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ent; dammit!; not some hotshot private detective。 
  Get a grip。 She fumbled through a large purse and found a pencil…thin flashlight。 There were three of them in there。 Just in case。 In case of what? She didn't know。 Darby had been quite specific。 No lights could be seen through the windows。 They could be watching。 
  Who in hell are they? Alice wanted to know。 Darby didn't know; said she would explain it later but first the apartment had to be examined。 
  Alice had been in the apartment a dozen times in the past year; but she'd been allowed to enter through the front door with a full array of lights and other conveniences。 She had been in all the rooms; and felt confident she could feel around in the darkness。 The confidence was gone。 Vanished。 Replaced with trembling fear。 
  Get a grip。 You're all alone。 They wouldn't camp out here with a nosy woman next door。 If they had indeed been here; it was only for a brief visit。 
  After staring at the end of it; she determined that the flashlight worked。 It glowed with all the energy of a fading match。 She pointed it at the floor; and saw a faint round circle the size of a small orange。 The circle was shaking。 
  She tiptoed around a corner in the direction of the den。 Darby said there was a small lamp on the bookshelves next to the television; and that the light was always on。 She used it as a nightlight; and it was supposed to cast a faint glow across the den to the kitchen。 Either Darby lied; or the bulb was gone; or someone had unscrewed it。 It didn't matter; really; at this point; because the den and kitchen were pitch…black。 
  She was on the rug in the center of the den; inching toward the kitchen table where there was supposed to be a puter。 She kicked the edge of the coffee table; and the flashlight quit。 She shook it。 Nothing。 She found number two in the purse。 
  The odor was heavier in the kitchen。 The puter was on the table along with an assortment of empty files and casebooks。 She examined the mainframe with her dinky little light。 The power switch was on the front。 She pushed it; and the monochrome screen slowly warmed up。 It emitted a greenish light that covered the table but did not escape the kitchen。 
  Alice sat down in front of the keyboard and began pecking。 She found Menu; then List; then Files。 The Directory covered the screen。 She studied it closely。 There were supposed to be somewhere around forty entries; but she saw no more than ten。 Most of the hard…drive memory was gone。 She turned on the laser printer; and within seconds the Directory was on paper。 She tore it off and stuffed it in the purse。 
  She stood with her flashlight and inspected the clutter around the puter。 Darby estimated the number of floppy disks at twenty; but they were all gone。 Not a single floppy。 The casebooks were for con law and civil procedure; and so dull and generic no one would want them。 The red expandable files were stacked neatly together; but empty。 
  It was a clean; patient job。 He or they had spent a couple of hours erasing and gathering; then left with no more than one briefcase or bag of goods。 
  In the den by the television; Alice peeked out the side window。 The red Accord was still there; not four feet from the window。 It looked fine。 
  She twisted the bulb in the nightlight; and quickly flicked the switch on; then off。 Worked perfectly。 She unscrewed it just as he or they had left it。 
  Her eyes had focused; she could see the outlines of doors and furniture。 She turned the puter off; and eased through the den to the hall。 
  Mrs。 Chen was waiting exactly where she'd left her。 〃Okay?〃 she asked。
  〃Everything's fine;〃 Alice said。 〃Just watch it real close。 I'll call you in a day or two to see if anyone has been by。 And please; don't tell anyone I was here。〃 
  Mrs。 Chen listened intently as she moved the table in front of the door。 〃What about her car?〃
  〃It'll be fine。 Just watch it。〃
  〃Is she all right?〃 
  They were in the den; almost to the front door。 〃She's gonna be fine。 I think she'll be back in a few days。 Thank you; Mrs。 Chen。〃 
  Mrs。 Chen closed the door; bolted it; and watched from the small window。 The lady was on the sidewalk; then gone in the darkness。 
  Alice walked three blocks to her car。 
  *  *  *
  FRIDAY NIGHT in the Quarter! Tulane played in the Dome tomorrow; then the Saints on Sunday; and the rowdies were out by the thousands; parking everywhere; blocking streets; roaming in noisy mobs; drinking from go cups; crowding bars; just having a delightful time raising hell and enjoying themselves。 The Inner Quarter was gridlocked by nine。 
  Alice parked on Poydras; far away from where she wanted to park; and was an hour late when she arrived at the crowded oyster bar on St。 Peter; deep in the Quarter。 There were no tables。 They were packed three deep at the bar。 She retreated to a corner with a cigarette machine; and surveyed the people。 Most were students in town for the game。 
  A waiter walked directly to her。 〃Are you looking for another female?〃 he asked。 
  She hesitated。 〃Well; yes。〃 
  He pointed beyond the bar。Around the corner; first room on the right; there's some small tables。 I think your friend is there。〃 
  Darby was in a tiny booth; crouched over a beer bottle; with sunglasses and a hat。 Alice squeezed her hand。 〃It's good to see you。〃 She studied the hairdo; and was amused by it。 Darby removed the sunglasses。 The eyes were red and tired。
  〃I didn't know who else to call。〃 
  Alice listened with a blank face; unable to think of something appropriate and unable to take her eyes off the hair。 〃Who did the hair?〃 she asked。
  〃Nice; huh。 It's sort of the punk look; which I think is making a eback and will certainly impress folks when I start interviewing for a job。〃
  〃Someone tried to kill me; Alice。 My name's on a list that some very nasty people are holding。 I think they're following me。〃
  〃Kill? Did you say 'kill'? Who would want to kill you; Darby?〃
  〃I'm not sure。 What about my apartment?〃 
  Alice stopped looking at the hair; and handed her the printout of the Directory。 Darby studied it。 It was real。 This was not a dream or a mistake。 The bomb had found the right car。 Rupert and the cowboy had had their hands on her。 The face she had seen was looking for her。 They had gone to her apartment and erased what they wanted to erase。 They were out there。
  〃What about floppies?〃
  〃None。 Not a single one。 The expandable files on the kitchen table were placed together real neat and are real empty。 Everything else appears to be in order。 They unscrewed the bulb in the nightlight; so there's total darkness。 I checked it。 Works fine。 These are very patient people。〃
  〃What about Mrs。 Chen?〃
  〃She's seen nothing。〃 
  Darby stuffed the printout into a pocket。 〃Look; Alice; suddenly I'm very scared。 You don't need to be seen with me。 Maybe this was not
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