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s paradoxical behavior; to seek out the arms of a man whose enemy she'd just helped towards victory。 But this was not a day to waste analyzing such conundrums。 She'd done what she'd done; and there was an end to it。
 Gentle hoisted himself up onto the sill; from which perch he'd often planned his itinerary; and attempted to push all thoughts of her defection out of his head。 This was a bad room in which to try and forget her; however。 It was; after all; the womb in which she'd been made。 The boards most likely still concealed motes of the sand that had marked her circle and stains; deep in their grain; of the liquors he'd anointed her nakedness with。 Try as he might to keep the thoughts from ing; one led inevitably to another。 Imagining her naked; he pictured his hands upon her; slick with oils。 Then his kisses。 Then his body。 And before a minute had passed he was sitting on the sill with an erection nuzzling against his underwear。
 Of all the mornings to be plagued with such distraction! The beguilements of the flesh had no place in the work ahead of him。 They'd brought the last Reconciliation to tragedy; and he would not allow them to lead him from his sanctified path by a single step。 He looked down at his groin; disgusted with himself。
 〃Cut it off;〃 Little Ease advised。
 If he could have done the deed without making an invalid of himself; he'd have done so there and then; and gladly。 He had nothing but contempt for what rose between his legs。 It was a hotheaded idiot; and he wanted rid of it。
 〃I can control it;〃 he replied。
 〃Famous last words;〃 the creature said。
 A blackbird had e into the tree and was singing blithely there。 He looked its way and beyond; up through the branches into the burnished blue sky。 His thoughts abstracted as he studied it; and by the time he heard Clem ing up the stairs with food and drink the spasm of carnality had passed; and he greeted his angels with a cooling brow。
 〃So now we wait;〃 he told Clem。
 〃What for?〃
 〃For Jude to e back。〃
 〃And if she doesn't?〃
 〃She will;〃 Gentle replied。 〃This is where she was born。 It's her home; even if she wishes it weren't。 She'll have to make her way back here eventually。 And if she's conspired against us; Clem…if she's working with the enemy…then I swear I'll draw a circle right here〃…he pointed to the boards…〃and Til unmake her so well it'll be as though she never drew breath。〃
 The law…defying waters were passionate。 Though they carried Jude through the palace at considerable speed; roaming through corridors their passage had already stripped of tapestries and furnishings; they treated their cargo with care。 She wasn't thrown against the walls or the pillars; but was borne up on a ship of surf that neither faltered nor foundered but hurried; remotely helmed; to its destination。 That place could scarcely be in doubt。 The mystery at the heart of the Autarch's maze had always been the Pivot Tower; and though she'd witnessed the beginning of the tower's undoing; it was still; surely; her place of debarkation。 Prayers and petitions had gone there for an age; attracted by the Pivot's authority。 Whatever force had replaced it; calling these waters; it had set its throne on the rubble of the fallen lord。
 And now she had proof of that; as the waters carried her out of the naked corridors and into the still severer environs of the tower; slowing to deliver her into a pool so thick with detritus it was almost solid。 Out of this wreckage rose a staircase; and she hauled herself from the debris and lay on the lower steps; giddy but exhilarated。 The waters continued to surge around the staircase like an eager spring tide; and their clear desire to be up the flight was contagious。 She got to her feet; after a little time; and proceeded to climb。
 Although there were no lights burning at the top; there was plenty of illumination spilling down the stairs to meet her; and like the light at the springing places it was prismatic; suggesting there were more waters ahead that had e into the palace via other routes。 Before she was even halfway up the flight; two women appeared and stared down at her。 Both were dressed in simple off…white shifts; the fatter of the pair; a woman of gargantuan proportions; unbuttoned to bare her breasts to the baby she was nursing。 She looked almost as infantile as her charge; her hair wispy; her face; like her breasts; heavy and sugar…almond pink。 The woman beside her was older and slimmer; her skin substantially darker than that of her panion; her gray hair braided and bed out to her shoulders like a cowl。 She wore gloves; and glasses; and regarded Jude with almost professorial detachment。
 〃Another soul saved from the flood;〃 she said。
 Jude had stopped climbing。 Though neither woman had made any sign that she was forbidden entry; she wanted to e into this miraculous place as a guest; not a trespasser。
 〃Am I wele?〃
 〃Of course;〃 said the mother。 〃Have you e to meet the Goddesses?〃
 〃Are you from the Bastion; then?〃
 Before Jude could reply; her panion supplied the answer。 〃Of course not! Look at her!〃
 〃But the waters brought her。〃
 〃The waters'll bring any woman who dares。 They brought us; didn't they?〃
 〃Are there many others?〃 Jude asked。
 〃Hundreds;〃 came the reply。 〃Maybe thousands by now。〃
 Jude wasn't surprised。 If someone like herself; a stranger in the Dominions; had e to suspect that the Goddesses were still extant; how much more hopeful must the women who lived here have been; living with the legends of Tishalulle and Jokalaylau。
 When Jude reached the top of the stairs; the bespectacled woman introduced herself。
 〃I'm Lotti Yap。〃
 〃I'm Judith。〃
 〃We're pleased to see you; Judith;〃 the other woman said。 〃I'm Paramarola。 And this fellow〃…she looked down at the baby…〃is Billo。〃
 〃Yours?〃 Jude asked。
 〃Now where would I have found a man to give me the likes of this?〃 Paramarola said。
 〃We've been in the Annex for nine years;〃 Lotti Yap explained。 〃Guests of the Autarch。〃
 〃May his thorn rot and his berries wither;〃 Paramarola added。
 〃And where have you e from?〃 Lotti asked。
 〃The Fifth;〃 Jude said。
 She was not fully attending to the women now; however。 Her interest had been claimed by a window that lay across the puddle…strewn corridor behind them: or; rather; by the vista visible through it。 She went to the sill; both awed and astonished; and gazed out at an extraordinary spectacle。 The flood had cleared a circle half a mile wide or more in the center of the palace; sweeping walls and pillars and roofs away and drowning the rubble。 All that was left; rising from the waters; were islands of rock where the taller towers had stood; and here and there a corner of one of the palace's vast amphitheaters; preserved as if to mock the overweening pretensions of its architect。 Even these fragments would not stand for much longer; she suspected。 The waters circled this immense basin without violence; but their sheer weight would soon bring these last remnants of Sartori's masterwork down。
 At the center of this small sea was an island larger than the rest; its lower shores made up of the half…demolished chambers that had clustered around th
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