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       〃Not much farther;〃 I told Burrich。
       Hands had already started his horse。 The stocky little gelding surged ahead bravely; breaking trail through the banked snow。 I nudged Sooty and the tall mare reluctantly stepped out。 As she leaned into the hill I slid to one side。 As I scrabbled futilely at my saddle Burrich nudged his horse abreast of mine。 He reached out; seized me by the back of my collar; and dragged me upright again。 〃It's not much farther;〃 he agreed。 〃You'll make it。〃
       I managed a nod。 It was only the second time he'd had to steady me in the last hour or so。 One of my better evenings; I told myself bitterly。 I pulled myself up straighter in the saddle; resolutely squared my shoulders。 Nearly home。
       The journey had been long and arduous。 The weather had been foul; and the constant hardships had not improved my health。 Much of it I remembered like a dark dream; days of jolting along in the saddle; barely cognizant of our path; nights when I lay between Hands and Burrich in our small tent and trembled with a weariness so great I could not even sleep。 As we had drawn closer to Buck Duchy I had thought our travel would bee easier。 I had not reckoned on Burrich's caution。
       At Turlake; we had stopped a night at an inn。 I had thought that we'd take passage on a river barge the next day; for though ice might line the banks of the Buck River; its strong current kept a channel clear year…round。 I went straight to our room; for I had not much stamina。 Burrich and Hands were both anticipating hot food and panionship; to say nothing of ale。 I had not expected them to e soon to the room。 But scarcely two hours had passed before they both came up to ready themselves for bed。
       Burrich was grim and silent; but after he had gone to bed; Hands whispered to me from his bed how poorly the King was spoken of in this town。 〃Had they known we were from Buckkeep; I doubt they would have spoken so freely。 But clad as we are in Mountain garments; they thought us traders or merchants。 A dozen times I thought Burrich would challenge one of them。 In truth; I do not know how he contained himself。 All plain about the taxes for defending the coast。 They sneer; saying that for all the taxes they bleed; the Raiders still came unlooked for in autumn; when the weather lasted fine; and burned two more towns。〃 Hands had paused; and uncertainly added; 〃But they speak unmonly well of Prince Regal。 He passed through here escorting Kettricken back to Buckkeep。 One man at the table called her a great white fish of a wife; fit for the coast King。 And another spoke up; saying that at least Prince Regal bore himself well despite his hardships; and looked ever as a Prince should。 Then they drank to the Prince's health and long life。〃
       A cold settled in me。 I whispered back; 〃The two Forged villages。 Did you hear what ones they were?〃
       〃Whalejaw up in Bearns。 And Siltbay in Buck itself。〃
       The darkness settled darker around me; and I lay watching it all night。
       The next morning we left Turlake。 On horseback。 Overland。 Burrich would not even let us keep to the road。 I had protested in vain。 He listened to me plain; then took me aside; to fiercely demand; 〃Do you want to die?〃
       I looked at him blankly。 He snorted in disgust。 。
       〃Fitz; nothing has changed。 You're still a royal bastard; and Prince Regal still regards you as an obstacle。 He's tried to be rid of you; not once; but twice。 Do you think he's going to wele you back to Buckkeep? No。 Even better for him if we never make it back at all。 So let's not make easy targets of ourselves。 We go overland。 If he or his hirelings want us; they'll have to hunt us through the woods。 And he's never been much of a hunter。〃
       〃Wouldn't Verity protect us?〃 I asked weakly。
       〃You're a King's Man; and Verity is king…in…waiting;〃 Burrich had pointed out shortly。 〃You protect your king; Fitz。 Not the reverse。 Not that he doesn't think well of you; and would do all he could to protect you。 But he has weightier matters to attend。 Red…Ships。 A new bride。 And a younger brother who thinks the crown would sit better on his own head。
       No。 Don't expect the King…in…Waiting to watch over you。 Do that for yourself。〃
       All I could think of was the extra days he was putting between me and my search for Molly。 But I did not give that reason。 I had not told him of my dream。 Instead; I said; 〃Regal would have to be crazy to try to kill us again。 Everyone would know he was the murderer。〃
       〃Not crazy; Fitz。 Just ruthless。 Regal is that。 Let's not ever suppose that Regal abides by the rules we observe; or even thinks as we do。 If Regal sees an opportunity to kill us; he'll take it。 He won't care who suspects so long as no one can prove it。 Verity is our king…in…waiting。 Not our king。 Not yet。 While King Shrewd is alive and on the throne; Regal will find ways around his father。 He will get away with many things。 Even murder。 〃
       Burrich had reined his horse aside from the well…traveled road; plunged off through drifts and up the unmarked snowy hillside beyond; to strike a straight course for Buckkeep。 Hands had looked at me as if he felt ill。 But we had followed。 And every night when we had slept; bundled all together in a single tent for warmth instead of in beds in a cozy inn; I had thought of Regal。 Every floundering step up each hillside; leading our horses more often than not; and every cautious descent; I had thought of the youngest Prince。 I tallied every extra hour between Molly and me。 The only times I felt strength surge through me were during my daydreams of battering Regal into ruin。 I could not promise myself revenge。 Revenge was the property of the crown。 But if I could not have revenge; Regal would not have satisfaction。 I would return to Buckkeep; and I would stand tall before him; and when his black eye fell upon me; I would not flinch。 Nor; I vowed; would Regal ever see me tremble; or catch at a wall for support; or pass a hand before my blurry eyes。 He would never know how close he had e to winning it all。
       So at last we rode to Buckkeep; not up the winding seacoast road; but from the forested hills behind her。 The snow。 dwindled; then ceased。 The night winds blew the clouds aside; and a fine moon made Buckkeep's stone walls shine black as jet against the sea。 Light shone yellow in her turrets and beside the side gate。 〃We're home;〃 Burrich said quietly。 We rode down one last hill; struck the road at last; and rode around to the great gate of Buckkeep。
       A young soldier stood night guard。 He lowered his pike to block our way and demanded our names。
       Burrich pushed his hood back from his face; but the lad didn't move。 〃I'm Burrich; the stablemaster!〃 Burrich informed him incredulously。 〃The stablemaster here for longer than you've been alive; most likely。 I feel I should be asking you what your business is here at my gate!〃
       Before the flustered lad could reply; there was a tumble and rush of soldiers from the guardhouse。 〃It is Burrich!〃 the watch sergeant exclaimed。 Burrich was instantly the center of a cluster of men; all shouting greetings and talking at once while Hands and I sat our wear
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