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; yet the smallest of the nine。 Jensen was the youngest of the nine; and he was lucky to have an office。 When nominated six years earlier at the age of forty…two; he was thought to be a strict constructionist with deep conservative beliefs; much like the man who nominated him。 His Senate confirmation had been a slugfest。 Before the Judiciary mittee; Jensen performed poorly。 On sensitive issues he straddled the fence; and got kicked from both sides。 The Republicans were embarrassed。 The Democrats smelled blood。 The President twisted arms until they broke; and Jensen was confirmed by one very reluctant vote。 
  But he made it; for life。 In his six years; he had pleased no one。 Hurt deeply by his confirmation hearings; he vowed to find passion and rule with it。 This had angered Republicans。 They felt betrayed; especially when he discovered a latent passion for the rights of criminals。 With scarce ideological strain; he quickly left the right; moved to the center; then to the left。 Then; with legal scholars scratching their little goatees; Jensen would bolt back to the right and join Justice Sloan in one of his obnoxious antiwomen dissents。 Jensen was not fond of women。 He was neutral on prayer; skeptical of free speech; sympathetic to tax protestors; indifferent to Indians; afraid of blacks; tough on pornographers; soft on criminals; and fairly consistent in his protection of the environment。 And; to the further dismay of the Republicans who shed blood to get him confirmed; Jensen had shown a troubling sympathy for the rights of homosexuals。 
  At his request; a nasty case called Dumond had been assigned to him。 Ronald Dumond had lived with his male lover for eight years。 They were a happy couple; totally devoted to each other; and quite content to share life's experiences。 They wanted to marry; but Ohio laws prohibited such a union。 Then the lover caught AIDS; and died a horrible death。 Ronald knew exactly how to bury him; but then the lover's family intervened and excluded Ronald from the funeral and burial。 Distraught; Ronald sued the family; claiming emotional and psychological damage。 The case had bounced around the lower courts for six years; and now had suddenly found itself sitting on Jensen's desk。 
  At issue was the rights of spouses of gays。 Dumond had bee a battle cry for gay activists。 The mere mention of Dumond had caused street fights。 
  And Jensen had the case。 The door to his smaller office was closed。 Jensen and his three clerks sat around the conference table。 They had spent two hours on Dumond; and gone nowhere。 They were tired of arguing。 One clerk; a liberal from Cornell; wanted a broad pronouncement granting sweeping rights to gay partners。 Jensen wanted this too; but was not ready to admit it。 The other two clerks were skeptical。 They knew; as did Jensen; that a majority of five would be impossible。 
  Talk turned to other matters。
  〃The Chiefs ticked off at you; Glenn;〃 said the clerk from Duke。 They called him by his first name in chambers。 〃Justice〃 was such an awkward title。 
  Glenn rubbed his eyes。 〃What else is new?〃
  〃One of his clerks wanted me to know that the Chief and the FBI are worried about your safety。 Says you're not cooperating; and the Chiefs rather disturbed。 He wanted me to pass it along。〃 Everything was passed along through the clerks' network。 Everything。
  〃He's supposed to be worried。 That's his job。〃
  〃He wants to assign two more Fibbies as bodyguards; and they want access to your apartment。 And the FBI wants to drive you to and from work。 And they want to restrict your travel。〃
  〃I've already heard this。〃
  〃Yeah; we know。 But the Chiefs clerk said the Chief wants us to prevail upon you to cooperate with the FBI so that they can save your life。〃
  〃I see。〃
  〃And so we're just prevailing upon you。〃
  〃Thanks。 Go back to the network and tell the Chiefs clerk that you not only prevailed upon me but you raised all sorts of hell with me and that I appreciated all of your prevailing and hell…raising; but it went in one ear and out the other。 Tell them Glenn considers himself a big boy。〃
  〃Sure; Glenn。 You're not afraid; are you?〃
  〃Not in the least。〃 
  *  *  *
  HOMAS CALLAHAN was one of Tulane's more popular professors; primarily because he refused to schedule classes before 11 A。M。 He drank a lot; as did most of his students; and for him the first few hours of each morning were needed for sleep; then resuscitation。 Nine and ten o'clock classes were abominations。 He was also popular because he was coolfaded jeans; tweed jackets with well…worn elbow patches; no socks; no ties。 The liberal…chic…academic look。 He was forty…five; but with dark hair and horn…rimmed glasses he could pass for thirty…five; not that he gave a damn how old he looked。 He shaved once a week; when it started itching; and when the weather was cool; which was seldom in New Orleans; he would grow a beard。 He had a history of closeness with female students。 
  He was also popular because he taught constitutional law; a most unpopular course but a required one。 Due to his sheer brilliance and coolness he actually made con law interesting。 No one else at Tulane could do this。 No one wanted to; really; so the students fought to sit in con law under Callahan at eleven; three mornings a week。
  Eighty of them sat behind six elevated rows and whispered as Callahan stood in front of his desk and cleaned his glasses。 It was exactly five after eleven; still too early; he thought。
  〃Who understands Rosenberg's dissent in Nash v。 New Jersey?〃 All heads lowered and the room was silent。 Must be a bad hangover。 His eyes were red。 When he started with Rosenberg it usually meant a rough lecture。 No one volunteered。 Nash? Callahan looked slowly; methodically around the room; and waited。 Dead silence。 
  The doorknob clicked loudly and broke the tension。 The door opened quickly and an attractive young female in tight washed jeans and a cotton sweater slid elegantly through it and sort of glided along the wall to the third row; where she deftly maneuvered between the crowded seats until she came to hers and sat down。 The guys on the fourth row watched in admiration。 The guys on the fifth row strained for a peek。 For two brutal years now; one of the few pleasures of law school had been to watch as she graced the halls and rooms with her long legs and baggy sweaters。 There was a fabulous body in there somewhere; they could tell。 But she was not one to flaunt it。 She was just one of the gang; and adhered to the law school dress code of jeans and flannel shirts and old sweaters and oversized khakis。 What they wouldn't give for a black leather miniskirt。
  She flashed a quick smile at the guy seated next to her; and for a second Callahan and his Nash question were forgotten。 Her dark red hair fell just to the shoulders。 She was that perfect little cheerleader with the perfect teeth and perfect hair that every boy fell in love with at least twice in high school。 And maybe at least once in law school。
  Callahan was
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