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ian fleming.casino royale-第12章

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 'Have you decided?'
 'I would love a glass of vodka;' she said simply; and went back to her study of the menu。
 'A small carafe of vodka; very cold;' ordered Bond。 He said to her abruptly: 'I can't drink the health of your new frock without knowing your Christian name。'
 'Vesper;' she said。 'Vesper Lynd。'
 Bond gave her a look of inquiry。
 'It's rather a bore always having to explain; but I was born in the evening; on a very stormy evening according to my parents。 Apparently they wanted to remember it。' She smiled。 'Some people like it; others don't。 I'm just used to it。'
 'I think it's a fine name;' said Bond。 An idea struck him。 'Can I borrow it?' He explained about the special martini he had invented and his search for a name for it。 'The Vesper;' he said。 'It sounds perfect and it's very appropriate to the violet hour when my cocktail will now be drunk all over the world。 Can I have it?'
 'So long as I can try one first;' she promised。 'It sounds a drink to be proud of。'
 'We'll have one together when all this is finished;' said Bond。 'Win or lose。 And now have you decided what you would like to have for dinner? Please be expensive;' he added as he sensed her hesitation; 'or you'll let down that beautiful frock。'
 'I'd made two choices;' she laughed; 'and either would have been delicious; but behaving like a millionaire occasionally is a wonderful treat and if you're sure 。 。 。 well; I'd like to start with caviar and then have a plain grilled rognon de veau with pommes soufflés。 And then I'd like to have fraises des bois with a lot of cream。 Is it very shameless to be so certain and so expensive?' She smiled at him inquiringly。
 'It's a virtue; and anyway it's only a good plain wholesome meal。' He turned to the ma?tre d'h?tel; 'and bring plenty of toast。'
 'The trouble always is;' he explained to Vesper; 'not how to get enough caviar; but how to get enough toast with it。'
 'Now;' he turned back to the menu; 'I myself will acpany Mademoiselle with the caviar; but then I would like a very small tournedos; underdone; with sauce Béarnaise and a coeur d'artichaut。 While Mademoiselle is enjoying the strawberries; I will have half an avocado pear with a little French dressing。 Do you approve?'
 The ma?tre d'h?tel bowed。
 'My pliments; mademoiselle and monsieur。 Monsieur George;' he turned to the sommelier and repeated the two dinners for his benefit。
 'Parfait;' said the sommelier; proffering the leather…bound wine list。
 'If you agree;' said Bond; 'I would prefer to drink champagne with you tonight。 It is a cheerful wine and it suits the occasion … I hope' he added。
 'Yes I would like champagne;' she said。
 With his finger on the page; Bond turned to the sommelier: 'The Taittinger 45?'
 'A fine wine; monsieur;' said the sommelier。 But if Monsieur will permit;' he pointed with his pencil; 'the Blanc de Blanc Brut 1943 of The same marque is without equal。'
 Bond smiled。 'So be it;' he said。
 'That is not a well…known brand;' Bond explained to his panion; 'but it is probably the finest champagne in the world。' He grinned suddenly at the touch of pretension in his remark。
 'You must forgive me;' he said。 'I take a ridiculous pleasure in what I eat and drink。 It es partly from being a bachelor; but mostly from a habit of taking a lot of trouble over details。 It's very pernickety and old…maidish really; but then when I'm working I generally have to eat my meals alone and it makes them more interesting when one takes trouble。'
 Vesper smiled at him。
 'I like it;' she said。 'I like doing everything fully; getting the most out of everything one does。 I think that's the way to live。 But it sounds rather schoolgirlish when one says it;' she added apologetically。
 The little carafe of vodka had arrived in its bowl of crushed ice and Bond filled their glasses。
 'Well; I agree with you anyway;' he said; 'and now; here's luck for tonight; Vesper。'
 'Yes;' said the girl quietly; as she held up her small glass and looked at him with a curious directness straight in the eyes。 'I hope all will go well tonight。'
 She seemed to Bond to give a quick involuntary shrug of the shoulders as she spoke; but then she leant impulsively towards him。
 'I have some news for you from Mathis。 He was longing to tell you himself。 It's about the bomb。 It's a fantastic story。'
 Bond looked round; but there was no possibility of being overheard; and the caviar would be waiting for the hot toast from the kitchens。
 'Tell me。' His eyes glittered with interest。
 'They got the third Bulgar; on the road to Paris。 He was in a Citro?n and he had picked up two English hikers as protective colouring。 At the road…block his French was so bad that they asked for his papers and he brought out a gun and shot one of the motor…cycle patrol。 But the other man got him; I don't know how; and managed to stop him mitting suicide。 Then they took him down to Rouen and extracted the story … in the usual French fashion; I suppose。
 'Apparently they were part of a pool held in France for this sort of job … saboteurs; thugs; and so on … and Mathis's friends are already trying to round up the rest。 They were to get two million francs for killing you and the agent who briefed them told them there was absolutely no chance of being caught if they followed his instructions exactly。'
 She took a sip of vodka。 'But this is the interesting part。'
 'The agent gave them the two camera…cases you saw。 He said the bright colours would make it easier for them。 He told them that the blue case contained a very powerful smoke…bomb。 The red case was the explosive。 As one of them threw the red case; the other was to press a switch on the blue case and they would escape under cover of the smoke。 In fact; the smoke…bomb was a pure invention to make the Bulgars think they could get away。 Both cases contained an identical high…explosive bomb。 There was no difference between the blue and the red cases。 The idea was to destroy you and the bomb…throwers without trace。 Presumably there were other plans for dealing with the third man。'
 'Go on;' said Bond; full of admiration for the ingenuity of the double…cross。
 'Well; apparently the Bulgars thought this sounded very fine; but cannily they decided to take no chances。 It would be better; they thought; to touch off the smoke…bomb first and; from inside the cloud of smoke; hurl the explosive bomb at you。 What you saw was the assistant bomb…thrower pressing down the lever on the phoney smoke…bomb and; of course; they both went up together。
 'The third Bulgar was waiting behind the Splendide to pick his two friends up。 When he saw what had happened; he assumed they had bungled。 But the police picked up some fragments of the unexploded red bomb and he was confronted with them。 When he saw that they had been tricked and that his two friends were meant to be murdered with you; he started to talk。 I expect he's still talking now。 But there's nothing to link all this with Le Chiffre。 They were given the job by some intermediary; perhaps one of Le Chiffre's guards; and Le Chiffre's name means absolutely nothing to the one who survived。'
 She finished her story 
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