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  〃I assume you want the Post to pay for this;〃 Keen said with a smile。
  〃I'm not thinking about money right now。 The same people who tried to kill her in New Orleans turned up in New York on Friday; or so she thinks。 They have amazing talent in pursuit; and she's being painfully cautious。〃
  〃Well; if you're being followed by someone; and she's being followed by someone; then perhaps she knows what she's doing。〃
  〃Oh; listen; Smith; she knows exactly what she's doing。 She's so good it's scary; and she's leaving here Wednesday morning for good。 So we've got two days to find Garcia。〃
  〃What if Garcia's overrated? What if you find him and he won't talk; or what if he knows nothing? Have you thought about that?〃
  〃I've had nightmares about that。 I think he knows something big。 There's a document or a piece of paper; something tangible; and he's got it。 He referred to it a time or two; and when I pressed him he wouldn't admit it。 But the day we were supposed to meet; he planned to show it to me。 I'm convinced of that。 He's got something; Smith。〃
  〃And if he won't show it to you?〃
  〃I'll break his neck。〃 
  They crossed the Potomac and cruised by Arlington Cemetery。 Keen lit his pipe and cracked a window。 〃What if you can't find Garcia?〃
  〃Plan B。 She's gone and the deal's off。 Once she leaves the country; I have permission to do anything with the brief except use her name as a source。 The poor girl is convinced she's dead regardless of whether we get the story; but she wants as much protection as possible。 I can never use her name; not even as the author of the brief。〃
  〃Does she talk much about the brief?〃
  〃Not the actual writing of it。 It was a wild idea; she pursued it; and had almost dismissed it when bombs started going off。 She's sorry she wrote the damned thing。 She and Callahan were really in love; and she's loaded down with a lot of pain and guilt。〃
  〃So what's Plan B?〃
  〃We attack the lawyers。 Mattiece is too devious and slippery to penetrate without subpoenas and warrants and things we can't dispense; but we know his lawyers。 He's represented by two big firms here in town; and we go after them。 A lawyer or a group of them carefully analyzed the Supreme Court; and suggested the names of Rosenberg and Jensen。 Mattiece wouldn't know who to kill。 So his lawyers told him。 It's a conspiracy angle。〃
  〃But you can't make them talk。〃
  〃Not about a client。 But if the lawyers are guilty; and we start asking questions; something'll break。 We'll need a dozen reporters making a million phone calls to lawyers; paralegals; law clerks; secretaries; copy room clerks; everybody。 We assault these bastards。〃 
  Keen puffed his pipe and was nonmittal。 〃Who are the firms?〃
  〃White and Blazevich; and Brim; Stearns; and Kidlow。 Check our library on them。〃
  〃I've heard of White and Blazevich。 It's a big Republican outfit。〃 
  Gray nodded and sipped the last of his coffee。
  〃What if it's another firm?〃 Keen asked。 〃What if the firm is not in Washington? What if the conspirators don't break? What if there's only one legal mind at work here and it belongs to a part…time paralegal in Shreveport? What if one of Mattiece's in…house lawyers devised the scheme?〃
  〃Sometimes you irritate the hell out of me。 Do you know that?〃
  〃These are valid questions。 What if?〃
  〃Then we go to Plan C。〃
  〃And what's that?〃
  〃I don't know yet。 She hasn't gotten that far。〃 
  *  *  *
  SHE HAD INSTRUCTED HIM to stay off the streets and to eat in his room。 He had a sandwich and fries in a bag; and was obediently walking to his room on the eighth floor of the Marbury。 An Asian maid was pushing her cart near his room。 He stopped at his door and pulled the key from his pocket。
  〃You forget something; sir?〃 the maid asked。 
  Gray looked at her。 〃I beg your pardon。〃
  〃You forget something?〃
  〃Well; no。 Why?〃 
  The maid took a step closer to him。 〃You just left; sir; and now you are back。〃
  〃I left four hours ago。〃 
  She shook her head and took another step for a closer look。 〃No sir。 A man left your room ten minutes ago。〃 She hesitated and studied his face intently。But; sir; now I think it was another man。〃 
  Gray glanced at the room number on the door。 833。 He stared at the woman。 〃Are you certain another man was in this room?〃
  〃Yes; sir。 Just minutes ago。〃 
  He panicked。 He walked quickly to the stairs; and ran down eight flights。 What was in the room? Nothing but clothes。 Nothing about Darby。 He stopped and reached into a pocket。 The note with the Tabard Inn address and her phone number was in the pocket。 He caught his breath; and eased into the lobby。 
  He had to find her; and quick。 
  *  *  *
  DARBY FOUND an empty table in the reading room on the second floor of the Edward Bennett Williams Law Library at Georgetown。 In her new hobby as a traveling critic of law school libraries; she found Georgetown's to be the nicest so far。 It was a separate five…story building across a small courtyard from Mc…Donough Hall; the law school。 The library was new; sleek; and modern; but still a law library and quickly filling with Sunday students now thinking of final exams。 
  She opened volume five of Martindale…Hubbell; and found the section for D。C。 firms。 White and Blazevich ran for twenty…eight pages。 Names; birth dates; birthplaces; schools; professional organizations; distinctions; awards; mittees; and publications of four hundred and twelve lawyers; the partners first; then the associates。 She took notes on a legal pad。 
  The firm had eighty…one partners; and the rest were associates。 She grouped them by alphabet; and wrote every name on the legal pad。 She was just another law student checking out law firms in the relentless chase of employment。 
  The work was boring and her mind wandered。 Thomas had studied here twenty years ago。 He'd been a top student and claimed to have spent many hours in the library。 He'd written for the law journal; a chore she would be enduring under normal circumstances。 
  Death was a subject she'd analyzed from different angles in the past ten days。 Except for going quietly in one's sleep; she was undecided as to the best approach。 A slow; agonizing demise from a disease was a nightmare for the victim and the loved ones; but at least there was time for preparation and farewells。 A violent; unexpected death was over in a second and probably best for the deceased。 But the shock was numbing for those left behind。 There were so many painful questions。 Did he suffer? What was his last thought? Why did it happen? And watching the quick death of a loved one was beyond description。 
  She loved him more because she watched him die; and she told herself to stop hearing the explosion; and stop smelling the smoke; and stop watching him die。 If she survived three more days; she would be in a place where she could lock the door 
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