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ian fleming.casino royale-第4章

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r。 Voice soft and even。 Bilingual in French and English。 Good German。 Traces of Marseilles accent。 Smiles infrequently。 Does not laugh。
 Habits: Mostly expensive; but discreet。 Large sexual appetites。 Flagellant。 Expert driver of fast cars。 Adept with small arms and other forms of personal bat; including knives。 Carries three Eversharp razor blades; in hat…band; heel of left shoe and cigarette…case。 Knowledge of accountancy and mathematics。 Fine gambler。 Always acpanied by two armed guards; well…dressed; one French; one German (details available)。
 ment: A formidable and dangerous agent of the USSR; controlled by Leningrad Section III through Paris。
 Signed: Archivist。
 Appendix B。
 Subject: SMERSH
 Sources: Own archives and scanty material made available by Deuxième Bureau and CIA Washington。
 SMERSH is a conjunction of two Russian words: 'Smyert Shpionam'; meaning roughly: 'Death to Spies'。
 Ranks above MWD (formerly NKVD) and is believed to e under the personal direction of Beria。
 Headquarters: Leningrad (sub…station at Moscow)。
 Its tasks is the elimination of all forms of treachery and back…sliding with the various branches of the Soviet Secret Service and Secret Police at home and abroad。 It is the most powerful and feared organization in the USSR and is popularly believed never to have failed in a mission of vengeance。
 It is thought that SMERSH was responsible for the assassination of Trotsky in Mexico (22 August 1940) and may indeed have made its name with this successful murder after attempts by other Russian individuals and organizations had failed。
 SMERSH was next heard of when Hitler attacked Russia。 It was then rapidly expanded to cope with treachery and double agents during the retreat of the Soviet forces in 1941。 At that time it worked as an execution squad for the NKVD and its present selective mission was not so clearly defined。
 The organization itself was thoroughly purged after the war and is now believed to consist of only a few hundred operatives of very high quality divided into five sections:
 Department I: In charge of counter…intelligence among Soviet organizations at home and abroad。
 Department II: Operations; including executions。
 Department III: Administration and Finance。
 Department IV: Investigations and legal work。 Personnel。
 Department V: Prosecutions: the section which passes final judgement on all victims。
 Only one SMERSH operative has e into our hands since the war: Goytchev; alias Garrad…Jones。 He shot Petchora; medical officer at the Yugoslav Embassy; in Hyde Park; 7 August 1948。 During interrogation he mitted suicide by swallowing a coat…button of pressed potassium cyanide。 He revealed nothing beyond his membership of SMERSH; of which he was arrogantly boastful。
 We believe that the following British double agents were victims of SMERSH: Donovan; Harthrop…Vane; Elizabeth Dumont; Ventnor; Mace; Savarin。 (For details see Morgue: Section Q。)
 Conclusion: Every effort should be made to improve our knowledge of this very powerful organization and destroy its operatives。
 Head of S (the section of the Secret Service concerned with the Soviet Union) was so keen on his plan for the destruction of Le Chiffre; and it was basically his own plan; that he took the memorandum himself and went up to the top floor of the gloomy building overlooking Regent's Park and through the green baize door and along the corridor to the end room。
 He walked belligerently up to M's Chief of Staff; a young sapper who had earned his spurs as one of the secretariat to the Chiefs of Staff mittee after having been wounded during a sabotage operation in 1944; and had kept his sense of humour in spite of both experiences。
 'Now look here; Bill。 I want to sell something to the Chief。 Is this a good moment?'
 'What do you think; Penny?' The Chief of Staff turned to M's private secretary who shared the room with him。
 Miss Moneypenny would have been desirable but for eyes which were cool and direct and quizzical。
 'Should be all right。 He won a bit of a victory at the FO this morning and he's not got anyone for the next half an hour。' She smiled encouragingly at Head of S whom she liked for himself and for the importance of his section。
 'Well; here's the dope; Bill。' He handed over the black folder with the red star which stood for Top Secret。 'And for God's sake look enthusiastic when you give it him。 And tell him I'll wait here and read a good code…book while he's considering it。 He may want some more details; and anyway I want to see you two don't pester him with anything else until he's finished。'
 'All right; sir。' The Chief of Staff pressed a switch leant towards the inter on his desk。
 'Yes?' asked a quiet; flat voice。
 'Head of S has an urgent docket for you; sir。'
 There was a pause。
 'Bring it in;' said a voice。
 The Chief of Staff released the switch and stood up。
 'Thanks; Bill。 I'll be next door;' said Head of S。
 The Chief of Staff crossed his office and went through the double doors leading into M's room。 In a moment he came out and over the entrance a small blue light burned the warning that M was not to be disturbed。
 Later; a triumphant Head of S said to his Number Two: 'We nearly cooked ourselves with that last paragraph。 He said it was subversion and blackmail。 He got pretty sharp about it。 Anyway; he approves。 Says the idea's crazy; but worth trying if the Treasury will play and he thinks they will。 He's going to tell them it's a better gamble than the money we're putting into deserting Russian colonels who turn double after a few months' 〃asylum〃 here。 And he's longing to get at Le Chiffre; and anyway he's got the right man and wants to try him out on the job。'
 'Who is it?' asked Number Two。
 'One of the Double O's … I guess 007。 He's tough and M thinks there may be trouble with those gunmen of Le Chiffre's。 He must be pretty good with the cards or he wouldn't have sat in the Casino in Monte Carlo for two months before the war watching that Roumanian team work their stuff with the invisible ink and the dark glasses。 He and the Deuxième bowled them out in the end and 007 turned in a million francs he had won at shemmy。 Good money in those days。'
 James Bond's interview with M had been short。
 'What about it; Bond?' asked M when Bond came back into his room after reading Head of S's memorandum and after gazing for ten minutes out of the waiting…room window at the distant trees in the park。
 Bond looked across the desk into the shrewd; clear eyes。
 'It's very kind of you; sir; I'd like to do it。 But I can't promise to win。 The odds at baccarat are the best after trente…et…quarante … evens except for the tiny cagnotte … but I might get a bad run against me and get cleaned out。 Play's going to he pretty high … opening'll go up to half a million; I should think。'
 Bond was stopped by the cold eyes。 M knew all this already; knew the odds at baccarat as well as Bond。 That was his job … knowing the odds at everything; and knowing men; his own and the opposition's。 Bond wished he had kept quiet about his misgivings。
 'He can have a bad run too;' said M。 'You'l
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