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self before long; and I do not enjoy the reminder。 I'll send my sympathies to the family。 When you see them; please apologize for me。 I'm a very old man。〃 He left with a clerk。
  〃I think Justice Thurow has a point;〃 said Jason Kline。 〃We at least need to review the pending cases and those likely to arrive here from the lower circuits。 It's a long shot; but we may stumble across something。〃
  I agree;〃 said the Chief。 〃It's just a bit premature; don't you think?〃
  〃Yes; but I'd like to get started anyway。〃
  〃No。 Wait till Monday; and I'll assign you to Thurow。〃 
  Kline shrugged and excused himself。 Two clerks followed him to Rosenberg's office; where they sat in the darkness and sipped the last of Abe's brandy。 
  *  *  *
  IN A CLUTTERED STUDY CARREL on the fifth level of the law library; between the racks of thick; seldom…used law books; Darby Shaw scanned a printout of the Supreme Court's docket。 She had been through it twice; and though it was loaded with controversy; she found nothing that interested her。 Dumond was causing riots。 There was a child pornography case from New Jersey; a sodomy case from Kentucky; a dozen death penalty appeals; a dozen assorted civil rights cases; and the usual array of tax; zoning; Indian; and antitrust cases。 From the puter she had pulled summaries of each; then reviewed them twice。 She piled a neat list of possible suspects; but they would be obvious to everyone。 The list was now in the garbage。 
  Callahan was certain it was the Aryans or the Nazis or the Klan; some easily identifiable collection of domestic terrorists; some radical band of vigilantes。 It had to be right…wingers; that much was obvious; he felt。 Darby was not so sure。 The hate groups were too obvious。 They had made too many threats; thrown too many rocks; held too many parades; made too many speeches。 They needed Rosenberg alive because he was such an irresistible target for their hatred。 Rosenberg kept them in business。 She thought it was somebody much more sinister。 
  He was sitting in a bar on Canal Street; drunk by now; waiting on her though she had not promised to join him。 She had checked on him at lunch; and found him on the balcony upstairs; drunk and reading his book of Rosenberg opinions。 He had decided to cancel con law for a week; said he might not be able to teach it anymore now that his hero was dead。 She told him to sober up; and she left。 
  A few minutes after ten; she walked to the puter room on the fourth level of the library and sat before a monitor。 The room was empty。 She pecked away at the keyboard; found what she wanted; and soon the printer was spewing forth page after page of appeals pending in the eleven federal appellate courts around the country。 An hour later; the printer stopped; and she now possessed a six…inch…thick summary of the eleven dockets。 She hauled it back to her study carrel and placed it in the center of the cluttered desk。 It was after eleven; and the fifth level was deserted。 A narrow window gave an uninspiring view of a parking lot and trees below。 
  She kicked off her shoes again and inspected the red paint on the toes。 She sipped a warm Fresca and stared blankly at the parking lot。 The first assumption was easy…the killings were done by the same group for the same reasons。 If not; then the search was hopeless。 The second assumption was difficult…the motive was not hatred or revenge; but rather manipulation。 There was a case or an issue out there on its way to the Supreme Court; and someone wanted different justices。 The third assumption was a bit easier…the case or issue involved a great deal of money。 
  The answer would not be found in the printout sitting before her。 She flipped through it until midnight; and left when the library closed。 
  *  *  *
  AT NOON THURSDAY a secretary carried a large sack decorated with grease spots and filled with deli sandwiches and onion rings into a humid conference room on the fifth floor of the Hoover Building。 In the center of the square room; a mahogany table with twenty chairs along each side was surrounded with the top FBI people from across the country。 All ties were loosened and sleeves rolled up。 A thin cloud of blue smoke hung around the cheap government chandelier five feet above the table。 
  Director Voyles was talking。 Tired and angry; he puffed on his fourth cigar of the morning and walked slowly in front of the screen at his end of the table。 Half the men were listening。 The other half had pulled reports from the pile in the center of the table and read about the autopsies; the lab report on the nylon rope; Nelson Muncie; and a few other quickly researched subjects。 The reports were quite thin。 
  Listening carefully and reading intently was Special Agent Eric East; only a ten…year man but a brilliant investigator。 Six hours earlier Voyles had picked him to lead the investigation。 The rest of the team had been selected throughout the morning; and this was the organizational meeting。 
  East was listening and hearing what he already knew。 The investigation could take weeks; probably months。 Other than the slugs; nine of them; the rope; and the steel rod used in the tourniquet; there was no evidence。 The neighbors in Georgetown had seen nothing; no exceptionally suspicious characters at the Montrose。 No prints。 No fibers。 Nothing。 It takes remarkable talent to kill so cleanly; and it takes a lot of money to hire such talent。 Voyles was pessimistic about finding the gunmen。 They must concentrate on whoever hired them。 
  Voyles was talking and puffing。 〃There's a memo on the table regarding one Nelson Muncie; a millionaire from Jacksonville; Florida; who's allegedly made threats against Rosenberg。 The Florida authorities are convinced Muncie paid a bunch of money to have the rapist and his lawyer killed。 The memo covers it。 Two of our men talked with Muncie's lawyer this morning; and were met with great hostility。 Muncie is out of the country; according to his lawyer; and of course he has no idea when he will return。 I've assigned twenty men to investigate him。〃 
  Voyles relit his cigar and looked at a sheet of paper on the table。 〃Number four is a group called White Resistance; a small group of middle…aged mandos we've been watching for about three years。 You've got a memo。 Pretty weak suspect; really。 They'd rather throw firebombs and burn crosses。 Not a lot of finesse。 And; most importantly; not much money。 I doubt seriously if they could hire guns as slick as these。 But I've assigned twenty men anyway。〃 
  East unwrapped a heavy sandwich; sniffed it; but decided to leave it alone。 The onion rings were cold。 His appetite had vanished。 He listened and made notes。 Number six on the list was a bit unusual。 A psycho named Clinton Lane had declared war on homosexuals。 His only son had moved from their family farm in Iowa to San Francisco to enjoy the gay life; but had quickly died of AIDS。 Lane cracked up; and burned the Gay Coalition office in Des Moines。 Caught and sentenced to four years; he escaped in 1989 and had not been found。 According to the
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