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  〃The Montrose Theatre; at midnight;〃 Callahan repeated。
  〃Where is it?〃 she asked。 Callahan had finished law school at Georgetown。
  〃Not sure。 But I think it's in the gay section。〃
  〃Was he gay?〃
  〃I've heard rumors。 Evidently。〃 They were both sitting on the end of the bed with the sheets over their legs。 The President was ordering a week of national mourning。 Flags at half…staff。 Federal offices closed tomorrow。 Funeral arrangements were inplete。 He rambled for a few more minutes; still deeply saddened; even shocked; very human; but nonetheless the President and clearly in charge。 He signed off with his patented grandfather's smile of plete trust and wisdom and reassurance。 
  An NBC reporter on the White House lawn appeared and filled in the gaps。 The police were mute; but there appeared to be no suspects at the moment; and no leads。 Yes; both justices had been under the protection of the FBI; which had no ment。 Yes; the Montrose was a place frequented by homosexuals。 Yes; there had been many threats against both men; especially Rosenberg。 And there could be many suspects before it was all over。 
  Callahan turned off the set and walked to the french doors; where the early air was growing thicker。 〃No suspects;〃 he mumbled。
  〃I can think of at least twenty;〃 Darby said。
  〃Yeah; but why the bination? Rosenberg is easy; but why Jensen? Why not McDowell or Yount; both of whom are consistently more liberal than Jensen? It doesn't make sense。〃 Callahan sat in a wicker chair by the doors and fluffed his hair。
  〃I'll get you some more coffee;〃 Darby said。
  〃No; no。 I'm awake。〃
  〃How's your head?〃
  〃Fine; if I could've slept for three more hours。 I think I'll cancel class。 I'm not in the mood。〃
  〃Damn; I can't believe this。 That fool has two nominations。 That means eight of the nine will be Republican choices。〃
  〃They have to be confirmed first。〃
  〃We won't recognize the Constitution in ten years。 This is sick。〃
  That's why they were killed; Thomas。 Someone or some group wants a different Court; one with an absolute conservative majority。 The election is next year。 Rosenberg is; or was; ninety…one。 Manning is eighty…four。 Yount is early eighties。 They could die soon; or live ten more years。 A Democrat may be elected President。 Why take a chance? Kill them now; a year before the election。 Makes perfect sense; if one was so inclined。〃
  〃But why Jensen?〃
  〃He was an embarrassment。 And; obviously; he was an easier target。〃
  〃Yes; but he was basically a moderate with an occasional leftward impulse。 And he was nominated by a Republican。〃
  〃You want a Bloody Mary?〃
  〃Good idea。 In a minute。 I'm trying to think。〃 
  Darby reclined on the bed; sipped the coffee; and watched the sunlight filter across the balcony。 〃Think of it; Thomas。 The timing is beautiful。 Reelection; nominations; politics; all that。 But think of the violence and the radicals; the zealots; the pro…lifers and gay haters; the Aryans and Nazis; think of all the groups capable of killing; and all the threats against the Court; and the timing is perfect for an unknown; inconspicuous group to knock them off。 It's morbid; but the timing is great。〃
  〃And who is such a group?〃
  〃Who knows?〃
  〃The Underground Army?〃
  〃They're not exactly inconspicuous。 They killed Judge Fernandez in Texas。〃
  〃Don't they use bombs?〃
  〃Yeah; experts with plastic explosives。〃
  〃Scratch them。〃
  〃I'm not scratching anybody right now。〃 Darby stood and retied the robe。 〃e on。 I'll fix you a Bloody Mary。〃
  〃Only if you drink with me。〃
  〃Thomas; you're a professor。 You can cancel your classes if you want to。 I am a student and。。。〃
  〃I understand the relationship。〃
  〃I cannot cut any more classes。〃
  〃I'll flunk you in con law if you don't cut classes and get drunk with me。 I've got a book of Rosenberg opinions。 Let's read them; sip Bloody Marys; then wine; then whatever。 I miss him already。〃
  〃I have Federal Procedure at nine; and I can't miss it。〃
  〃I intend to call the dean and have all classes canceled。 Then will you drink with me?〃
  〃No。 e on; Thomas。〃 He followed her down the stairs to the kitchen and the coffee and the liquor。 
  *  *  *
  WTHOUT REMOVING the receiver from his shoulder; Fletcher Coal punched another button on the phone on the desk in the Oval Office。 Three lines were blinking; holding。 He paced slowly in front of the desk and listened while scanning a two…page report from Horton at Justice。 He ignored the President; who was crouched in front of the windows; gripping his putter with gloved hands; staring fiercely first at the yellow ball; then slowly across the blue carpet to the brass putting cup ten feet away。 Coal growled something into the receiver。 His words were unheard by the President; who lightly tapped the ball and watched it roll precisely into the cup。 The cup clicked; cleared itself; and the ball rolled three feet to the side。 The President inched forward in his socks to the next ball; and breathed downward at it。 It was an orange one。 He tapped it just so; and it rolled straight into the cup。 Eight in a row。 Twenty…seven out of thirty。
  〃That was Chief Runyan;〃 Coal said; slamming the receiver down。 〃He's quite upset。 He wanted to meet with you this afternoon。〃
  〃Tell him to take a number。〃
  〃I told him to be here at ten tomorrow morning。 You have the Cabinet at ten…thirty; and National Security at eleven…thirty。〃 
  Without looking up; the President gripped the putter and studied the next ball。 〃I can't wait。 What about the polls?〃 He swung carefully and followed the ball。
  〃I just talked to Nellson。 He ran two; beginning at noon。 The puter is digesting it now; but he thinks the approval rating will be somewhere around fifty…two or fifty…three。〃 
  〃The golfer looked up briefly and smiled; then returned to his game。What was it last week?〃
  〃Forty…four。 It was the cardigan without the tie。 Just like I said。〃
  〃I thought it was forty…five;〃 he said as he tapped a yellow one and watched it roll perfectly into the cup。
  〃You're right。 Forty…five。〃
  〃That's the highest in〃
  〃Eleven months。 We haven't been above fifty since Flight 402 in November of last year。 This is a wonderful crisis; Chief。 The people are shocked; yet many of them are happy Rosenberg is gone。 And you're the man in the middle。 Just wonderful。〃 Coal punched a blinking button and picked up the receiver。 He slammed it down without a word。 He straightened his tie and buttoned his jacket。
  〃It's five…thirty; Chief。 Voyles and Gminski are waiting。〃 
  He putted and watched the ball。 It was an inch to the right; and he grimaced。 〃Let them wait。 Let's do a press conference at nine in the morning。 I'll take Voyles with me; but I'll keep his mouth shut。 Make him stand behind me。 I
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