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eling of unnatural lightness; but that quickly succumbed to the bread and cheese。 The tea had a hint of elfbark in it; I instantly suspected Chade and wondered if he was the one who'd tried to wake me。 But no; Chade only summoned me at night。
       I was dragging the clean nightshirt over my head when the door opened quietly。 The Fool came slipping into my room。 He was in his winter motley of black and white; and his colorless skin seemed even paler because of it。 His garments were made of some silky fabric; and cut so loosely that he looked like a stick swathed in it。 He'd gotten taller; and even thinner; if that were possible。 As always; his white eyes were a shock; even in his bloodless face。 He smiled at me; and then waggled a pale pink tongue derisively。
       〃You;〃 I surmised; and gestured 'round。 〃Thank you。〃
       〃No;〃 he denied。 His pale hair floated out from beneath his cap in a halo as he shook his head。 〃But I assisted。 Thank you for bathing。 It makes my task of checking on you less onerous。 I'm glad you're awake。 You snore abominably。〃
       I let his ment pass。 〃You've grown;〃 I observed。
       〃Yes。 So have you。 And you've been sick。 And you slept quite a long time。 And now you are awake and bathed and fed。 You still look terrible。 But you no longer smell。 It's late afternoon now。 Are there any other obvious facts you'd like to review?〃
       〃I dreamed about you。 While I was gone。〃
       He gave me a dubious look。 〃Did you? How touching。 I can't say I dreamed of you。〃
       〃I've missed you;〃 I said; and enjoyed the brief flash of surprise on the Fool's face。
       〃How droll。 Does that explain why you've been playing the fool yourself so much?〃
       〃I suppose。 Sit down。 Tell me what's been happening while I was gone。〃
       〃I can't。 King Shrewd is expecting me。 Rather; he isn't expecting me; and that is precisely why I must go to him now。 When you feel better; you should go and see him。 Especially if he isn't expecting you。〃 He turned abruptly to go。 He whisked himself out the door; then leaned back in abruptly。 He lifted the silver bells at the end of one ridiculously long sleeve and jingled them at me。 〃Farewell; Fitz。 Do try to do a bit better at not letting people kill you。〃 The door closed silently behind him。
       I was left alone。 I poured myself another cup of tea and sipped at it。 My door opened again。 I looked up; expecting the Fool。 Lacey peeked in and announced; 〃Oh; he's awake;〃 and then; more severely; demanded; 〃Why didn't you say how tired you were? It's fair scared me to death; you sleeping a whole day 'round like that。〃 She did not wait to be invited; but bustled into the room; clean linens and blankets in her arms and Lady Patience on her heels。
       〃Oh; he is awake!〃 she exclaimed to Lacey; as if she had doubted it。 They ignored my humiliation at confronting them in my nightshirt。 Lady Patience seated herself on my bed while Lacey fussed about the room; putting it to rights。 There was not much to do in my bare chamber; but she stacked my dirty dishes; poked at my fire; tsk…tsked over my dirty bathwater and scattered garments。 I stood at bay by the hearth while she stripped my bed; made it up fresh; gathered my dirty clothes over her arm with a disdainful sniff; glanced about; and then sailed out the door with her plunder。
       〃I was going to tidy that up;〃 I muttered; embarrassed; but Lady Patience didn't appear to notice。 She gestured imperiously at the bed。 Reluctantly I got into it。 I don't believe I have ever felt more at a disadvantage。 She emphasized it by leaning over and tucking the covers around me。
       〃About Molly;〃 she announced abruptly。 〃Your behavior that night was reprehensible。 You used your weakness to lure her to your room。 And upset her no end with your accusations。 Fitz; I will not allow it。 If you were not so sick; I would be furious with you。 As it is; I am gravely disappointed。 I cannot think what to say about how you deceived that poor girl; and led her on。 So I will simply say that it will happen no more。 You shall behave honorably to her; in every way。〃
       A simple misunderstanding between Molly and me had suddenly bee a serious matter。 〃There's been a mistake here;〃 I said; trying to sound petent and calm。 〃Molly and I need to straighten it out。 By talking together; privately。 I assure you; for your peace of mind; that it is not at all what you seem to think it is。〃
       〃Bear in mind who you are。 The son of a Prince does not…〃
       〃Fitz;〃 I reminded her firmly。 〃I am FitzChivalry。 Chivalry's bastard。〃 Patience looked stricken。 I felt again how much I had changed since I had left Buckkeep。 I was not a boy anymore for her to supervise and correct。 She had to see me as I was。 Still; I tried to soften my tone as I pointed out; 〃Not the proper son of Prince Chivalry; my lady。 Only your husband's bastard。〃
       She sat on the foot of my bed and looked at me。 Her hazel eyes met mine squarely and held。 I saw past her giddiness and distractibility; into a soul capable of more pain and vaster regret than I had ever suspected。 〃How do you think I could ever forget that?〃 she asked quietly。
       My voice died in my throat as I sought for an answer。 I was rescued by Lacey's return。 She had recruited two serving men and a couple of small boys。 The dirty water from my bath and my dishes was whisked away by them while Lacey set out a tray of small pastries and two more cups; and measured out fresh brewing herbs for another pot of tea。 Patience and I were silent until the serving folk left the room。 Lacey made the tea; poured cups for all; and then settled herself with her everpresent tatting。
       〃It is precisely because of who you are that this is more than a misunderstanding。〃 Patience launched back into the topic; as if I had never dared interrupt。 〃If you were just Fedwren's apprentice; or a stable hand; then you would be free to court and marry however you wished。 But you are not; FitzChivalry Farseer。 You are of the royal blood。 Even a bastard〃…she stumbled slightly on the wordof that line must observe certain customs。 And practice certain discretions。 Consider your position in the royal household。 You must have the King's permission to marry。 Surely you are aware of that。 Courtesy to King Shrewd demanded that you inform him of your intention to court so that he might consider the case's merits; and tell you if it pleased him or not。 He would consider it。 Is it a good time for you to wed? Does it benefit the throne? Is the match an acceptable one; or is it likely to cause scandal? Will your courting interfere with your duties? Are the lady's bloodlines acceptable? Does the King wish you to have offspring?〃
       With each question she posed; I felt the shock go deeper。 I lay back on my pillows and stared at the bed hangings。 I had never really set out to court Molly。 From a childhood friendship; we had drifted to a deeper panionship。 I had known how my heart wished it to go; but my head had never stopped to consider it。 She read my face plainly。
       〃Remember; too; FitzChivalry; that you have already sworn an oath to another。 Your life belongs to your king already。 What would you offer Molly if you wed her?
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