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heir to the Farseer throne is a babe as yet unborn。 Once Regal has declared himself King…in…Waiting; do you think he will wait long to claim the throne? We do not。 For although these words e from my lips; I speak for Rippon and Shoaks Duchies as well。 Shrewd has bee old; and feeble。 A King in name only。 We have had a taste of what kind of king Regal would be。 What should we suffer while Regal holds title until Verity's child es of age? Not that I expect the child will manage to be born; let alone mount the throne。〃 He paused; cleared his throat; and looked at me earnestly。 Faith stood by the door as if guarding our talk。 I kept my silence。
       〃You're a man we know; a son of a man we knew。 You bear his looks and almost his name。 You've as much a right to call yourself royal as many who have worn the crown。〃 He paused again。 Waiting。
       Again I kept silent。 It was not; I told myself; a temptation。 I would simply hear him out。 That was all。 He had said nothing; as yet; that suggested I would betray my king。
       He floundered for words; then looked up and met my eyes。 〃Times are difficult。〃
       〃They are;〃 I agreed quietly。
       He looked down at his hands。 They were worn hands; hands that bore the small scars and roughness of a man who did things with them。 His shirt was freshly washed and mended; but it was not a new garment made especially for this occasion。 Times might be hard in Buckkeep; but they were harder in Bearns。 Quietly he said it。 〃If you saw fit to oppose Regal; to declare yourself king…in…waiting in his stead; Bearns and Rippon and Shoaks would support you。 It is my belief that Queen Kettricken would support you as well; and that Buck would follow her。〃 He looked up at me again。 〃We have talked much of this。 We believe Verity's child would stand a better chance of gaining the throne with you as regent than with Regal。〃
       So。 They had dismissed Shrewd already。 〃Why not follow Kettricken?〃 I asked carefully。
       He looked into the flames。 〃It's a hard thing to say; after she has shown herself so true。 But she is foreign…born; and in some ways untried。 It is not that we doubt her; we do not。 Nor would we be setting her aside。 Queen she is; and would remain; and her child to reign after her。 But in these times; we need both king…in…waiting and queen。〃
       A question bubbled in me。 A demon wanted me to ask; 〃And if; when the child es of age; I do not wish to relinquish power; what then?〃 They had to have asked themselves; they had to have agreed on some answer to have ready for me。 For a moment longer I sat still and silent。 Almost I could feel the eddies of possibility swirling about me; was this what the Fool was always prattling about; was this one of his misty crossroads where I always stood in the center? 〃Catalyst;〃 I taunted myself quietly。
       〃Beg pardon?〃 Brawndy leaned closer to me。
       〃Chivalry;〃 I said。 〃As you have said; I bear his name。 Almost。 Duke Bearns。 You are a man hard…pressed。 I know what you have risked in speaking to me; and I will be as blunt with you。 I am a man with ambitions。 But I do not desire the crown of my king。〃 I took a breath and looked into the fire。 For the first time I really considered what it would do to Bearns; Rippon; and Shoaks for both Shrewd and Kettricken suddenly to disappear。 The Coastal Duchies would bee like a rudderless ship with decks awash。 Brawndy had as much as said they would not follow Regal。 Yet I had nothing else I could offer them at this time。 To whisper to him that Verity lived would demand that they rise tomorrow; to deny Regal's right to declare himself king…in…waiting。 To warn them that both Shrewd and Kettricken would suddenly vanish would be no assurance at all to them; but would certainly mean that too many folk would not be surprised when it happened。 Once they were safely in the Mountain Kingdom; then; perhaps; the Coastal Dukes could be told all。 But that could be weeks away。 I tried to think what I could offer him now; what assurances; what hopes。
       〃For what it is worth; I; as a man; am with you。〃 I said the words carefully; wondering if I spoke treason。 〃To King Shrewd I am pledged。 To Queen Kettricken; and the heir she carries; I am loyal。 I foresee dark days ahead of us; and the Coastal Duchies must act as one against the Raiders。 We have no time to worry what Prince Regal does inland。 Let him go to Tradeford。 Our lives are here; and here we must stand and fight。〃
       With my own words; I felt a sea change in me。 Like the shedding of a cloak; or an insect crawling from its cocoon; I felt myself emerge。 Regal was leaving me here at Buckkeep; abandoning me as he thought; to hardship and danger; along with those I most cared about。 Well let him。 With the King and Queen Kettricken safely stashed in the Mountains; I would no longer fear Regal。 Molly was gone; lost to me。 What had Burrich said; a time ago? That I might not see her; but perhaps she might see me。 Let her see; then; that I could act; that one man standing could make a difference。 Patience and Lacey would be safer in my keeping than inland as Regal's hostages。 My mind was racing。 Could I make Buckkeep my own; and hold it for Verity until he returned? Who would follow me? Burrich would be gone。 I could not count on using his influence。 But those swilling inland soldiers would be gone as well。 What would be left would be Buckkeep warriors; with a vested interest in keeping this cold rock of a castle from falling。 Some had watched me grow up; some had learned how to spar and swing a sword at the same time I had。 Kettricken's guard I knew; and the old soldiers who still wore the colors of King Shrewd's guard knew me。 I had belonged to them before I had belonged to King Shrewd。 Would they remember that?
       Despite the warmth of the fire; a shiver went up me; and if I had been a wolf; my hackles would have stood on end。 The spark in me quickened。 〃I am no king。 I am no prince。 I am but a bastard; but one who loves Buck。 I want no bloodshed with Regal; no confrontation。 We have no time to waste; and I have no heart for the killing of Six Duchies folk。 Let Regal flee inland。 When he and the dogs that sniff after him are gone; I am yours。 And as much of Buck as I can rally to follow me。〃
       The words were spoken; the mitment made。 Treason; traitor; whispered a small voice inside me。 But in my heart I knew the rightness of what I did。 Chade might not see it my way。 But I felt in that moment that the only way to declare myself for Shrewd and Verity and Kettricken's child was to declare myself with those who would not follow Regal。 Yet I wanted to be sure they understood that loyalty clearly。 I looked deep into Brawndy's weary eyes。 〃This is my goal; Duke Brawndy of Bearns。 I speak it plainly; and I will back no other。 I will see a united Six Duchies; with her coastline freed of Raiders; place a crown upon the head of Kettricken's and Verity's child。 I must hear you say that you share that goal。〃
       〃I swear that I do; FitzChivalry; son of Chivalry。〃 To my horror; the war…scarred old man took my hands in his and placed them on his forehead in the ancient sign of one who gives fealty。 It was all I could do not to snatch them away。 Loya
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