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and the truck started along the shoreline。 
  Luke drove and Khamel smoked; and both did a perfect job of ignoring each other。 Their eyes did not dare meet。 With Khamel's heavy beard; dark glasses; and black turtleneck; his face was ominous but impossible to identify。 Luke did not want to see it。 Part of his assignment; in addition to receiving this stranger from the sea; was to refrain from looking at him。 It was easy; really。 The face was wanted in nine countries。 
  Across the bridge at Manteo; Luke lit another Lucky Strike and determined they had met before。 It had been a brief but precisely timed meeting at the airport in Rome; five or six years earlier; as best he could remember。 There had been no introductions。 It took place in a restroom。 Luke; then an impeccably tailored American executive; had placed an eelskin attache case next to the wall next to the washbasin where he slowly rinsed his hands; and suddenly it was gone。 He caught a glimpse of the manthis Khamel; he was now certainin the mirror。 Thirty minutes later; the attache case exploded between the legs of the British ambassador to Nigeria。 
  In the guarded whispers of his invisible brotherhood; Luke had often heard of Khamel; a man of many names and faces and languages; an assassin who struck quickly and left no trail; a fastidious killer who roamed the world but could never be found。 As they rode north in the darkness; Luke settled low in his seat; the brim of his hat almost on his nose; limp wrist across the wheel; trying to remember the stories he'd heard about his passenger。 Amazing feats of terror。 There was the British ambassador。 The ambush of seventeen Israeli soldiers on the West Bank in 1990 had been credited to Khamel。 He was the only suspect in the 1985 car…bomb murders of a wealthy German banker and his family。 His fee for that one was rumored to have been three million; cash。 Most intelligence experts believed he was the mastermind of the 1981 attempt to kill the Pope。 But then; Khamel was blamed for almost every unsolved terrorist attack and assassination。 He was easy to blame because no one was certain he existed。 
  This excited Luke。 Khamel was about to perform on American soil。 The targets were unknown to Luke; but important blood was about to be shed。 
  *  *  *
  AT DAWN; the stolen farm truck stopped at the corner of Thirty…first and M streets in Georgetown。 Khamel grabbed his gym bag; said nothing; and hit the sidewalk。 He walked east a few blocks to the Four Seasons Hotel; bought a Post in the lobby; and casually rode the elevator to the seventh floor。 At precisely seven…fifteen; he knocked on a door at the end of the hall。 〃Yes?〃 a nervous voice asked from inside。
  〃Looking for Mr。 Sneller;〃 Khamel said slowly in a perfect generic American tongue as he stuck his thumb over the peephole。
  〃Mr。 Sneller?〃
  〃Yes。 Edwin F。 Sneller。〃 
  The knob did not turn or click; and the door did not open。 A few seconds passed; and a white envelope eased from under the door。 Khamel picked it up。 〃Okay;〃 he said loud enough for Sneller or whoever he was to hear。
  〃It's next door;〃 Sneller said。 〃I'll await your call。〃 He sounded like an American。 Unlike Luke; he'd never seen Khamel; and had no desire to; really。 Luke had seen him twice now; and was indeed lucky to be alive。 
  Khamel's room had two beds and a small table near the window。 The shades were drawn tightly; no chance of sunlight。 He placed his gym bag on one bed; next to two thick briefcases。 He walked to the window and peeked out; then to the phone。
  〃It's me;〃 he said to Sneller。 〃Tell me about the car。〃
  〃It's parked on the street。 Plain white Ford with Connecticut plates。 The keys are on the table。〃 Sneller spoke slowly。
  〃Of course; but sanitized。 It's clean。〃
  〃I'll leave it at Dulles shortly after midnight。 I want it destroyed; okay?〃 The English was perfect。
  〃Those are my instructions。 Yes。〃 Sneller was proper and efficient。
  〃It's very important; okay? I intend to leave the gun in the car。 Guns leave bullets and people see cars; so it's important to pletely destroy the car and everything in it。 Understand?〃
  〃Those are my instructions;〃 Sneller repeated。 He did not appreciate this lecture。 He was no novice at the killing game。 
  Khamel sat on the edge of the bed。 〃The four million was received a week ago; a day late I should add。 I'm now in D。C。; so I want the next three。〃
  〃It will be wired before noon。 That was the agreement。〃
  〃Yes; but I'm worried about the agreement。 You were a day late; remember?〃 
  This irritated Sneller; and since the killer was in the next room and not about to e out; he could sound a bit irritated。 〃The bank's fault; not ours。〃 
  This irritated Khamel。 〃Fine。 I want you and your bank to wire the next three million to the account in Zurich as soon as New York opens。 That will be about two hours from now。 I'll be checking。〃
  〃Okay; and I want no problem when the job is finished。 I'll be in Paris in twenty…four hours; and from there I'll go straight to Zurich。 I want all the money waiting for me when I arrive。〃
  〃It will be there; if the job is finished。〃 
  Khamel smiled to himself。 〃The job will be finished; Mr。 Sneller; by midnight。 That is; if your information is correct。〃
  〃As of now it is correct。 And no changes are expected today。 Our people are in the streets。 Everything is in the two briefcases; maps; diagrams; schedules; the tools and articles you requested。〃 
  Khamel glanced at the briefcases behind him。 He rubbed his eyes with his right hand。 〃I need a nap;〃 he mumbled into the phone。I haven't slept in twenty hours。〃 
  Sneller could think of no response。 There was plenty of time; and if Khamel wanted a nap; then Khamel could have a nap。 They were paying him ten million。
  〃Would you like something to eat?〃 Sneller asked awkwardly。
  〃No。 Call me in three hours; at precisely ten…thirty。〃 He placed the receiver on the phone; and stretched across the bed。 
  *  *  *
  THE STREETS were clear and quiet for day two of the fall term。 The justices spent their day on the bench listening to lawyer after lawyer argue plex and quite dull cases。 Rosenberg slept through most of it。 He came to life briefly when the attorney general from Texas argued that a certain death…row inmate should be given medication to make him lucid before being lethally injected。 If he's mentally ill; how can he be executed? Rosenberg asked incredulously。 Easy; said the AG from Texas; his illness can be controlled with medication。 So just give him a little shot to make him sane; then give him another shot to kill him。 It could all be very nice and constitutional。 Rosenberg harangued and bitched for a brief spell; then lost steam。 His little wheelchair sat much lower than the massive leather thrones of his brethren。 He looked rather pitiful。 In years past he was a tiger; a ruthless intimidator who tied even the slickest lawyers in
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