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       〃No? Let me ask you this; then。 If; despite; or save us all; because of our efforts to save Shrewd and Kettricken; they both perish with the child unborn; and Verity never returns。 What then? Will you still be so eager to cede the throne to the rightful King?〃
       〃By the line of succession; yes。〃
       〃He is no king; Chade。 He's an indulged Princeling; and always will be。 I've as much Farseer blood as he does。〃
       〃And so you might say of Kettricken's child; when the time came。 Do you see what a dangerous path we set ourselves on when we set ourselves above our places? You and I; we swore to the Farseer line; of which we are but random shoots。 Not to King Shrewd alone; or to a wise King alone; but to uphold the rightful King of the Farseer line。 Even if he is Regal。〃
       〃You would serve Regal?〃
       〃I have seen more foolish Princes than he bee wise as they aged。 What you contemplate will bring us civil war。 Farrow and Tilth…〃
       〃Have no interest in any kind of a war。 They will say good riddance to us and let the Coastal Duchies go。 Regal has always said as much。〃
       〃And he probably thinks he believes it。 But when he finds that he cannot buy fine silk; and that the wines of Bingtown and beyond no longer flow up the Buck River to his palate; he will think better。 He needs his port cities; and he will e back for them。〃
       〃So what are we to do? What should I have done?〃
       Chade sat down across from me; clasped his mottled hands between his bony old knees。 〃I do not know。 Brawndy is desperate indeed。 If you had loftily refused him and rebuked him with treason; well 。。。 I don't say he'd have done away with you。 But remember he had no hesitation about dealing quickly with Virago when she represented a threat to him。 This is all too much for one old assassin。 We need a King。〃
       〃Could you Skill again to Verity?〃
       〃I fear to try。 I do not know how to guard against Justin and Serene。 Or Will。〃 I sighed。 〃Still; I will try。 Surely Verity will know if they ride with my Skilling。〃 Another thought intruded。 〃Chade; tomorrow night; when you lead Kettricken to escape; you must find a moment or two; to tell her of what has transpired; and assure her of my loyalty。〃
       〃Oh; those will be reassuring tidings to give her as she flees back to the Mountains。 No。 Not tomorrow night。 I will see that word reaches her; when she is safe。 And you must continue to try to reach Verity; but beware of having your Skilling spied upon。 Are you sure our plans are unknown to them?〃
       I had to shake my head。 〃But I believe they are safe。 I had told all to Verity when first I Skilled him。 It was not until the end that he said someone tried to spy upon us。〃
       〃You probably should have killed Justin;〃 Chade grumbled to himself。 Then he laughed at my outraged look。 〃No; no; calm yourself。 I will not rebuke you that you refrained from it。 Would that you had been so circumspect with the scheme that Brawndy brought you。 Even a breath of this would be sufficient for Regal to have your neck stretched。 And were he ruthless and foolish; he could try to hang his dukes as well。 No。 Let us not even think of that! The halls of Buckkeep would run blood before that was done。 Would you had found a way to turn the conversation; before ever he made you such an offer。 Save; as you say; that they might have found another。 Ah; well。 We cannot put old heads on young shoulders。 Unfortunately; Regal could remove your young head from your young shoulders all too easily。〃 He knelt and put another piece of wood on the fire。 He took a breath and sighed it out。 〃Have you got all other things in readiness?〃 he asked abruptly。
       I was only too glad to change the topic。 〃As much as I could。 Burrich will be in place and waiting; in the alder copse where the dog fox used to den。〃
       Chade rolled his eyes。 〃How do I find that? Ask a passing dog fox?〃
       I smiled inadvertently。 〃Close。 Where will you emerge from Buck Castle?〃
       He was stubbornly silent for a moment。 Still; that old fox hated to reveal his back door。 Finally he said; 〃We will e out of the grain shed; the one third back from the stables。〃
       I nodded slowly。 〃A gray wolf will meet you。 Follow him silently; and he will show you a way out of the walls of Buck that does not take you through the gates。〃
       For a long moment Chade just looked at me。 I waited。 For condemnation; for a look of disgust; even for curiosity。 But the old assassin had studied too long how to mask his feelings。 He said at last; 〃We are fools if we do not use every weapon that es to hand。 Is he any 。。。 danger to us?〃
       〃No more than I am。 You need not wear wolfsbane; nor offer him mutton to be allowed to pass。〃 I was as familiar with the old folklore as Chade was。 〃Simply show yourself; and he will appear to guide you。 He will take you through the walls; and out to the copse where Burrich waits with the horses。〃
       〃Is it a long walk?〃
       I knew he was thinking of the King。 〃It is not overly long; but it is not short; and the snow is deep and unpacked。 It will not be easy to scrabble through the gap in the wall; but it can be done。 I could ask Burrich to meet you at the wall instead; but I do not wish to draw attention to it。 Perhaps the Fool could help you manage?〃
       〃He will have to; from the sound of things。 I am not willing to bring any others in on this plot。 Our position seems only to bee more and more untenable。〃
       I bowed my head to the truth of that。 〃And you?〃 I ventured to ask。
       〃My tasks are done as pletely as they could be; ahead of time。 The Fool has assisted me。 He has spirited away both clothing and coin for his king's journey。 Shrewd has reluctantly agreed to our plan。 He knows it is wise; but every part of it chafes him。 Despite all; Fitz; Regal is his son; his favored youngest。 Even having felt Regal's ruthlessness; it is still hard for him to say the Prince threatens his life。 You see how he is bound: to admit that Regal would turn on him is to admit he was wrong about his son。 To flee Buckkeep is even worse; for that is admitting not only that Regal would turn on him; but that flight is his only option。 Our king has never been a coward。 It galls him now to run from one who should be most loyal of all to him。 Yet he must。 Of that I have convinced him; mostly; I'll admit; by saying that without his acknowledgment; Kettricken's child will have a poor claim on the throne。〃 Chade sighed。 〃All is as ready as I can make it。 I have prepared the medicines; and all is well packed。〃
       〃The Fool understands he cannot go with his king?〃
       Chade rubbed his forehead。 〃He intends to follow; a few days behind。 He would not be dissuaded entirely。 The best I could do was to get him to travel separately。〃
       〃Then it but depends on me to find a way to empty the King's room of witnesses; and for you to spirit him away。〃
       〃Ah; yes;〃 Chade observed mirthlessly。 〃All is well planned and ready to carry out; save for the actual deed。〃
       We stared together into the fire。
       Escapes and Captures
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