 'round and some to spare。 Here; in Buckkeep; all is done by servants; out of sight; and one sees only the results; the tidied chamber; the meal on the table。 Perhaps it is because this is such a populous place。〃
       She paused a moment and her eyes went afar。 〃In Jhaampe; in winter; the hall and the town itself grow quiet。 Snows fall thick and heavy; and great cold closes in on the land。 The lesser…used trails disappear for the winter。 Wheels are replaced by runners。 Visitors to the city have long gone home by now。 In the palace at Jhaampe; there is only the family; and those who choose to stay and help them。 Not serve them; no; not exactly。 You have been to Jhaampe。 You know there are no ones who only serve; save for the royal family。 In Jhaampe; I would rise early; to fetch the water for the household porridge; and to take my turn at the stirring of the kettle。 Keera and Sennick and Jofron and I would make the kitchen lively with talk。 And all the young ones dashing about; bringing in the firewood and setting out the plates and talking of a thousand things。〃 Her voice faltered; and I listened to the silence of her loneliness。
       After a bit s
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