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  He turned off the meter and stuffed the money in his shirt pocket。 Darby lay down in the backseat and closed her eyes。 This was not an intelligent move; but playing the percentages was getting nowhere。 The old man was a fast driver; and within minutes they were on the expressway。 
  The ringing in her ears had stopped; but she still heard the gunshot and saw him on all fours; rocking back and forth; try ing to live just a moment longer。 Thomas had once referred to him as Dutch Verheek; but said the nickname was dropped after law school when they became serious about their careers。 Dutch Verheek was not an Egyptian。 
  She had caught just a glimpse of his killer as he was running away。 There was something familiar about him。 He had glanced to his right just once as he was running; and something clicked。 But she was screaming and hysterical; and it was a blur。 
  Everything blurred。 Halfway to Baton Rouge; she fell into a deep sleep。 
  *  *  *
  DIRECTOR VOYLES stood behind his executive swivel chair。 His jacket was off; and most of the buttons on his tired and wrinkled shirt were unfastened。 It was 9 P。M。; and judging from the shirt he had been at the office at least fifteen hours。 And he hadn't thought of leaving。 
  He listened to the receiver; mumbled a few instructions; and hung it up。 K。 O。 Lewis sat across the desk。 The door was open; the lights were on; no one had left。 The mood was somber with small huddles of soft whispers。
  〃That was Eric East;〃 Voyles said; sitting gently into the chair。He's been there about two hours; and they just finished the autopsy。 He watched it; his first。 Single bullet to the right temple; but death came sooner from a single blow at C…2 and …3。 The vertebrae were shattered into tiny chips and pieces。 No powder burns on his hand。 Another blow severely bruised his larynx; but did not cause death。 He was nude。 Estimate of between ten and eleven last night。〃
  〃Who found him?〃 Lewis asked。
  〃Maids checked in around eleven this morning。 Will you deliver the news to his wife?〃
  〃Yea; sure;〃 K。O。 said。 〃When's the body ing back?〃
  〃East said they'll release it in a couple of hours; and it should be here by 2 A。M。 Tell her we'll do whatever she wants。 Tell her I'm sending a hundred agents in tomorrow to blanket the city。 Tell her we'll find the killer; etc。; etc。〃
  〃Any evidence?〃
  〃Probably not。 East said they've had the hotel room since 3 P。M。; and it appears to be a clean job。 No forced entry。 No signs of resistance。 Nothing that would be of any help; but it's a bit early。〃 Voyles rubbed his red eyes; and thought for a while。
  〃How could he go down for a simple funeral; and end up dead?〃 Lewis asked。
  〃He was snooping around on this pelican thing。 One of our agents; guy named Carlton; told East that Gavin was trying to find the girl; and that the girl had called him; and that he might need some help bringing her in。 Carlton talked to him a few times; and gave him the names of a few student hangouts in the city。 That was all; so he says。 Carlton says that he; Carlton; was a bit worried about Gavin throwing his FBI weight around。 Said he thought he was sort of a klutz。〃
  〃Has anyone seen the girl?〃
  〃She's probably dead。 I've instructed New Orleans to find her; if possible。〃
  〃Her little brief is getting folks killed right and left。 When do we take it seriously?〃 
  Voyles nodded at the door; and Lewis got up and closed it。 The Director was standing again; cracking his knuckles and thinking aloud。 〃We have to cover our asses。 I think we should assign at least two hundred agents to pelican; but try like hell to keep it quiet。 There's something there; K。O。; something really nasty。 But at the same time; I promised the President we would back off。 He personally asked me to back off the pelican brief; remember; and I said we would; in part because we thought it was a joke。〃 Voyles managed a tight smile。 〃Well; I taped our little conversation when he asked me to back off。 I figure he and Coal tape everything within a half mile of the White House; so why can't I? I had my best body mike; and I've listened to the tape。 Clear as a bell。〃
  〃I'm not following。〃
  〃Simple。 We go in and investigate like mad。 If this is it; we crack the case; get the indictments; and everyone's happy。 But it'll be a bitch to do in a hurry。 Meanwhile; idiot and Coal over there know nothing about the investigation。 If the press gets wind of it; and if the pelican brief is on target; then I'll make damned sure the country knows the President asked us to back off because it's one of his pals。〃 
  Lewis was smiling。 〃It'll kill him。〃
  〃Yes! Coal will hemorrhage; and the President will never recover。 The election is next year; K。O。〃
  〃I like it; Denton; but we have to solve this thing。〃 
  Denton walked slowly behind his chair; and slid out of his shoes。 He was even shorter now。 〃We'll look under every stone; K。O。; but it won't be easy。 If it's Mattiece; then we've got a very wealthy man in a very elaborate plot to use very talented killers to take out two justices。 These people don't talk; and they don't leave trails。 Look at our friend Gavin。 We'll spend two thousand hours digging around that hotel; and I'll bet you there won't be a shred of useful evidence。 Just like Rosenberg and Jensen。〃
  〃And Callahan。〃
  〃And Callahan。 And probably the girl; if we ever find her body。〃
  〃I'm somewhat responsible; Denton。 Gavin came to me Thursday morning after he learned of Callahan; and I didn't listen。 I knew he was going down there; but I just didn't listen。〃
  〃Look; I'm sorry he's dead。 He was a fine lawyer and he was loyal to me。 I value that。 I trusted Gavin。 But he got himself killed because he stepped out of bounds。 He had no business playing cop and trying to find the girl。〃 
  〃Lewis stood and stretched。I'd better go see Mrs。 Verheek。 How much do I tell her?〃
  〃Let's say it looks like a burglary; cops ain't sure down there; still investigating; we'll know more tomorrow; etc。 Tell her I'm devastated; and we'll do whatever she wants。〃 
  *  *  *
  COAL'S HMO stopped abruptly at the curb so an ambulance could scream by。 The limo was wandering aimlessly through the city; a ritual not unusual when Coal and Matthew Barr met to talk about really dirty business。 They sat deep in the back of it; sipping drinks。 Coal was indulging in a spring water。 Barr had a sixteen…ounce Bud purchased from a convenience store。 
  They ignored the ambulance。
  〃I must know what Grantham knows;〃 Coal was saying。 〃Today he called Zikman; Zikman's aide Trandell; Nelson DeVan; one of my many former assistants who's now with the mittee to Reelect。 And these are just the ones I know of。 All in one day。 He's hot on this pelican brief。〃
  〃You think he's seen it?〃 The limo was moving again。
  〃No。 Not at all。 If he knew what was in it; he wouldn't be fishing for it。 But dammit; he knows about it。〃
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