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  The President slowly sipped from his coffee and pondered what to say next。 Voyles was not known for his conversation。
  〃I need a favor。〃 
  Voyles stared with rigid and unblinking eyes。 〃Yes; sir。〃
  〃I need the scoop on this pelican thing。 It's a wild idea; but; hell; it mentions me; sort of。 How serious are you taking it?〃 
  Oh; this was funny。 Voyles fought off a smile。 It was working。 Mr。 President and Mr。 Coal were sweating the pelican brief。 They had received it late Tuesday; worried with it all day 
  Wednesday; and now in the waking hours of Thursday were on their knees begging about something one notch above a practical joke。
  〃We're investigating; Mr。 President。〃 It was a lie; but how could he know? 〃We are pursuing all leads; all suspects。 I wouldn't have sent it over if I wasn't serious。〃 The wrinkles squeezed together on the tanned forehead; and Voyles wanted to laugh。
  〃What have you learned?〃
  〃Not much; but we just started。 We got it less than forty…eight hours ago; and I assigned fourteen agents in New Orleans to start digging。 It's all routine。〃 The lies sounded so good he could almost hear Coal choking。 
  Fourteen! It hit him in the gut so hard he sat up straight and placed the coffee on a table。 Fourteen Fibbies out there flashing badges; asking questions; and it was just a matter of time before this thing got out。 〃Fourteen; you say。 Sounds like it's pretty serious。〃 
  Voyles was unyielding。 〃We're very serious; Mr。 President。 They've been dead a week; and the trail's growing colder。 We're tracking leads as fast as we can。 My men are working around the clock。〃
  〃I understand all that; but how serious is this pelican theory?〃 
  Damn; this was fun。 The brief had yet to be sent to New Orleans。 In fact; New Orleans had not been contacted。 He had instructed Eric East to mail a copy to that office with orders to quietly ask a few questions。 It was a dead end; just like a hundred others they were chasing。
  〃I doubt if there's anything to it; Mr。 President; but we've got to check it out。〃 
  〃The wrinkles relaxed and there was a touch of a smile。I don't have to tell you; Denton; how much this nonsense could hurt if the press found out。〃
  〃We don't consult the press when we investigate。〃
  〃I know。 Let's not get into that。 I just wish you would back off this thing。 I mean; what the hell; it's absurd; and I could really get burned。 Know what I'm saying?〃 
  〃Voyles was brutal。Are you asking me to ignore a suspect; Mr。 President?〃 
  Coal leaned toward the screen。 No; I'm telling you to forget this pelican brief! He almost said it out loud。 He could make it real plain for Voyles。 He could spell it out; then slap the dumpy little wretch if he got smart。 But he was hiding in a locked room; away from the action。 And; for the moment; he knew he was where he belonged。 
  The President shifted and recrossed his legs at the kneese on; Denton; you know what I'm saying。 There are bigger fish in the pond。 The press is watching this investigation; just dying to find out who's a suspect。 You know how they are。 I don't have to tell you that I have no friends with the press。 Even my own press secretary dislikes me。 Ha; ha; ha。 Forget about it for a while。 Back off and chase the real suspects。 This thing is a joke; but it could embarrass the hell out of me。〃 
  Denton looked hard at him。 Relentless。 
  The President shifted again。 〃What about this Khamel thing? Sounds pretty good; huh?〃
  〃Could be。〃
  〃Yeah。 Since we're talking numbers; how many men have you assigned to Khamel?〃 
  Voyles said; 〃Fifteen;〃 and almost laughed。 The President's mouth fell open。 The hottest suspect in the game gets fifteen; and this damned pelican thing gets fourteen。 
  Coal smiled and shook his head。 Voyles had been caught in his own lies。 On the bottom of page four of the Wednesday report; Eric East and K。 O。 Lewis gave the number at thirty; not fifteen。 Relax; Chief; Coal whispered to the screen。 He's playing with you。 
  The President was anything but relaxed。 〃Good god; Denton。 Why only fifteen? I thought this was a significant break。〃
  〃Maybe a few more than that。 I'm running this investigation; Mr。 President。〃
  〃I know。 And you're doing a fine job。 I'm not meddling。 I just wish you'd consider spending your time elsewhere。 That's all。 When I read the pelican brief I almost vomited。 If the press saw it and started digging; I'd be crucified。〃
  〃So you're asking me to back off?〃 
  The President leaned forward and stared fiercely at Voyles。 〃I'm not asking; Denton。 I'm telling you to leave it alone。 Ignore it for a couple of weeks。 Spend your time elsewhere。 If it flares up again; take another look。 I'm still the boss around here; remember?〃 
  Voyles relented and managed a tiny smile。 〃I'll make you a deal。 Your hatchet man Coal has done a number on me with the press。 They've eaten my lunch over the security we provided to Rosenberg and Jensen。〃 
  The President nodded solemnly。
  〃You get that pit bull off my ass; keep him away from me; and I'll forget the pelican theory。〃
  〃I don't make deals。〃 
  Voyles sneered but kept his cool。 〃Good。 I'll send fifty agents to New Orleans tomorrow。 And fifty the next day。 We'll be flashing badges all over town and doing our damnedest to attract attention。〃 
  The President jumped to his feet and walked to the windows overlooking the Rose Garden。 Voyles sat motionless and waited。
  〃All right; all right。 It's a deal。 I can control Fletcher Coal。〃 
  Voyles stood and walked slowly to the desk。 〃I don't trust him; and if I smell him one more time during this investigation; the deal's off and we investigate the pelican brief with all the weight I can muster。〃 
  The President held up his hands and smiled warmly。 〃It's a deal。〃 
  Voyles was smiling and the President was smiling; and in the closet near the Cabinet Room Fletcher Coal was smiling at a screen。 Hatchet man; pit bull。 He loved it。 Those were the words that created legends。 
  He turned off the screens and locked the door behind him。 They would talk another ten minutes about the background checks on the short list; and he would listen in his office where he had audio but no video。 He had a staff meeting at nine。 A firing at ten。 And he had some typing to do。 With most memos; he simply dictated into the machine and handed the tape to a secretary。 But occasionally; Coal found it necessary to resort to the phantom memo。 These were always widely circulated in the West Wing; and always controversial as hell; and usually dripped to the press。 Because they came from no one; they could be found lying on almost every desk。 Coal would scream and accuse。 He had fired people for phantom memos; all of which came from his typewriter。 
  It was four single…spaced paragraphs on one page; and it summarized what he knew about Khamel and his recent flight out of Washington。 And there we
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