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       The laughter that erupted shocked me。 It was a crude remark; a witticism more worthy of a tavern brawny than a Prince in his own Keep。 It reminded me of nothing so much as of Queen Desire when she was at her worst; inflamed with wine and herbs。 Yet they laughed; at the High Table; and not a few at the lower tables joined them。 Regal's charms and entertainments had served him well。 No matter what insult or buffoonery he served up tonight; these fawners would sit and accept it with the meat and wine they gobbled at his table。 Kettricken seemed incapable of speech。 She actually rose and would have left the table; had not the King reached out a trembling hand。 〃Please; my dear;〃 he said; and his faltering voice carried all too clearly。 〃Do not leave me。 I wish you at my side。〃
       〃You see; it is the wish of your king;〃 Regal hastily admonished her; and I doubt that even he could fully token the good luck that had led the King to make such a request of her at such a time。 Kettricken sank back unwillingly in her seat。 Her lower lip trembled and her face flushed。 For one terrifying instant I thought she would burst into tears。 It would have been the final triumph for Regal; a betrayal of her emotional weakness as a breeding female。 Instead; she took a deep breath。 She turned to the King and spoke low but audibly as she took his hand。 〃You are my king; to whom I am sworn。 My liege; it shall be as you wish。 I shall not leave your side。〃
       She bowed her head; and Regal nodded affably; and a general outbreak of conversation congratulated itself on her agreement。 Regal nattered on a bit longer when the din died down; but he had already achieved his goal。 He spoke mostly of the wisdom of his decision; and how Buckkeep would be better able to defend itself without fearing for its monarch。 He even had the audacity to suggest that by removing himself and the King and Queen…in…Waiting; he would be making Buckkeep a lesser target for the Raiders; as they would have less to gain by capturing it。 It was all a nothing; a winding down for show。 Not long after; the King was taken away; carted off back to his chamber; his display duty done。 Queen Kettricken excused herself to acpany him。 The feast broke down into a general cacophony of entertainments。 Kegs of beer were brought out; along with casks of the lesser wines。 Various inland minstrels held forth at opposite corners of the Great Hall; while the Prince and his cohorts chose the amusement of a puppet show; a bawdy piece entitled The Seduction of the Innkeeper's Son。 I pushed back my plate and looked to Burrich。 Our eyes met; and we rose as one。
       THE FORGED ONES appeared to be incapable of any emotion。 They were not evil; they did not take joy in their wickedness or crimes。 When they lost their capacity to feel anything for fellow humans; or any other creatures of the world; they lost their ability to be part of society。 An unsympathetic man; a harsh man; an insensitive man still retains enough sensibilities to know that he cannot always express how little he cares for others; and still be accepted into the kinship of a family or a village。 The Forged ones had lost even the ability to dissemble that they felt for their fellows。 Their emotions did not simply stop; they were forgotten; lost to them so entirely that they could not even predict the behavior of other humans based on emotional reaction。
       A Skilled one might be seen as the other end of this spectrum。 Such a man can reach forth and tell from afar what others are thinking and feeling。 He can; if strongly Skilled; impose his thoughts and feelings on others。 In this increased sensitivity to the emotions and thoughts of others; he has a surfeit of what Forged ones lack entirely。
       King…in…Waiting Verity confided that the Forged ones seemed immune to his Skilling abilities。 That is; he could not feel what they felt; nor discover their thoughts。 This does not; however; mean that they were insensible to the Skill。 Could Verity's Skilling have been what drew them to Buckkeep? Did his reaching out awaken in them a hunger; a remembrance perhaps of what they had lost? Drawn as they were; through ice and flood; to travel always toward Buckkeep; the motivation must have been intense。 And when Verity departed Buckkeep on his quest; the movement of Forged ones toward Buckkeep seemed to abate。
       … Chade Fallstar
       We arrived at King Shrewd's door and knocked。 The Fool opened it。 I had marked well that Wallace was one of the feasters below; and had remained when the King had departed。
       〃Let me in;〃 I said quietly while the Fool glared at me。
       〃No;〃 he said flatly。 He started to close the door。
       I put my shoulder to it; and Burrich assisted。 It was the first and last time I would ever use force against the Fool。 I took no joy in proving that I was physically stronger than he was。 The look in his eyes as I forced him aside was something no one should ever see in a friend's face。
       The King was sitting before his hearth; vapidly mumbling。 The Queen…in…Waiting sat desolately beside him; while Rosemary dozed at her feet。 Kettricken rose from her seat to regard us with surprise。 〃FitzChivalry?〃 she asked quietly。
       I went swiftly to her side。 〃I have much to explain; and a very little time in which to do it。 For what I need to do must be done now; tonight。〃 I paused; tried to decide how best to explain it to her。 〃Do you remember when you pledged yourself to Verity?〃
       〃Of course!〃 She looked at me as if I were crazy。
       〃He used August; then; a coterie member; to e and stand with you in your mind; to show you his heart。 Do you remember that?〃
       She colored。 〃Of course I do。 But I did not think anyone else knew exactly what had happened then。〃
       〃Few did。〃 I looked around; to find Burrich and the Fool following the conversation wide…eyed。
       〃Verity Skilled to you; through August。 He is strong in the Skill。 You know that; you know how he guards our coasts with it。 It is an ancestral magic; a talent of the Farseer line。 Verity inherited it from his father。 And I inherited a measure of it from mine。〃
       〃Why are you telling me this?〃
       〃Because I do not believe Verity is dead。 King Shrewd used to be strong in the Skill; I am told。 That is no longer the case。 His illness has stolen it away; as it has stolen so many other things。 But if we can persuade him to try; if we can rouse him to the effort; I can offer him my strength to sustain him。 He may be able to reach Verity。〃
       〃It will kill him。〃 The Fool spoke his challenge flatly。 〃I have heard of what the Skill takes out of a man。 My king has not that left to give。〃
       〃I don't think it will。 If we reach Verity; Verity will break it off before it hurts his father。 More than once he has drawn back from draining my strength; to be sure of not injuring me。〃
       〃Even a Fool can see the failure of your logic。〃 The Fool tugged at the cuffs of his fine new shirt。 〃If you reach Verity; how will we know it is true; and not a show?〃
       I opened my mouth in an angry protest; but the Fool held up a forbidding hand。 〃
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