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om lung cancer。 Please; let her die of cancer。 
  He was sitting at a table in a crowded sidewalk cafe at the corner of St。 Peter and Chartres; and he was less than ten feet away when she saw him。 A split second later; he saw her; and she probably would have made it if she hadn't hesitated for a step and swallowed hard when she saw him。 He saw her; and probably would have been only suspicious; but the slight hesitation and the curious look gave her away。 She kept walking; but faster now。 
  It was Stump。 He was on his feet and weaving through the tables when she lost sight of him。 At ground level; he was anything but chubby。 He seemed quick and muscular。 She lost him for a second on Chartres as she ducked between the arches of St。 Louis Cathedral。 The church was open; and she thought maybe she should get inside; as if it would be a sanctuary and he would not kill her there。 Yes; he would kill her there; or on the street; or in a crowd。 Anywhere he caught her。 He was back there; and Darby wanted to know how fast he was ing。 Was he just walking real fast and trying to play it cool? Was he sort of jogging? Or was he barreling down the sidewalk preparing to make a flying tackle as soon as he caught sight of her? She kept moving。 
  She hung a left on St。 Ann; crossed the street; and was almost to Royal when she took a quick glance behind her。 He was ing。 He was on the other side of the street; but very much in pursuit。 
  The nervous look over the shoulder nailed her。 It was a dead giveaway; and he was into a jog now。 
  Get to Bourbon Street; she decided。 Kickoff was four hours away; and the Saints fans were out in force celebrating before the game because there would be little to celebrate afterward。 She turned on Royal and ran hard for a few steps; then slowed to a fast walk。 He turned on Royal and was trotting。 He was poised to break and run hard at any second。 Darby moved to the center of the street where a group of football rowdies were moving around; killing time。 She turned left on Dumaine; and started running。 Bourbon was ahead and there were people everywhere。 
  She could hear him now。 No sense looking anymore。 He was back there; running and gaining。 When she turned onto Bourbon; Mr。 Stump was fifty feet behind her; and the race was over。 She saw her angels as they made a noisy exit from a bar。 Three large; overweight young men dressed in a wild assortment of black and gold Saints garb stepped into the middle of the street just as Darby ran to them。
  〃Help!〃 she screamed wildly and pointed at Stump。 〃Help me! That man is after me! He's trying to rape me!〃 
  Well; hell; now; sex in the streets of New Orleans is not at all unmon; but they'd be damned if this girl was going to be abused。
  〃Please help me!〃 she screamed pitifully。 Suddenly; the street was silent。 Everyone froze; including Stump; who stopped for a step or two; then rushed forward。 The three Saints stepped in front of him with folded arms and glowing eyes。 It was over in seconds。 Stump used both hands at once: a right to the throat of the first one; and a vicious blow to the mouth of the second。 They squealed and fell hard。 Number three was not about to run。 His two buddies were hurt and this upset him。 He would have been a piece of cake for Stump; but number one fell on Stump's right foot and this threw him off。 As he yanked his foot away; Mr。 Benjamin Chop of Thibodaux; Louisiana; number three; kicked him squarely in the crotch; and Stump was history。 As Darby eased back into the crowd; she heard him cry in pain。 
  While he was falling; Mr。 Chop kicked him in the ribs。 Number two; with blood all over his face; charged wild…eyed into Stump; and the massacre was on。 He curled around his hands; which were curled around his severely damaged testicles; and they kicked him and cursed him without mercy until someone yelled; 〃Cops;〃 and this saved his life。 Mr。 Chop and number two helped number one to his feet; and the Saints were last seen darting into a bar。 Stump made it to his feet; and crawled away like a dog hit by a Mack truck but still alive and determined to die at home。 
  She hid in a dark corner of a pub on Decatur; drinking coffee then a beer; coffee then a beer。 Her hands shook and her stomach flipped。 The po'boys smelled delicious; but she could not eat。 After three beers in three hours; she ordered a plate of boiled shrimp and switched to spring water。 
  The alcohol had calmed her; and the shrimp settled her。 She was safe in here; she thought; so why not watch the game and just sit here; maybe; until it closed。 
  The pub was packed at kickoff。 They watched the wide screen above the bar; and got drunk。 She was a Saints fan now。 She hoped her three buddies were okay and enjoying the game。 The crowd yelled and cursed the Redskins。 
  Darby stayed in her little corner until the game was long over; then slid into the darkness。 
  *  *  *
  AT SOME POINT in the fourth quarter; with the Saints down by four field goals; Edwin Sneller hung up the phone and turned off the television。 He stretched his legs; then returned to the phone and called Khamel next door。
  〃Listen to my English;〃 the assassin said。 〃Tell me if you hear a trace of an accent。〃
  〃Okay。 She's here;〃 Sneller said。 〃One of our men saw her this morning at Jackson Square。 He followed her for three blocks; then lost her。〃
  〃How did he lose her?〃
  〃Doesn't matter; does it? She got away; but she's here。 Her hair is very short and almost white。〃
  Sneller hated to repeat himself; especially to this mongrel。
  〃He said it was not blond but white; and she was wearing green Army pants and a brown bomber jacket。 Somehow she recognized him; and took off。〃
  〃How would she recognize him? Has she seen him before?〃 
  These idiot questions。 It was hard to believe he was considered Superman。 〃I can't answer that。〃
  〃How's my English?〃
  〃Perfect。 There's a small card under your door。 You need to see it。〃 
  Khamel laid the phone on a pillow and walked to the door。 In a second he was back on the phone。 〃Who is this?〃
  The name is Verheek。 Dutch; but he's an American。 Works for the FBI in Washington。 Evidently; he and Callahan were friends。 They finished law school together at Georgetown; and Verheek was an honorary pallbearer at the memorial service yesterday。 Last night he was hanging out in a bar not far from the campus; and was asking questions about the girl。 Two hours ago; one of our men was in the same bar posing as an FBI agent; and he struck up a conversation with the bartender; who turns out to be a law student who knows the girl。 They watched football and talked for a while; then the kid produced the card。 Look on the back。 He's in room 1909 at the Hilton。〃
  〃That's a five…minute walk。〃 The street maps were scattered on one bed。
  〃Yes。 We've made a few phone calls to Washington。 He's not an agent; just a lawyer。 He knew Callahan; and he might know the girl。 It's obvious he's trying to find her。〃
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