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carry a light freight from the lower slopes。 The bulk of the cargo was debris…items of clothing; a few drowned graveolents; some slices of burned bread…but among this trash were objects clearly set upon the stream to be carried wherever it was going: boat missives of carefully folded paper; small wreaths of woven grass; set with tiny flowers; a doll laid on a little flood in a shroud of ribbons。
 Jude plucked one of the paper boats out of the water and unfolded it。 The writing inside was smeared but legible。
 Tishalulle; the letter read。 My name is Cimarra Sakeo。 1 send this prayer for my mother and for my father; and for my brother; Boem; who is dead。 I have seen you in dreams; Tishalulle; and know you are good。 You are in my heart。 Please be also in the hearts of my mother and father; and give them your fort。
 Jude passed the letter over to Hoi…Polloi; her gaze following the course of the married streams。
 〃Who's Tishalulle?〃 she asked。
 Hoi…Polloi didn't reply。 Jude glanced around at her; to find that the girl was staring up the hill。
 〃Tishalulli?〃 Jude said again。
 〃She's a Goddess;〃 Hoi…Polloi replied; her voice lowered although there was nobody within earshot。 She dropped the letter onto the ground as she spoke; but Jude stooped to pick it up。
 〃We should be careful of people's prayers;〃 she said; refolding the boat and letting it return to its voyage。
 〃She'll never get it;〃 Hoi…Polloi said。 〃She doesn't exist。〃
 〃Yet you refuse to say her name out loud。〃
 〃We're not supposed to name any of the Goddesses。 Poppa taught us that。 It's forbidden。〃
 〃There are others; then?〃
 〃Oh; yes。 There's the sisters of the Delta。 And Poppa said there's even one called Jokalaylau; who lived in the mountains。〃
 〃Where does Tishalulle e from?〃
 〃The Cradle of Chzercemit; I think。 I'm not sure。〃
 〃The Cradle of what?〃
 〃It's a lake in the Third Dominion。〃
 This time; Jude knew she was smiling。 〃Rivers; snows; and lakes;〃 she said; going down on her haunches beside the stream and putting her fingers into it。 〃They've e in the waters; Hoi…Polloi。〃
 〃Who have?〃
 The stream was cool and played against Jude's fingers; leaping up against her palm。 〃Don't be obtuse;〃 she said。 〃The Goddesses。 They're here。〃
 〃That's impossible。 Even if they still existed…and Poppa told me they don't…why would they e here?〃
 Jude lifted a cupped handful of water to her lips and supped。 It tasted sweet。 〃Perhaps somebody called them;〃 she said。 She looked at Hoi…Polloi; whose face was still registering her distaste at what Jude had just done。
 〃Somebody up there?〃 the girl said。
 〃Well; it takes a lot of effort to climb a hill;〃 Jude said。 〃Especially for water。 It's not heading up there because it likes the view。 Somebody's pulling it。 And if we go with it; sooner or later…〃
 〃I don't think we should do that;〃 Hoi…Polloi replied。
 〃It's not just the water that's being called;〃 Jude said。 〃We are too。 Can't you feel it?〃
 〃No;〃 the girl said bluntly。 〃I could turn around now and go back home。〃
 〃Is that what you want to do?〃
 Hoi…Polloi looked at the river running a yard from her foot。 As luck would have it; the water was carrying some of its less lovely cargo past them: a flotilla of chicken heads and the partially incinerated carcass of a small dog。
 〃You drank that;〃 Hoi…Polloi said。
 〃It tasted fine;〃 Jude said; but looked away as the。 dog went by。
 The sight had confirmed Hoi…Polloi in her unease。 〃I think I will go home;〃 she said。 〃I'm not ready to meet Goddesses; even if they are up there。 I've sinned too much。〃
 〃That's absurd;〃 said Jude。 〃This isn't about sin and forgiveness。 That kind of nonsense is for the men。 This is 。。。〃 she faltered; uncertain of the vocabulary; then said; 〃This is wiser than that。〃
 〃How do you know?〃 Hoi…Polloi replied。 〃Nobody really understands these things。 Even Poppa。 He used to tell me he knew how the et was made; but he didn't。 It's the same with you and these Goddesses。〃
 〃Why are you so afraid?〃
 〃If I wasn't I'd be dead。 And don't condescend to me。 I know you think I'm ridiculous; but if you were a bit politer you'd hide it。〃
 〃I don't think you're ridiculous。〃
 〃Yes; you do。〃
 〃No; I just think you loved your Poppa a little too much。 There's no crime in that。 Believe me; I've made the same mistake myself; over and over again。 You trust a man; and the next thing 。 。 。〃 She sighed; shaking her head。 〃Never mind。 Maybe you're right。 Maybe you should go home。 Who knows; perhaps he'll be waiting for you。 What do I know?〃
 They turned their backs on each other without further word; and Jude headed on up the hill; wishing as she went that she'd found a more tactful way of stating her case。
 She'd climbed fifty yards when she heard the soft pad of Hoi…Polloi's step behind her; then the girl's voice; its rebuking tone gone; saying; 〃Poppa's not going to e home; is he?〃
 Jude turned back; meeting Hoi…Polloi's cross…eyed gaze as best she could。 〃No;〃 she said; 〃I don't think he is。〃
 Hoi…Polloi looked at the cracked ground beneath her feet。 〃I think I've always known that;〃 she said; 〃but I just haven't been able to admit it。〃 Now she looked up again and; contrary to Jude's expectation; was dry…eyed。 Indeed; she almost looked happy; as though she was lighter for this admission。 〃We're both alone now; aren't we?〃 she said。
 〃Yes; we are。〃
 〃So maybe we should go on together。 For both our sakes。〃
 〃Thank you for thinking of me;〃 Jude said。 〃 〃We women should stick together;〃 Hoi…Polloi replied; and came to join Jude as she resumed the climb。
 To Gentle's eye Yzordderrex looked like a fever dream of itself。 A dark borealis hung above the palace; but the streets and squares were everywhere visited by wonders。 Rivers sprang from the fractured pavements and danced up the mountainside; spitting their climb in gravity's face。 A nimbus of color painted the air over each of the springing places; bright as a flock of parrots。 It was a spectacle he knew Pie would have reveled in; and he made a mental note of every strangeness along the way; so that he could paint the scene in words when he was back at the mystifs side。
 But it wasn't all wonders。 These prisms and waters rose amid scenes of utter devastation; where keening widows sat; barely distinguishable from the blackened rubble of their houses。 Only the Eurhetemec Kesparate; at the gates of which he presently stood; seemed to be untouched by the fire raisers。 There was no sign of any inhabitant; however; and Gentle wandered for several minutes; silently honing a fresh set of insults for Scopique; when he caught sight of the man he'd e to find。 Athanasius was standing in front of one of the trees that lined the boulevards of the Kesparate; staring up at it admiringly。 Though the foliage was still in place; the arrangement of branches it grew upon was visible; and Gentle didn't have to be an aspirant Christos to see how readily a body might be nailed to them。 He called Athanasius' name several times as he approached; but the man seemed lost in reverie and didn't look around; even when Gentle was at his shoulder。 He did; however; reply。
 〃You came not a moment too soon;〃 he said。
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