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  〃I don't have to explain。 It's public record; isn't it?〃
  Darby took the strip of paper and folded it。 〃Are you familiar with the Freedom of Information Act?〃
  〃Are you a lawyer?〃
  〃I don't have to be a lawyer to look at this file。〃 
  The clerk opened a drawer in the counter; and took out a key ring。 She nodded; pointing with her forehead。 〃Follow me。〃 
  The sign on the door said JURY ROOM; but inside there were no tables or chairs; only file cabinets and boxes lining the walls。 Darby looked around the room。 
  The clerk pointed to a wall。 〃That's it; on this wall。 The rest of the room is other junk。 This first file cabinet has all the pleadings and correspondence。 The rest is discovery; exhibits; and the trial。〃
  〃When was the trial?〃
  〃Last summer。 It went on for two months。〃
  〃Where's the appeal?〃
  〃Not perfected yet。 I think the deadline is November 1。 Are you a reporter or something?〃
  〃Good。 As you obviously know; these are indeed public records。 But the trial judge has placed certain restrictions。 First; I must have your name and the precise hours you visited this room。 Second; nothing can be taken from this room。 Third; nothing in this file can be copied until the appeal is perfected。 Fourth; anything you touch in here must be put back exactly where you found it。 Judge's orders。〃 
  Darby stared at the wall of file cabinets。 〃Why can't I make copies?〃
  〃Ask His Honor; okay? Now; what's your name?〃
  〃Darby Shaw。〃 
  The clerk scribbled the information on a clipboard hanging near the door。 〃How long will you be?〃
  〃I don't know。 Three or four hours。〃
  〃We close at five。 Find me at the office when you leave。〃 She closed the door with a smirk。 Darby opened a drawer full of pleadings; and began flipping through files and taking notes。 The lawsuit was seven years old; with one plaintiff and thirty…eight wealthy corporate defendants who had collectively hired and fired no less than fifteen law firms from all over the country。 Big firms; many with hundreds of lawyers in dozens of offices。 
  Seven years of expensive legal warfare; and the oute was far from certain。 Bitter litigation。 The trial verdict was only a temporary victory for the defendants。 The verdict had been purchased or in some other way illegally obtained; clairned the plaintiff in its motions for a new trial。 Boxes of motions。 Accusations and counteraccusations。 Requests for sanctions and fines flowing rapidly to and from both sides。 Pages and pages of affi davits detailing lies and abuses by the lawyers and their clients。 One lawyer was dead。 
  Another had tried suicide; according to a classmate of Darby's who had worked on the fringes of the case during the trial。 Her friend had been employed in a summer clerkship with a big firm in Houston; and was kept in the dark but heard a little。 
  Darby unfolded a chair and stared at the file cabinets。 It would take five hours just to find everything。 
  *  *  *
  THE PUBLICITY had not been good for the Montrose。 Most of its customers wore dark sunglasses after dark; and tended to enter and exit rather quickly。 And now that a U。S。 Supreme Court Justice had been found in the balcony; the place was famous and the curious drove by at all hours pointing and taking pictures。 Most of the regulars went elsewhere。 The bravest darted in when the traffic was light。 
  He looked just like a regular when he darted in and paid his money inside the door without looking at the cashier。 Baseball cap; black sunglasses; jeans; neat hair; leather jacket。 He was well disguised; but not because he was a homosexual and ashamed to be hanging around such places。 
  It was midnight。 He climbed the stairs to the balcony; smiling at the thought of Jensen wearing the tourniquet。 The door was locked。 He took a seat in the center section on the floor; away from anyone else。 
  He had never watched queer movies before; and after this night he had no plans to watch another one。 This was his third such smut house in the past ninety minutes。 He kept the sunglasses on and tried to avoid the screen。 But it was difficult; and this irritated him。 
  There were five other people in the theater。 Four rows up and to his right were two lovebirds; kissing and playing。 Oh; for a baseball bat and he could put them out of their misery。 Or a nice little piece of yellow ski rope。 
  He suffered for twenty minutes; and was about to reach in his pocket when a hand touched his shoulder。 A gentle hand。 He played it cool。
  〃Could I sit by you?〃 came the rather deep and manly voice from just over his shoulder。
  〃No; and you can remove your hand。〃 
  The hand moved。 Seconds passed; and it was obvious there would be no more requests。 Then he was gone。 
  This was torture for a man violently opposed to pornography。 He wanted to vomit。 He glanced behind him; then reached carefully into the leather jacket and removed a black box; six inches by five and three inches thick。 He laid it on the floor between his legs。 With a scalpel; he made a careful incision in the cushion of the seat next to him; then; while glancing around; inserted the black box into the cushion。 There were springs in this one; a real antique; and he delicately twisted the box from one side to the other until it was in place with the switch and the tube barely visible through the incision。 
  He took a deep breath。 Although the device had been built by a true professional; a legendary genius at miniature explosives; it was not pleasant carrying the damned thing around in a coat pocket; just centimeters from his heart and most other vital organs。 And he wasn't particularly fortable sitting next to it now。 
  This was his third plant of the night; and he had one more; at another movie house where they showed old…fashioned heterosexual pornography。 He was almost looking forward to it; and this irritated him。 
  He looked at the two lovers; who were oblivious to the movie and growing more excited by the minute; and wished they could be sitting right there when the little black box began silently spewing forth its gas; and then thirty seconds later when the fireball would flash…fry every object between the screen and the popcorn machine。 He would like that。 
  But his was a nonviolent group; opposed to the indiscriminate killing of innocent and/or insignificant people。 They had killed a few necessary victims。 Their specialty; however; was the demolition of structures used by the enemy。 They picked easy targets: unarmed abortion clinics; unprotected ACLU offices; unsuspecting smut houses。 They were having a field day。 Not one single arrest in eighteen months。 
  It was twelve…forty; time to leave and hurry four blocks to his car for another black box; then six blocks over to the Pussycat Cinema; which closed at one…thirty。 The Pussycat was either eighteen or nineteen on the list; he couldn't remember which; but he was certain that in
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