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       〃What does Molly need?〃
       A little chandlery with beehives in the backyard of it。 Children。 A legitimate husband。 〃You are doing this for Shrewd。 To make me do as he wishes;〃 I accused Chade。
       He lifted his hands from my shoulders。 I listened to him walk away; to wine being poured into a single cup。 He brought his wine with him to his chair and sat down before his fire。
       〃I'm sorry。〃
       He looked at me。 〃Someday; FitzChivalry;〃 he warned me; 〃those words will not be enough。 Sometimes it is easier to pull a knife out of a man than to ask him to forget words you have uttered。 Even words uttered in anger。〃
       〃I am sorry;〃 I repeated。
       〃So am I;〃 he said shortly。
       After a time I asked humbly; 〃Why did you wish to see me tonight?〃
       He sighed。 〃Forged ones。 Southwest of Buckkeep。〃
       I felt ill。 〃I had thought I would not have to do that anymore;〃 I said quietly。 〃When Verity put me on a ship to Skill for him; he said that perhaps…〃
       〃This does not e from Verity。 It was reported to Shrewd; and he wishes it taken care of。 Verity is already 。。。 overtaxed。 We do not wish to trouble him with anything else just now。〃
       I put my head back into my hands。 〃Is there no one else who can do this?〃 I begged him。
       〃Only you and I are trained for this。〃
       〃I did not mean you;〃 I said wearily。 〃I do not expect you to do that sort of work anymore。〃
       〃Don't you?〃 I looked up to find the anger back in his eyes。 〃 You arrogant pup! Who do you think kept them from Buckkeep all summer; Fitz; while you were out on the Rurisk? Did you think that because you wished to avoid a task; the need for such work ceased?〃
       I was as shamed then as I have ever been。 I looked aside from his anger。 〃Oh; Chade。 I am sorry。〃
       〃Sorry that you avoided it? Or sorry that you thought me incapable of doing it anymore?〃
       〃Both。 Everything。〃 I conceded it all suddenly。 〃Please; Chade; if one more person I care about bees angry with me; I don't think I shall be able to bear it。〃 I lifted my head and looked at him steadily until he was forced to meet my eyes。
       He lifted a hand to scratch at his beard。 〃It has been a long summer for both of us。 Pray El for storms to drive the Red…Ships away forever。〃
       We sat a time in silence。
       〃Sometimes;〃 Chade observed; 〃it would be much easier to die for one's king than to give one's life to him。〃
       I bowed my head in assent。 The rest of the night we spent preparing the poisons I would need in order to begin killing for my king again。
       THE AUTUMN OF the third year of the Red…Ship War was a bitter one for King…in…Waiting Verity。 His warships had been his dream。 He had founded all his hopes on them。 He had believed he could rid his own coast of Raiders; and be so successful at it that he could send forth raiders against the hostile Outisland coasts even during the worst of the winter storms。 Despite early victories; the ships never achieved the mand of the coast that he had hoped they would。 Early winter found him with a fleet of five ships; two of which had recently sustained severe damage。 One intact was the captured Red…Ship vessel; which had been refitted and sent out with a crew to assist in patrols and escorting of merchant vessels。 When the winds of autumn finally arrived; only one of his ships' masters expressed enough confidence in his crew's skills and his vessel to be willing to undertake a raid against the Outislander coasts。 The other masters argued for at least one winter of practicing seamanship along our own rough coast; and another summer of practicing tactics; before undertaking such an ambitious goal。
       Verity would not send unwilling men; but neither did he hide his disappointment。 He expressed it well when he outfitted the one willing ship; for the Revenge; as the vessel had been renamed; was provisioned handsomely。 The master's hand picked crew were outfitted as well; in whatever armor they chose for themselves; and were given new weapons of the best craftsmanship available。 There was quite a ceremony at her send…off; with even King Shrewd in attendance despite his failing health。 The Queen herself hung the gull's feathers from the ship's mast that are said to bring a vessel swiftly and safely back to her home port。 A great cheer arose as the Revenge set out; and the health of the captain and crew were drunk many times over that evening。
       A month later; to Verity's chagrin; we would receive word that a vessel matching the Revenge's description was pirating in the calmer waters to the south of the Six Duchies and bringing much misery to the merchants of Bingtown and the Chalced States。 That was as much news of the captain and crew and ship as ever came back to Buckkeep。 Some blamed it on the Outislanders among the crew; but there were as many good Six Duchies hands aboard as Outislanders; and the captain had been raised right in Buckkeep Town。 This was a crushing blow to Verity's pride and to his leadership of his people。 Some believe it was then that he decided to sacrifice himself in the hopes of finding a final solution。
       I think the Fool put her up to it。 Certainly he had spent a great many hours in the tower…top garden with Kettricken; and his admiration for what she had acplished there was unfeigned。 Much goodwill can be won with a sincere pliment。 By the end of the summer; not only was she laughing at his jests when he came up to entertain her and her ladies; but he had persuaded her to be a frequent caller in the King's chambers。 As queen…in…waiting; she was immune to Wallace's humors。 Kettricken herself undertook to mix King Shrewd strengthening tonics; and for a time the King did seem to rally under her care and attention。 I think the Fool decided that he would acplish through her what he had been unable to nag Verity and me into doing。
       It was a wintry fall evening when she first broached the subject to me。 I was up on the tower top with her; helping her to tie bundles of straw about the more tender of the plants there; that they might better withstand the winter snows。 This was something Patience had decreed must be done; and she and Lacey were performing the same task on a bed of windbower plants behind me。 She had bee a frequent adviser to Queen Kettricken in matters of growing things; albeit a very timid one。 Little Rosemary was at my elbow; handing me twine as we needed it。 Two or three of Kettricken's other ladies; well bundled; had stayed; but they were at the other end of the garden; talking quietly together。 The others she had dismissed back to their hearths when she had noted them shivering and blowing on their fingers。 My bare hands were near numb; as were my ears; but Kettricken seemed perfectly fortable。 As was Verity; tucked away somewhere inside my skull。 He had insisted that I start carrying him again after he had discovered that once more I was going out after Forged ones alone。 I scarcely noticed his presence in the back of my mind anymore。 Yet I believe that I felt him startle when Kettricken asked me; as she knotted a string about a bundled plant I was supporting
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