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ook her in my arms and kissed her。
       At least; I attempted to。 She stiff…armed me away; saying gruffly; 〃I shall never kiss a drunk。 That's one promise I've made to myself and shall always keep。 Nor be kissed by one。〃 Her voice was tight。
       〃I'm not drunk; I'm 。。。 sick;〃 I protested。 The surge of excitement had made my head spin more than ever。 I swayed on my feet。 〃It doesn't matter anyway。 You're here and safe。〃
       She steadied me。 A reflex she had learned taking care of her father。 〃Oh。 I see。 You're not drunk。〃 Disgust and disbelief mingled in her voice。 〃You're not the scriber's boy; either。 Nor a stable hand。 Is lying how you always begin with people? It seems to be how you always end。〃
       〃I didn't lie;〃 I said querulously; confused by the anger in her voice。 I wished I could make my eyes meet hers。 〃I just didn't tell you quite 。。。 it's too plicated。 Molly; I'm just so glad you're all right。 And here in Buckkeep! I thought I was going to have to search 。。。〃 She still gripped me; holding me on my feet。 〃I'm not drunk。 Really。 I did lie just now; because it was embarrassing to admit how weak I am。〃
       〃And so you lie。〃 Her voice cut like a whip。 〃You should be more embarrassed to lie; Newboy。 Or is lying permitted to a Prince's son?〃
       She let go of me and I sagged against a wall。 I tried to get a grip on my whirling thoughts while keeping my body vertical。 〃I'm not a Prince's son;〃 I said at last。 〃I'm a bastard。 That's different。 And yes; that was too embarrassing to admit; too。 But I never told you I wasn't the Bastard。 I just always felt; when I was with you; I was Newboy。 It was nice; having a few friends who looked at me and thought; ‘Newboy' instead of ‘the Bastard。' 〃
       Molly didn't reply。 Instead she grabbed me; much more roughly than before; by my shirtfront; and hauled me down the hall to my room。 I was amazed at how strong women were when they were angry。 She shouldered the door open as if it were a personal enemy and propelled me toward my bed。 As soon as I was close; she let go and I fell against it。 I righted myself and managed to sit down。 By clutching my hands tightly together and gripping them between my knees; I could control my trembling。 Molly stood glaring at me。 I couldn't precisely see her。 Her outline was blurred; her features a smear; but I could tell by the way she stood that she was furious。
       After a moment I ventured; 〃I dreamed of you。 While I was gone。〃
       She still didn't speak。 I felt a bit braver。 〃I dreamed you were at Siltbay。 When it was raided。〃 My words came out tight with my effort to keep my voice from shaking。 〃I dreamed of fires; and Raiders attacking。 In my dream; there were two children you had to protect。 It seemed like they were yours。〃 Her silence held like a wall against my words。 She probably thought I was ten kinds of an idiot; babbling about dreams。 And why; oh why; of all the people in the world who could have seen me so unmanned; why did it have to be Molly? The silence had grown long。 〃But you were here; at Buckkeep and safe。〃 I tried to steady my quavering voice。 〃I'm glad you're safe。 But what are you doing at Buckkeep?〃
       〃What am I doing here?〃 Her voice was as tight as mine。 Anger made it cold; but I thought it was hedged with fear; too。 〃I came looking for a friend。〃 She paused and seemed to strangle for a bit。 When she spoke again; her voice was artificially calm; almost kind。 〃You see; my father died and left me a debtor。 So my creditors took my shop from me。 I went to stay with relatives; to help with the harvest; to earn money to start again。 In Siltbay。 Though how you came to know of it; I cannot even guess。 I earned a bit and my cousin was willing to loan me the rest。 The harvest had been good。 I was to e back to Buckkeep the next day。 But Siltbay was raided。 I was there; with my nieces 。。。。〃 Briefly; her voice trailed away。 I remembered with her。 The ships; the fire; the laughing woman with the sword。 I looked up at her and could almost focus on her。 I could not speak。 But she was looking off; over my head。 She spoke on calmly。
       〃My cousins lost everything they owned。 They counted themselves lucky; for their children survived。 I couldn't ask them to loan me money still。 Truth was; they couldn't even have paid me for the work I had done; if I had thought to ask。 So I came back to Buckkeep; with winter closing in; and no place to stay。 And I thought; I've always been friends with Newboy。 If there's anyone I could ask to loan me money to tide me over; it would be him。 So I came up to the Keep; and asked for the scriber's boy。 But everyone shrugged and sent me to Fedwren。 And Fedwren listened as I described you; and frowned; and sent me to Patience。〃 Molly paused significantly。 I tried to imagine that meeting; but shuddered away from it。 〃She took me on as a lady's maid;〃 Molly said softly。 〃She said it was the least she could do; after you had shamed me。〃
       〃Shamed you?〃 I jerked upright。 The world rocked around me and my blurry vision dissolved into sparks。 〃How? How shamed you?〃
       Molly's voice was quiet。 〃She said you had obviously won my affections; and then left me。 Under my false assumption that you would someday be able to marry me; I'd let you court me。〃
       〃I didn't 。。。〃 I faltered; and then: 〃We were friends。 I didn't know you felt any more than that 。。。。〃
       〃You didn't?〃 She lifted her chin; I knew that gesture。 Six years ago she would have followed it with a punch to my stomach。 I still flinched。 But she just spoke more quietly when she said; 〃I suppose I should have expected you to say that。 It's an easy thing to say。〃
       It was my turn to be nettled。 〃You're the one who left me; with not even a word of farewell。 And with that sailor; Jade。 Do you think I don't know about him? I was there; Molly。 I saw you take his arm and walk away with him。 Why didn't you e to me; then; before leaving with him?〃
       She drew herself up。 〃I had been a woman with prospects。 Then I became; all unwittingly; a debtor。 Do you imagine that I knew of the debts my father had incurred; and then ignored? Not till after he was buried did the creditors e knocking。 I lost everything。 Should I have e to you as a beggar; hoping you'd take me in? I'd thought that you'd cared about me。 I believed that you wanted 。。。 El damn you; why do I have to admit this to you!〃 Her words rattled against me like flung stones。 I knew her eyes were blazing; her cheeks flushed。 〃I thought you did want to marry me; that you did want a future with me。 I wanted to bring something to it; not e to you penniless and prospectless。 I'd imagined us with a little shop; me with my candles and herbs and honey; and you with your scriber's skills 。。。。 And so I went to my cousin; to ask to borrow money。 He had none to spare; but arranged for my passage to Siltbay; to talk to his elder brother Flint。 I've told you how that ended。 I worked my way back here on a fishing boat; Newboy; gutting fish and putting them down in salt。 I came back to Buckkeep like a beaten dog。 And I swallowed my pride and came up here that day; and found out how stupid I was; how you'd pretended and lied to me。 You are a bastard; Newboy。 You are
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