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f while there is no one to stop him。〃
       〃Then why paint Bearns as a traitor? And set up Kettricken as an outsider? Why spread rumors of ridicule about Verity and his quest?〃
       〃Jealousy。 Regal has always been his father's spoiled pet。 I do not think he would turn on Shrewd。〃 Something in Chade's voice made me realize this was what he desperately wished to believe。 〃I supply the herbs that Wallace administers to Shrewd for his pain。〃
       〃I do not doubt your herbs。 But I think others are added to them。〃
       〃What would be the point? Even if Shrewd dies; Verity is still the heir。〃
       〃Unless Verity dies first。〃 I held up my hand as Chade opened his mouth to protest。 〃It need not really happen。 If Regal controls the coterie; he can supply word of Verity's death at any time。 Regal bees king…in…waiting。 Then 。。。〃 I let my words trail off。
       Chade let out a long sigh。 〃Enough。 You have given me enough to ponder。 I will look into these ideas; with my own resources。 For now; you must watch over yourself。 And Kettericken。 And the Fool。 If there is even a drop of truth in your theories; you all bee obstacles to Regal's goal。〃
       〃And what of you?〃 I asked quietly。 〃What is this caution we now must suffer?〃
       〃There is a chamber; whose wall adjoins this one。 Always before; it was left empty。 But one of Regal's guests is now ensconced in it。 Bright; Regal's cousin; and heir to Farrow Duchy。 The man is a very light sleeper。 He has plained to the servants of rats squeaking in the walls。 Then; last night; Slink overset a kettle; with quite a clatter。 It awoke him。 The man is overly curious as well。 He asks servants now if spirits have ever been known to walk in Buckkeep。 And I have heard him tapping at the walls。 I think he suspects this chamber。 It need not concern us all that much; soon he will be leaving; I'm sure。 But a bit more caution is called for。〃
       I felt there was more; but whatever he did not wish to say would not be gained by questions。 I asked one more; however。 〃Chade。 Are you still able to see the King once a day?〃
       He glanced down at his hands and shook his head slowly。 〃Regal seems to suspect my existence。 I will admit that to you。 At least; he suspects something; and seems always to have some of his folk lurking about。 It makes life difficult。 But enough of our worries。 Let us try to think of how things may go right。〃
       And then Chade began a long discussion of Elderlings; based on what little we knew of them。 We chatted of how it would be if Verity succeeded; and speculated what form the Elderlings' aid would take。 Chade seemed to speak with great hope and sincerity; even enthusiasm。 I tried to share it; but my belief was that the salvation of the Six Duchies depended on eliminating the viper in our midst。 It was not long before he sent me back to my own room。 I lay down on the bed; intending to rest for just a few minutes before facing the day; but instead fell into a deep sleep。
       We were blessed with storms for a time。 Each day that I woke to driving wind and rain against my shutters was a day to be treasured。 I tried to be unobtrusive about the Keep; avoiding Regal even if it meant taking all my meals in the watch room; drifting out of any room that Justin and Serene might enter。 Will; too; had returned from his Skill post at the Red Tower in Bearns。 On rare occasions I saw him in pany with Serene and Justin。 More often he dawdled in the hall at table; his half…lidded eyes always seeming on the verge of closing。 His dislike of me was not the focused hatred that Serene and Justin shared for me; but all the same I avoided him as well。 I told myself I was wise; but feared myself a coward。 I attended my king as often as I was allowed to。 It was not often enough。
       Came a morning when I was jolted awake to someone pounding on my door and yelling my name。 I stumbled from my bed and jerked the door open。 A white…faced stable boy stood shaking on my doorstep。 〃Hands says e to the stables。 Right now!〃
       He gave me no time to reply to his urgent message; but raced off as if seven kinds of demons were after him。
       I pulled on yesterday's clothes。 I thought of splashing my face with water; or smoothing my hair back into its tail afresh; but those thoughts occurred to me halfway down the stairs。 As I raced across the courtyard I could already hear the raised voices of a quarrel in the stable。 I knew Hands would not have called me for a simple squabble among stable hands。 I could not imagine what he would call me for。 I pushed open the stable doors; then shoved my way past a gaggle of stable boys and grooms to get to the center of the motion。
       It was Burrich。 He was no longer shouting。 Travel worn and weary; he now stood silent。 Hands was beside him; white…faced but standing firm。 〃I had no choice;〃 he said quietly in answer to something Burrich had said。 〃You would have had to do the same。〃
       Burrich's face looked ravaged。 His eyes were unbelieving; empty with shock。 〃I know;〃 he said after a moment。 〃I know。〃 He turned to look at me。 〃Fitz。 My horses are gone。〃 He swayed slightly on his feet。
       〃It wasn't Hands's doing;〃 I said quietly。 Then I asked; 〃Where is Prince Verity?〃
       His brows knit and he looked at me oddly。 〃You did not expect me?〃 He paused; said more loudly; 〃Messages were sent ahead of me。 Didn't you get them?〃
       〃We've heard nothing。 What happened? Why are you back?〃
       He looked around at the gaping stable boys; and something of the Burrich I knew came into his eyes again。 〃If you have not heard yet; then it is not for gossip and mon talk。 I must go straight to the King。〃 He drew himself up straight; looked around again at the boys and grooms。 The old whiplash was back in his voice as he demanded; 〃Have you no work to do? I shall be looking over how you have cared for things in my absence as soon as I return from the Keep。〃
       Like fog in the sunlight; the workers dissipated。 Burrich turned to Hands。 〃Would you care for my horse? Poor Ruddy's been poorly treated these last days。 Treat him well; now that he's home。〃
       Hands nodded。 〃Of course。 Shall I send for the healer? I could have him waiting here for you when you e back。〃
       Burrich shook his head。 〃What can be done for this; I can do for myself。 e; Fitz。 Give me your arm。〃
       In disbelief; I offered my arm and Burrich took it; leaning on me heavily。 For the first time I glanced down。 What I had taken to be heavy winter leggings at first glance was actually a thick wrap of bandaging on his bad leg。 He favored it; putting most of his weight on me as he limped along。 I could feel the exhaustion thrumming through him。 Up close; I could smell the sweat of pain on him。 His clothing was stained and torn; his hands and face begrimed。 This was as unlike the man I knew as anything I could imagine。 〃Please;〃 I said quietly as I helped him toward the castle。 〃Is Verity all right?〃
       He gave me a ghost of a smile。 〃You think our prince could be dead; and I still be alive? You insult me。 Besides; use your wits。 You'd know if he was dead。 Or injured。〃 He paused and studied me carefully。 〃Wouldn't you?〃
       It was plain what he 
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