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ed to。What's wrong with him?〃
  〃Old age。 He didn't want to talk tonight; but it's urgent; he says。〃 
  Grantham listened and waited。
  〃I've got an envelope in my car; all licked and sealed real tight。 Sarge got real blunt when he gave it to me; and told me not to open it。 Just take it to Mr。 Grantham。 I think it's important。〃
  〃Let's go。〃 
  They made their way through the crowd to the door。 The patrol car was parked illegally at the curb。 Cleve opened the passenger door; and pulled the envelope from the glove box。 〃He got this in the West Wing。〃 
  Grantham stuffed it in his pocket。 Sarge was not one to lift things; and in the course of their relationship he had never produced a document。
  〃Thanks; Cleve。〃
  〃He wouldn't tell me what it is; told me I'll just have to wait and read it in the paper。〃
  〃Tell Sarge I love him。〃
  〃I'm sure that'll give him a thrill。〃 
  The patrol car drove away; and Grantham hurried to his Volvo; now filled with the stench of burnt grass。 He locked the door; turned on the dome light; and ripped open the envelope。 It was clearly an internal White House memo; and it was about an assassin named Khamel。 
  *  *  *
  HE WAS FLYING across town。 Out of Brightwood; onto Sixteenth and south toward central Washington。 It was almost seven…thirty; and if he could put it together in an hour; it would make the Late City edition; the largest of half a dozen editions that began rolling off the presses at ten…thirty。 Thank god for the little yuppie car phone he had been embarrassed to buy。 He called Smith Keen; the assistant managing editor/investigations; who was still in the newsroom on the fifth floor。 He called a friend at the foreign desk; and asked him to pull everything on Khamel。 
  He was suspicious of the memo。 The words were too sensitive to put on paper; then sling around the office like the latest policy on coffee or bottled water or vacations。 Someone; probably Fletcher Coal; wanted the world to know that Khamel had emerged as a suspect; and that he was an Arab of all things; and had close ties to Libya and Iran and Iraq; countries led by fiery idiots who hated America。 Someone in the White House of Fools wanted the story on the front page。 
  But it was a helluva story and it was front…page news。 He and Smith Keen had it finished by nine。 They found two old pictures of a man widely believed to be Khamel; but so dissimilar they appeared to be of different people。 Keen said run both of them。 The file on Khamel was thin。 Much rumor and legend; but little meat。 Grantham mentioned the Pope; the British diplomat; the German banker; and the ambush of the Israeli soldiers。 And now; according to a confidential source at the White House; a most reliable and trusted source; Khamel was a suspect in the killings of Justices Rosenberg and Jensen。 
  *  *  *
  TWENTY…FOUR HOURS after hitting the street; she was still alive。 If she could make it to morning; she could start another day with new ideas about what to do and where to go。 For now; she was tired。 She was in a room on the fifteenth floor of the Marriott; with the door bolted; lights on; and the mighty can of Mace lying on the bedspread。 Her thick; dark red hair was now in a paper sack in the closet。 The last time she cut her hair she was three years old; and her mother whipped her tail。 
  It took two painful hours with dull scissors to cut it off yet leave some semblance of style。 She would keep it under a cap or hat until who knows when。 It took another two hours to color it black。 She could've bleached it and gone blonde; but that would be obvious。 She assumed she was dealing with professionals; and for some unfathomable reason she determined at the drugstore that they might expect her to do this and bee a blonde。 And what the hell。 The stuff came in a bottle; and if she woke up tomorrow with a wild hair she could go blonde。 The chameleon strategy。 Change colors every day and drive 'em crazy。 Clairol had at least eighty…five shades。 
  She was dead tired but afraid of sleep。 She had not seen her friend from the Sheraton during the day; but the more she moved around the more the faces looked the same。 He was out there; she knew。 And he had friends。 If they could assassinate Rosenberg and Jensen; and knock off Thomas Callahan; she would be easy。 
  She couldn't go near her car; and she didn't want to rent one。 Rentals leave records。 And they were probably watching。 She could fly; but they were stalking the airports。 Take a bus; but she'd never bought a ticket or seen the inside of a Greyhound。 
  And after they realized she had disappeared; they would expect her to run。 She was just an amateur; a little college girl brokenhearted after watching her man blown to bits and fried。 She would make a mad dash somewhere; get out of the city; and they would pick her off。 
  She rather liked the city at this moment。 It had a million hotel rooms; almost as many alleys and dives and bars; and it always had crowds of people strolling along Bourbon; Chartres; Dauphine; and Royal。 She knew it well; especially the Quarter; where life was within walking distance。 She would move from hotel to hotel for a few days; until when? She didn't know when。 She didn't know why。 Moving just seemed intelligent under the circumstances。 She would stay off the streets in the mornings; and try to sleep then。 She would change clothes and hats and sunglasses。 She would start smoking; and keep one in her face。 She would move until she got tired of moving; then she might leave。 It was okay to be scared。 She had to keep thinking。 She would survive。 
  She thought of calling the cops; but not now。 They took names and kept records; and they could be dangerous。 She thought of calling Thomas' brother in Mobile; but there wasn't a single thing the poor man could do to help her at this moment。 She thought of calling the dean; but how could she explain the brief; Gavin Verheek; the FBI; the car bomb; Rosenberg and Jensen; and her on the run and make it sound believable。 Forget the dean。 She didn't like him anyway。 She thought of calling a couple of friends from law school; but people talk; and people listen; and they could be out there listening to the people talking about poor Callahan。 She wanted to talk to Alice Stark; her best friend。 Alice was worried; and Alice would go to the cops and tell them her friend Darby Shaw was missing。 She would call Alice tomorrow。 
  She dialed room service; and ordered a Mexican salad and a bottle of red wine。 She would drink all of it; then sit in a chair with the Mace and watch the door until she fell asleep。 
  GMINSKI'S LIMO made a wild U…turn on Canal as if it owned the street; and came to a sudden stop in front of the Sheraton。 Both rear doors flew open。 Gminski was out first; followed quickly by three aides who scurried after him with bags and briefcases。 
  It was almost 2 A。M。; and the Director was obviously in a hurry。 He did not stop at the front desk; but went straight for the elevators。 The aides ran behind him an
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