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  Callahan folded his arms。 〃Please continue。〃 
  Sallinger smelled a trap; but plowed ahead。 There was nothing to lose。 〃I mean; we've read case after case where Rosenberg has tried to rewrite the Constitution to create a new loophole to exclude evidence to allow an obviously guilty defendant to go free。 It's almost sickening。 He thinks all prisons are cruel and unusual places; so therefore; under the Eighth Amendment; all prisoners should go free。 Thankfully; he's in the minority now; a shrinking minority。〃
  〃You like the direction of the Court; do you; Mr。 Sallinger?〃 Callahan was at once smiling and frowning。
  〃Damned right I do。〃
  〃Are you one of those normal; red…blooded; patriotic; middle…of…the…road Americans who wish the old bastard would die in his sleep?〃 
  There were a few chuckles around the room。 It was safer to laugh now。 Sallinger knew better than to answer truthfully。 〃I wouldn't wish that on anyone;〃 he said; almost embarrassed。
  Callahan was pacing again。 〃Well; thank you; Mr。 Sallinger。 I always enjoy your ments。 You have; as usual; provided us with the layman's view of the law。〃
  The laughter was much louder。 Sallinger's cheeks flushed and he sank in his seat。 
  Callahan did not smile。 〃I would like to raise the intellectual level of this discussion; okay。 Now; Ms。 Shaw; why is Rosenberg sympathetic to Nash?〃
  〃The Second Amendment grants the people the right to keep and bear arms。 To Justice Rosenberg; it is literal and absolute。 Nothing should be banned。 If Nash wants to possess an AK…47; or a hand grenade; or a bazooka; the state of New Jersey cannot pass a law prohibiting it。〃
  〃Do you agree with him?〃
  〃No; and I'm not alone。 It's an eight…to…one decision。 No one followed him。〃
  〃What's the rationale of the other eight?〃
  〃It's obvious; really。 The states have pelling reasons to prohibit the sale and possession of certain types of arms。 The interests of the state of New Jersey outweigh the Second Amendment rights of Mr。 Nash。 Society cannot allow individuals to own sophisticated weaponry。〃 
  Callahan watched her carefully。 Attractive female law students were rare at Tulane; but when he found one he moved in quickly。 Over the past eight years; he had been quite successful。 Easy work; for the most part。 The women arrived at law school liberated and loose。 Darby had been different。 He first spotted her in the library during the second semester of her first year; and it took a month to get her to dinner。
  〃Who wrote the majority opinion?〃 he asked her。
  〃And you agree with him?〃
  〃Yes。 It's an easy case; really。〃
  〃Then what happened to Rosenberg?〃
  〃I think he hates the rest of the Court。〃
  〃So he dissents just for the hell of it。〃
  〃Often; yes。 His opinions are being more indefensible。 Take Nash。 For a liberal like Rosenberg; the issue of gun control is easy。 He should have written the majority opinion; and ten years ago he would have。 In Fordice v。 Oregon; a 1977 case; he took a much narrower interpretation of the Second Amendment。 His inconsistencies are almost embarrassing。〃 
  Callahan had forgotten Fordice。 〃Are you suggesting Justice Rosenberg is senile?〃 
  Much like a punch…drunk fighter; Sallinger waded in for the final round。 〃He's crazy as hell; and you know it。 You can't defend his opinions。〃
  〃Not always; Mr。 Sallinger; but at least he's still there。〃
  〃His body's there; but he's brain…dead。〃
  〃He's breathing; Mr。 Sallinger。〃
  〃Yeah; breathing with a machine。 They have to pump oxygen up his nose。〃
  〃But it counts; Mr。 Sallinger。 He's the last of the great judicial activists; and he's still breathing。〃
  〃You'd better call and check;〃 Sallinger said as his words trailed off。 He'd said enough。 No; he'd said too much。 He lowered his head as the professor glared at him。 He hunkered down next to his notebook; and started wondering why he'd said all that。 
  Callahan stared him down; then began pacing again。 It was indeed a bad hangover。 
  *  *  *
  AT LEAST he looked like an old farmer; with straw hat; clean bib overalls; neatly pressed khaki workshirt; boots。 He chewed tobacco and spat in the black water beneath the pier。 He chewed like a farmer。 His pickup; though of recent model; was sufficiently weathered and had a dusty…road look about it。 North Carolina plates。 It was a hundred yards away; parked in the sand at the other end of the pier。 
  It was midnight Monday; the first Monday in October; and for the next thirty minutes he was to wait in the dark coolness of the deserted pier; chewing pensively; resting on the railing while staring intently at the sea。 He was alone; as he knew he would be。 It was planned that way。 This pier at this hour was always deserted。 The headlights of an occasional car flickered along the shoreline; but the headlights never stopped at this hour。 
  He watched the red and blue channel lights far from shore。 He checked his watch without moving his head。 The clouds were low and thick; and it would be difficult to see it until it was almost to the pier。 It was planned this way。 
  The pickup was not from North Carolina; and neither was the farmer。 The license plates had been stolen from a wrecked truck at a scrap yard near Durham。 The pickup had been stolen in Baton Rouge。 The farmer was not from anywhere; and per formed none of the thievery。 He was a pro; and so someone else did the dirty little deeds。 
  Twenty minutes into the wait; a dark object floated in the direction of the pier。 A quiet; muffled engine hummed and grew louder。 The object became a small craft of some sort with a camouflaged silhouette crouching low and working the motor。 The farmer moved not an inch in anticipation。 The humming stopped and the black rubber raft stalled in the calm water thirty feet from the pier。 There were no headlights ing or going along the shore。 
  The farmer carefully placed a cigarette between his lips; lit it; puffed twice; then thumped it down; halfway to the raft。
  〃What kind of cigarette?〃 the man on the water asked upward。 He could see the outline of the farmer on the railing; but not the face。
  〃Lucky Strike;〃 the farmer answered。 These passwords made for such a silly game。 How many other black rubber rafts could be expected to drift in from the Atlantic and pinpoint this ancient pier at this precise hour? Silly; but oh so important。
  〃Luke?〃 came the voice from the boat。
  〃Sam;〃 replied the farmer。 The name was Khamel; not Sam; but Sam would do for the next five minutes until Khamel parked his raft。 
  Khamel did not answer; was not required to; but quickly started the engine and guided the raft along the edge of the pier to the beach。 Luke followed from above。 They met at the pickup without a handshake。 Khamel placed his black Adidas gym bag between them on the seat; and the truck started along the shoreline。 
  Luke drove
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