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aking her for granted; succeeded at being so logical and practical and loyal to my king that I had just lost any chance of ever having a life of my own。 I looked at Burrich。 〃Did you love Patience?〃 I asked suddenly。 〃When you decided to leave?〃
       The Fool started; then visibly goggled。 So there were some secrets even he did not know。 Burrich's face went as dark as I had ever seen it。 He crossed his arms on his chest; as if to restrain himself。 He might kill me; I thought。 Or maybe he sought only to hold some pain inside himself。 〃Please;〃 I added; 〃I have to know。〃
       He glared at me; then spoke carefully。 〃I am not a changeable man;〃 he told me。 〃If I had loved her; I would love her still。〃
       So。 It would never go away。 〃But; still; you decided…〃
       〃Someone had to decide。 Patience would not see it could not be。 Someone had to end the torment for us both。〃
       As Molly had decided for us。 I tried to think just what I should do next。 Nothing came to me。 I looked at the Fool。 〃Are you all right?〃 I asked him。
       〃I'm better off than you are;〃 he replied sincerely。
       〃I meant; your shoulder。 I had thought 。。。〃
       〃Wrenched; but not broken。 Much better than your heart。〃
       A quick bantering of witty words。 I had not known he could weight a jest with so much sympathy。 The kindness pushed me to the edge of breaking。 〃I don't know what to do;〃 I said brokenly。 〃How can I live with this?〃
       The brandy bottle made a very small thud as Burrich set it in the center of the table。 He put out three cups around it。 〃We will have a drink;〃 he said。 〃To Molly finding happiness somewhere。 We will wish it for her with all our hearts。〃
       We drank a round and Burrich refilled the cups。
       The Fool swirled the brandy in his cup。 〃Is this wise; just now?〃 he asked。
       〃Just now; I am done with being wise;〃 I told him。 〃I would rather be a fool。〃
       〃You do not know of what you speak;〃 he told me。 All the same; he raised his glass alongside mine。 To fools of all kinds。 And a third time; to our king。
       We made a sincere effort; but fate did not allow us sufficient time。 A determined rapping at Burrich's door proved to be Lacey with a basket on her arm。 She came in quickly; shutting the door fast behind her。 〃Get rid of this for me; will you?〃 she asked; and tumbled the slain chicken out on the table before us。
       〃Dinner!〃 announced the Fool enthusiastically。
       It took Lacey a moment to realize the state we were in。 It took her less than that to be furious。 〃While we gamble our lives and reputations; you get drunk!〃 She rounded on Burrich。 〃In twenty years; you have not learned that it solves nothing! 〃
       Burrich flinched not at all。 〃Some things cannot be solved;〃 he pointed out philosophically。 〃Drink makes those things much more tolerable。〃 He came to his feet easily; stood rock steady before her。 Years of drinking seemed to have taught him the knack of handling it well。 〃What did you need?
       Lacey bit her lip a moment。 She decided to follow where he had pointed the conversation。 〃I need that disposed of。 And I need an ointment for bruises。〃
       〃Does no one around here ever use the healer?〃 the Fool asked of no one in particular。 Lacey ignored him。
       〃That is what I supposedly came here for; so I had best return with it; in case someone asks to see it。 My real mission is to find the Fitz; and ask him if he knows there are guards chopping down King Shrewd's door with axes。〃
       I nodded gravely。 I wasn't going to attempt Burrich's graceful stance。 The Fool leaped to his feet instead; crying; 〃What?〃 He rounded on me。 〃I thought you said you had succeeded! What success is this?〃
       〃The best I could manage on very short notice;〃 I retorted。 〃It will either be all right; or it won't。 We've done all we can just now。 Besides; think on it。 That's a good stout oaken door。 It will take them a while to get through it。 And when they do; I fancy they will find the inner door to the King's bedchamber is likewise bolted and barred。〃
       〃How did you manage that?〃 Burrich asked quietly。
       〃I didn't;〃 I said brusquely。 I looked at the Fool。 〃I have said enough; for now。 It is time to have a bit of trust。〃 I turned to Lacey。 〃How are the Queen and Patience? How went our masquerade?〃
       〃Well enough。 The Queen is sore bruised from her fall; and for myself; I am not all that sure that the babe is out of danger of being lost。 A miscarriage from a fall does not always happen immediately。 But let us not borrow trouble。 Wallace was concerned but ineffectual。 For a man who claims to be a healer; he knows remarkably little of the true lore of herbs。 As for the Prince 。。。〃 Lacey snorted; but said no more。
       〃Does no one beside myself think there is a danger to letting a rumor of a miscarriage circulate?〃 the Fool asked airily。
       〃I had no time to devise anything else;〃 I retorted。 〃In a day or so; the Queen will deny the rumor; saying that all seems to be well with the child。〃
       〃So。 For the moment we are as secured as we may be;〃 Burrich observed。 〃But what es next? Are we to see the King and Queen Kettricken carried off to Tradeford?〃
       〃Trust。 I ask for one day of trust;〃 I said carefully。 I hoped it would be enough。 〃And now we must disperse and go about our lives as normally as we can。〃
       〃A stablemaster with no horses and a Fool with no king;〃 the Fool observed。 〃Burrich and I can continue to drink。 I believe that is a normal life under these circumstances。 As for you; Fitz; I have no idea what title you give yourself these days; let alone what you normally do all day。 Hence…〃
       〃No one is going to sit about and drink;〃 Lacey intoned ominously。 〃Put the bottle aside and keep your wits sharp。 And disperse; as Fitz here said。 Enough has been said and done in this room to put us all swinging from a tree for treason。 Save you; of course; FitzChivalry。 It would have to be poison for you。 Those of the royal blood are not allowed to swing。〃
       Her words had a chilling effect。 Burrich picked up the cork and restoppered the bottle。 Lacey left first; a pot of Burrich's ointment in her basket。 The Fool followed her a short time later。 When I left Burrich; he had finished cleaning the fowl and was plucking the last stubborn feathers from it。 The man wasted nothing。
       I went out and wandered about a bit。 I watched behind me for shadows。 Kettricken would be resting; and I did not think I could withstand Patience's nattering; or her insights just then。 If the Fool was in his chamber; it was because he did not want pany。 And if he was elsewhere; I had no idea where that might be。 The whole of Buckkeep was as plagued with Inlanders as a sick dog with fleas。 I strolled through the kitchen; purloining gingerbread。 Then I wandered about disconsolately; trying not to think; trying to appear without purpose as I headed back to the hut where once I had hidden Nighteyes。 The hut was empty now; as cold within as without。 It had been some time since Nighteyes had laired here。 He preferred the forested hills behind Buckkeep。 But I did not wait long before his shadow crossed the threshold of the open door。
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