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ian fleming.casino royale-第14章

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 take some time; but in the end one of us is bound to break the other; irrespective of the other players at the table; although they can; of course; make him richer or poorer in the meantime。
 'Being the banker; he's got a slight advantage in the play; but knowing that I'm making a dead set at him and not knowing; I hope; my capital; is bound to play on his nerves a bit; so I'm hoping that we start about equal。'
 He paused while the strawberries came and the avocado pear。
 For a while they ate in silence; then they talked of other things while the coffee was served。 They smoked。 Neither of them drank brandy or a liqueur。 Finally; Bond felt it was time to explain the actual mechanics of the game。
 'It's a simple affair;' he said; 'and you'll understand it at once if you've ever played vingt…et…un; where the object is to get cards from the banker which add up more closely to a count of twenty…one than his do。 In this game; I get two cards and the banker gets two; and unless anyone wins outright; either or both of us can get one more card。 The object of the game is to hold two; or three cards which together count nine points; or as nearly nine as possible。 Court cards and tens count nothing; aces one each; any other card its face value。 It is only the last figure of your count that signifies。 So nine plus seven equals six … not sixteen。
 'The winner is the one whose count is nearest to nine。 Draws are played over again。'
 Vesper listened attentively; but she also watched the look of abstract passion on Bond's face。
 'Now;' Bond continued; 'when the banker deals me my two cards; if they add up to eight or nine; they're a 'natural' and I turn them up and I win; unless he has an equal or a better natural。 If I haven't got a natural; I can stand on a seven or a six; perhaps ask for a card or perhaps not; on a five; and certainly ask for a card if my count is lower than five。 Five is the turning point of the game。 According to the odds; the chances of bettering or worsening your hand if you hold a five are exactly even。
 'Only when I ask for a card or tap mine to signify that I stand on what I have; can the banker look at his。 If he has a natural; he turns them up and wins。 Otherwise he is faced with the same problems as I was。 But he is helped in his decision to draw or not to draw a third card by my actions。 If I have stood; he must assume that I have a five; six; or seven: if I have drawn; he will know that I had something less than a six and I may have improved my hand or not with the card he gave me。 And this card was dealt to me face up。 On its face value and a knowledge of the odds; he will know whether to take another card or to stand on his own。
 'So he has a very slight advantage over me。 He has a tiny help over his decision to draw or to stand。 But there is always one problem card at this game … shall one draw or stand on a five and what will your opponent do with a five? Some players always draw or always stand。 I follow my intuition。
 'But in the end;' Bond stubbed out his cigarette and called for the bill; 'it's the natural eights and nines that matter; and I must just see that I get more of them than he does。'
 While telling the story of the game and anticipating the ing fight; Bond's face had lit up again。 The prospect of at least getting to grips with Le Chiffre stimulated him and quickened his pulse。 He seemed to have pletely forgotten the brief coolness between them; and Vesper was relieved and entered into his mood。
 He paid the bill and gave a handsome tip to the sommelier。 Vesper rose and led the way out of the restaurant and out on to the steps of the hotel。
 The big Bentley was waiting and Bond drove Vesper over; parking as close to the entrance as he could。 As they walked through the ornate ante…rooms; he hardly spoke。 She looked at him and saw that his nostrils were slightly flared。 In other respects he seemed pletely at ease; acknowledging cheerfully the greetings of the Casino functionaries。 At the door to the salle privée they were not asked for their membership cards。 Bond's high gambling had already made him a favoured client and any panion of his shared in the glory。
 Before they had penetrated very far into the main room; Felix Leiter detached himself from one of the roulette tables and greeted Bond as an old friend。 After being introduced to Vesper Lynd and exchanging a few remarks; Leiter said: 'Well; since you're playing baccarat this evening; will you allow me to show Miss Lynd how to break the bank at roulette? I've got three lucky numbers that are bound to show soon; and I expect Miss Lynd has some too。 Then perhaps we could e and watch you when your game starts to warm up。'
 Bond looked inquiringly at Vesper。
 'I should love that;' she said; 'but will you give me one of your lucky numbers to play on?'
 'I have no lucky numbers;' said Bond unsmilingly。 'I only bet on even chances; or as near them as I can get。 Well; I shall leave you then。' He excused himself。 'You will be in excellent hands with my friend Felix Leiter。' He gave a short smile which embraced them both and walked with an unhurried gait towards the caisse。
 Leiter sensed the rebuff。
 'He's a very serious gambler; Miss Lynd;' he said。 'And I guess he has to be。 Now e with me and watch Number 17 obey my extra…sensory perceptions。 You'll find it quite a painless sensation being given plenty of money for nothing。'
 Bond was relieved to be on his own again and to be able to clear his mind of everything but the task on hand。 He stood at the caisse and took his twenty…four million francs against the receipt which had been given him that afternoon。 He divided the notes into equal packets and put half the sum into his right…hand coat pocket and the other half into the left。 Then he strolled slowly across the room between the thronged tables until he came to the top of the room where the broad baccarat table waited behind the brass rail。
 The table was filling up and the cards were spread face down being stirred and mixed slowly in what is known as the 'croupiers' shuffle'; supposedly the shuffle which is most effective and least susceptible to cheating。
 The chef de partie lifted the velvet…covered chain which allowed entrance through the brass rail。
 'I've kept Number 6 as you wished; Monsieur Bond。'
 There were still three other empty places at the table。 Bond moved inside the rail to where a huissier was holding out his chair。 He sat down with a nod to the players on his right and left。 He took out his wide gunmetal cigarette…case and his black lighter and placed them on the green baize at his right elbow。 The huissier wiped a thick glass ash…tray with a cloth and put it beside them。 Bond lit a cigarette and leant back in his chair。
 Opposite him; the banker's chair was vacant。 He glanced round the table。 He knew most of the players by sight; but few of their names。 At Number 7; on his right; there was a Monsieur Sixte; a wealthy Belgian with metal interests in the Congo。 At Number 9 there was Lord Danvers; a distinguished but weak…looking man whose francs were presumably provided by his rich American wife; a middle…aged woman with the predatory mouth of
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